Monday, September 2, 2024

Finance: Iraq maintains its credit rating and foreign exchange reserves level, 2 SEPT

  Finance: Iraq maintains its credit rating and foreign exchange reserves level

 The Ministry of Finance confirmed, on Sunday, that Iraq has maintained its credit rating and the level of foreign currency reserves.

The ministry said in a statement, seen by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "in the latest report issued by Standard & Poor's Credit Rating Agency (S&P), Iraq maintains its credit rating at B- / B with a stable outlook, indicating financial and economic stability in Iraq."

It added, "The new rating reflects the ongoing economic and financial reform policy pursued by the Ministry of Finance, in addition to maintaining the level of foreign currency reserves that exceed the external public debt and fulfilling other external financial obligations as a result of the stability of crude oil prices." It continued,

"The agency's report indicated the possibility of improving Iraq's credit rating in the event of an increase in the economic growth rate, diversification of the state's oil and non-oil public financial revenues, an increase in the per capita income share of the national income, and the continuation of financial and economic policy reform measures."  link



Article: "Two conditions to achieve it .. Al-Sudani's advisor rules out removing 3 zeros from the currency"

  These articles, this misleading, is intentional right now...Contradicting statements are found throughout all of these statements, all of these articles...The 25 note has to become a 25k note

 There isn't even a 25 note...When did Iraq last have a 25 note?  Never.



[Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 

Question:  You're asking us why we are not talking to you about these [lower note] commercials.  Can you tell us more about them

 AKI:  Yes, they are coming out.  This is the media campaign we told you about.  It's getting faster and faster and louder and louder.  

The purpose is to show the citizens the new lower notes and more information. 

 These commercials are coming out at any time now...Nothing is in the way to block this next step.  It is a massive media campaign.  

[[Iraqi bank friend Aki update]

New York is to remove the red tape that the United Nations is still holding on the banks of Iraq that are not participating in the monetary reform.  

These sanctioned banks may stay sanctioned or be shut down completely. 

 It really doesn't matter to the monetary reform process but this is something that is needed to be done.

Iraq's Big Move: US Gas Investment Talks!

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Iraq's Oil Minister to Discuss Gas Investment in Upcoming US Visit, 2 SEPT

 Iraq's Oil Minister to Discuss Gas Investment in Upcoming US Visit

Iraq's Oil Minister, Hayan Abdel-Ghani, is set to visit the United States in September 2024 to explore opportunities for US investment in Iraq's gas sector.  This strategic move aims to attract American companies to invest in 10 gas exploration blocks, which have remained unclaimed following six previous licensing rounds. The initiative underscores Iraq's efforts to diversify its energy sector investments and reduce reliance on Chinese firms, which have dominated previous oil field contracts.

During the visit, Abdel-Ghani will present these untapped gas blocks to US companies, marking a significant step in Iraq's pursuit of energy independence. Additionally, the minister announced plans to initiate a new gas investment project by the end of 2024 at the Al-Faihaa oil field in southern Iraq, with a production capacity of 125 million standard cubic feet (mscf) per day.  This project is a cornerstone of Iraq's strategy to enhance domestic gas production and strengthen its energy infrastructure.

Global Investment Trends in Clean Energy

The upcoming visit by Iraq's Oil Minister coincides with a global shift in investment trends, particularly in clean energy. In 2024, global investment in clean energy is forecast to exceed USD 3 trillion for the first time, with USD 2 trillion allocated to clean energy technologies and infrastructure.   This acceleration in clean energy investment, following a surge since 2020, has positioned spending on renewable power, grids, and storage higher than total spending on oil, gas, and coal. 

However, the IEA highlights that much more needs to be done, especially in least-developed economies that are often left behind in the shift towards clean energy.  In 2024, the share of global clean energy investment outside of China is projected to remain at around 15% of the total, which is insufficient to meet rising energy demand sustainably. 

Iraq's Energy Strategy and US Engagement

Iraq's decision to pursue US investment in its gas sector reflects a broader strategy to diversify its energy partners and enhance domestic production. The country recognizes the importance of securing reliable energy sources and reducing its dependence on Iranian gas imports. 

Opportunities and Challenges

The visit by Iraq's Oil Minister presents a pivotal moment for US companies interested in expanding their presence in the Middle East's energy market. It also offers Iraq the opportunity to tap into US expertise and capital to develop its gas infrastructure. However, the success of these discussions will depend on various factors, including geopolitical dynamics, market conditions, and the terms of potential investment agreements.


As Iraq's Oil Minister prepares for his visit to the US, the stage is set for potentially transformative discussions on gas investment. The outcome of these talks could significantly impact Iraq's energy landscape and its path towards energy independence. For the US, this represents an opportunity to deepen its engagement in the Middle East's energy sector, particularly in the context of a global energy transition that increasingly favors clean and sustainable sources.

"HCL !!!" BY FRANK26, 2 SEPT


FRANK26: "HCL !!!"................F26

Oil Minister reveals upcoming visit to US to discuss gas investment file




Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani confirmed today, Saturday, the intention to refer 10 gas exploration blocks for investment in a new licensing round, and while revealing an upcoming visit to the United States to discuss offering them to international companies, he confirmed the intention to launch a new gas investment project at the end of the year with a capacity of 125 Mcm.

Abdul Ghani said: "The fifth and sixth supplementary licensing rounds included 29 blocks and fields, and contracts were completed on 14 of them, and there are about 10 gas blocks among the remaining that companies have not applied for and we are in the process of offering them in a new licensing round."

He added, "The Ministry of Oil plans to offer these gas investment opportunities to specialized companies, and we have a visit to the United States soon for this purpose, as we plan to offer them to international American companies."

He added, "The Ministry of Oil took the initiative to drill an exploratory well in the Al-Anz area with a capacity of 1,000 cubic meters, and the Halfaya gas investment project was also opened with a capacity of 300 cubic meters, and it is hoped to launch the gas investment project in the Al-Faiha oil field at the end of this year with a capacity of 125 cubic meters."



 Nader From The Mid East

  Everybody's saying there's a new category of currency come out in the streets of Iraq.   We heard it but we didn't see anything.  Nothing new, we still with the same currency.  For now didn't see anything. 

 Nader From The Mid East  

Community comment: "Iraq is not a safe country.

 Why?  United States a safe country? 

 When you look at Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and all that you think it's safe?  

Fear.  Everywhere it's bad and good are everywhere...

Tell you the truth it's safer in Iraq than Chicago.  Visit the country and then judge.  You cannot judge because you heard something on the news or somebody told you something.  I was there two weeks ago.  I've been going back and forth.  My kids been going back and forth.  Everybody's been happy.

How Kurdish Traders Are Shaking Up the Dollar Exchange Rate!

The government forms a higher committee to adapt Iraqi banks to international financial requirements, 20 SEPT

  The government forms a higher committee to adapt Iraqi banks to international financial requirements 9/19/2024 Prime Minister Mohammed Sh...