Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Evening News with MarkZ. 10/14/2024

Monday Evening Chat With MarkZ

MarkZ Update – Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Good Evening mark, mods and members

Member: Are you surprised Mark that it hasn’t gone? Seems odd.

Member: I really thought we would’ve seen it by now

MZ: Let’s start with this one from the WTO: “Congratulations to 23 participants (Iraq being one of those) for completing WTO ascension training and market access negotiations on goods” This tells us Iraq is preparing for that ascension.

MZ: I continue to hear out of Iraq that they hope for that announcement this week.    

MZ: “Government advisor: “The financial life of this country in 2024 is going smoothly” Things are going well

MZ: “Parliamentary finance: 2025 budget tables must be realistic” They are reining in excess spending and bringing in more revenues.

MZ: Still waiting for a response on Bonds. Bond folks were supposed to be getting a solid update today on if they are getting paid this week or not. I will let you know when I get that answer.

Member: German Bonds?

Member: All the news I am waiting for right now are on the German bonds. Things are very quiet on Chinese bonds.

MZ:  I do know of a group trying to get boxes of Zim notes processed. These are like ours but boxed in sequential order. They want to get them processed before next week because they expect those to go within a week after the German bonds. I think there are 1,000 100T notes per box.

Mark…is the skyrocketing of the market a sign of it crashing soon??

​​Member: My local Wells Fargo said they have tried to find out if they were a RC (Redemption Center) since they’ve been asked a lot lately. “Its like they don’t want us to know” they said they got no answer

Member: We got some good BRICS news coming out today of local currencies and them coming to a solid agreement…

Member: Read an article that said Cuba applied to join BRICS

Member: Also Austria applied…..wish we could join

Member: What is a s**t gun start? I thought it was Bond holders, 4a and 4b goes at once

Member: Shotgun start is they all go when we get notifications to make our appointments ……our exchange will be close behind

Member: Thank you, Mark! Thank you, Mods! Have a great evening, Patriots!

Member: Be blessed

​​INTEL INFO ROOM: Link: https://t.me/+K_GNVfTI0gFkZWYxDESCRIP…A room for newcomers to find information and answer your questions regarding the RV process.


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.


Finance: Automation Plays A Vital Role In Reducing Financial And Administrative Corruption, 15 OCT

 Finance: Automation Plays A Vital Role In Reducing Financial And Administrative Corruption

Local | 06:24 - 10/14/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Finance Minister Taif Sami confirmed on Monday that automation plays a vital role in reducing corruption and financial loss.

The ministry said in a statement received by Mawazine News that "Finance Minister Taif Sami met with the Strategic Planning and Federal Service Committee, and important issues related to following up on the government program implemented in the various formations of the ministry were discussed, in addition to following up on mechanisms for developing institutional 

performance and activating automation systems in sectors related to the ministry's work and developing banking work in accordance with the comprehensive banking system and applying it in all banks in a way that ensures simplifying account opening procedures as well as transfer operations, and represents a step towards moving from paper transactions to electronic ones to provide the best services to citizens."

The statement added that "Sami reviewed during the meeting the measures taken to improve the efficiency of work at customs ports, enhance revenues and facilitate the movement of goods," noting that "automation plays a vital role in reducing corruption and reducing financial loss, in addition to the electronic payment system (pos) as a step to accelerate the completion of transactions, reduce financial and administrative corruption, save a lot of time and effort, and implement the unified treasury account project, which represents a qualitative leap in the management of public funds in order to keep pace with financial and economic progress."

Sami continued, according to the statement, that "the ministry has reached advanced stages in automating taxes in coordination with the Supreme Committee for Tax Reform, which ensures improving efficiency, reducing errors, enhancing transparency and ensuring tax compliance, which has contributed to increasing government revenues and improving services provided to citizens."

The statement added that "the retirement sector and the most important steps taken to facilitate and simplify salary disbursement procedures and ensure the provision of services in a faster and more transparent manner were highlighted," indicating that "the Minister called on the advanced cadres to implement the remaining reforms in accordance with the government program to improve administrative and financial performance in federal institutions," adding that "the meeting addressed the aspect of combating corruption, as the Ministry has made great strides in this aspect through the use of modern methods, systems and advanced electronic programs to reduce this scourge."

He pointed out that "the mechanisms for developing human cadres in various sectors were addressed, by providing the necessary training and qualification to enhance the capabilities of employees and achieve the highest levels of performance."

The Minister of Finance stressed "the importance of cooperation between government agencies to ensure the achievement of national goals and drive economic and social development."

For her part, the head of the Parliamentary Planning Committee praised "the Ministry's performance in implementing the paragraphs of the government program and its great role in developing the financial sector and maximizing budget revenues through advanced and modern programs."

The meeting was attended by the head and members of the Sovereign Strategic Planning Committee, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and the general managers of all the Ministry's formations," according to the statement.   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=255974




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Listen, I will dedicated an entire thread for all my followers who have IQD. And you all can upload all the new things you either bought or invested in. We will have our own hashtag. #IQDRich4Eva

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Parliamentary Economy Committee Discusses With The Central Bank Of Iraq The Reality Of Banks And The Problems Facing The Sector, 15 OCT

Parliamentary Economy Committee Discusses With The Central Bank Of Iraq The Reality Of Banks And The Problems Facing The Sector


Economy News – Baghdad  The Economy, Industry and Trade Committee, headed by MP Ahmed Salim Al-Kanani, discussed today, Monday, with the Director General of Investment and the Director General of Banks at the Central Bank, the problems facing the banking sector in Iraq.

The media department of the House of Representatives stated in a statement received by "Al-Eqtisad News" that "the Economy, Industry and Trade Committee, headed by MP Ahmed Salim Al-Kanani and attended by its members, hosted the Director General of Investment and the Director General of Banks at the Central Bank."

During the meeting, the reality of banks, the most prominent problems facing the Iraqi banking sector, and ways to find effective solutions to them were discussed. 143 viewsAdded 10/14/2024   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=48699


 Your QFS Account:

  • DO NOT fall for someone saying they will set up your QFS Account so you can access money in it. All they are doing is collecting your personal information so THEY can steal your money.
  • Everyone already has their own QFS account set up, and it contains all of your personal data and your DNA. THERE IS NOTHING TO SET UP!!!
  • All of us have money that is ours in these accounts.  This is money you’ve earned throughout your life. The money from your birth certificate is already deposited into that account, as well as payments for loans you’ve requested, student loans, mortgages, etc. You don’t need Zim Bonds or Dinars to set up a QFS Account.
  • After everyone has exchanged, the general public will be called, summoned to the redemption center, given a QFS card, and will be able to use their money.
  • At some point we will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and won’t be able to speak about this topic.

SANDY INGRAM: IQD VND HTG ARS Exchange Rates The Iraqi PM Delivers Good News

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