Thursday, August 15, 2024



Al-Sudani unveils major industrial and energy projects in Karbala

Shafaq News/ PM Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani has officially launched the first phase of four major projects within the Karbala Industrial City, including an industrial gases plant, a kerosene production facility, a vacuum distillation unit, and an organic solvents plant, to contribute significantly to the nation's economic growth and self-sufficiency.

During the inauguration ceremony, Al-Sudani emphasized the potential of these projects to create jobs, reduce import dependency, and stimulate local industry. The industrial gases plant, with a daily capacity of 1,000 tons, is expected to meet the growing demand for various gases across sectors, while the kerosene plant, producing 1,000 cubic meters per day, will enhance Iraq's energy supply. 

The vacuum distillation plant, with a capacity of 2,500 tons per day, will improve crude oil processing, providing essential components for refining and industrial use. Additionally, the organic solvents plant, producing 1,000 cubic meters per day, will supply critical materials to the chemical industry.

These initiatives mark the first phase of Karbala Industrial City's development, a key part of the government's broader strategy to diversify Iraq's economy and reduce reliance on oil exports. Al-Sudani reiterated the government's commitment to industrial growth, urging both local and international investors to contribute to the country's economic transformation.

Earlier today, Al-Sudani arrived at Karbala International Airport as the $500 million expansion project nears completion, positioning the airport to handle up to 20 million passengers annually. furthermore, he announced the launch of a major electricity project in Karbala, aiming to produce 10,000 megawatts (MW) of power, and inaugurated three significant power plants: the Karbala gas-fired combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 132 MW, the Karbala solar power station with a capacity of 300 MW, and the Shores of Karbala Substation (400 KV) with a capacity of 1,500 MW.


Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani has recently unveiled several major industrial and energy projects in Karbala, marking a significant step in Iraq's economic development. These projects, which include an industrial gases plant, a kerosene production facility, a vacuum distillation unit, and an organic solvents plant, are part of the first phase of the Karbala Industrial City's development.

Key Details of the Projects:

  1. Industrial Gases Plant: This facility will have a daily production capacity of 1,000 tons, aiming to meet the demand for gases used across various sectors.

  2. Kerosene Production Facility: With a daily output of 1,000 cubic meters, this plant is designed to enhance Iraq's energy supply.

  3. Vacuum Distillation Unit: Capable of processing 2,500 tons per day, this unit will improve the refinement of crude oil and provide essential components for industrial use.

  4. Organic Solvents Plant: Producing 1,000 cubic meters per day, this plant will supply important materials for the chemical industry.

These projects are part of a broader strategy to diversify Iraq's economy beyond its dependence on oil exports. The industrial advancements are expected to generate jobs, reduce import dependency, and stimulate local industries.

In addition to these industrial developments, Al-Sudani highlighted the nearing completion of the $500 million expansion project at Karbala International Airport, which will increase its capacity to handle up to 20 million passengers annually.

The Prime Minister also announced a major electricity project aimed at producing 10,000 megawatts (MW) of power. This includes:

  • Karbala Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Power Plant: 132 MW capacity
  • Karbala Solar Power Station: 300 MW capacity
  • Shores of Karbala Substation (400 KV): 1,500 MW capacity

These initiatives underline the government's commitment to economic transformation and invite both local and international investors to participate in Iraq's industrial growth.

💢Q & A - EAS & Lockdowns - what to expect.....BY GINGER, 15 AUGUST

 ðŸ’¢Q & A - EAS & Lockdowns - what to expect.....

💢Member: Q - So the question would be if this is true and certain,  will we even know about the “lockdown “ if we are NOT in one of the affected areas?  Because this was supposed to be the cover for traveling to the camping area?

💢 Piscees Girl nailed it - A - You may not know if your not in an effected area..

I do not and have not ever thought that there will be or needs to be a total lockdown for us to go camping..

It’s been explained that if you live in an area that needs more clean up (bigger cities or the border cities) there will be restrictions, curfews or some kind of lockdown in place. 

You will still be able to move about just with restrictions.. Just listen to the instructions from the military and you’ll be fine. 

I do not think this will be a big ordeal. 

💢 Ginger - 🎯 Perfect! 💯

DINAR REVALUATION : World Bank's New Funding for Iraq: A Game Changer?


Foreign Ministry: There are no US forces in Iraq, only advisers

Baghdad – Mil

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry confirmed on Thursday that there are no US forces in Iraq except for military advisers under the umbrella of the international coalition.

The ministry said in a statement to Mill that “there are no US forces in Iraq except for the military advisers who are under the umbrella of the international coalition,” pointing out that “these advisers are covered by the outputs of the work of the Supreme Military Committee.”

She added that “the two parties are committed to the mechanisms followed and their outputs,” noting that “the Supreme Military Committee has focused its work during the past months on assessing the threat of ISIS organization with the aim of reaching a deadline to end the military mission of Operation Inherent Resolve.”

“On this basis, the presence of the advisers of the international coalition with all their nationalities on the territory of Iraq will be ended,” she continued, noting that “these discussions included details that included the hierarchy of the withdrawal of advisers from the sites, and only agreement remained on the details and date of the announcement and some other logistical aspects.”

“We were very close to the announcement of this agreement, but due to recent developments the announcement of the end of the military mission of the international coalition in Iraq was postponed,” she continued, stressing that “the bilateral relationship with the United States in all areas, including the security relationship, is completely separate from the course of the relationship with the international coalition forces.”

She stressed that “this relationship exists before the coalition and will continue after it,” adding that “the Iraqi delegation discussed the future of the security relationship in the fields of training, weaponization, equipping and security cooperation, in light of what the Iraqi Constitution allows and the framework of the strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States.”–.html


The Iraqi Foreign Ministry has confirmed that there are no US combat forces currently stationed in Iraq, only military advisers operating under the international coalition.

 The presence of these advisers is linked to the international coalition's mission, which is focused on assessing the threat from ISIS and determining the future of Operation Inherent Resolve.

 Discussions about ending the coalition’s military mission have been ongoing, but recent developments have delayed the announcement of the mission's conclusion.

The relationship between Iraq and the United States in terms of security cooperation, including training and equipment, continues independently of the international coalition's mission. This ongoing cooperation is governed by the strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States, as well as the Iraqi Constitution.



Sat. 17 Aug. GESARA Announcement: President Trump told banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt starting Sat. 17 Aug. with the national debt already taken care of by switching to the QFS, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of August 2024. …Gesara DurPreusse on Twitter Mon. 12 Aug. 2024

· Mon. 19 Aug. Red Folder EAS/EBS Project Odin/Starlink: Don’t be shocked when it all happens. Project Odin as you may/not know is controlled by the military. Ten countries are said to be running the international broadcast on internet, TV, and radio – which will entail info on all corruption in government, banking, and military. Mon. 19 Aug. has the potential to be one of the craziest days in history. Alert! Panic Mode! It’s time for change! The final countdown! Upcoming: State of Emergency. Red Folder …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Tues. 13 Aug. 2024

· On Tues. 20 Aug. the EBS Emergency Broadcast System starts all over the World. The EBS starts on a Tues. so people can prepare on a Monday by buying food, medications, toilet paper. Take your money out of the bank.

· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Possible Iraqi Dinar Revaluation.

Jon Dowling & Carolyn Dennis Discuss The Great Wealth Transfer & Nesara ...