Saturday, August 3, 2024


 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

 FIREFLY: August is looking good...a lot is coming to a point in August.  Iraq is opening up 4 military manufacturing produce military equipment and weapons.   Isn't that saying the sanctions will be off?  

FRANK:  Your country has no sanctions.... whatsoever of any kind. 

 FIREFLY:TV saying CBI banks are offering a 10% gain on any investment opportunities. 

 FRANK:  Shoot, I might even come there!  They're going to give you 10% on your money if you open the bank account?  ...Are you kidding me?  You talk about incentives...


FIREFLY: My bank guy did say dropping the zeros does not change the value.

   FRANK:  He's right.  Because it's going to be 1 to 1 with the American dollar.  It doesn't affect it inside.  It will effect it outside.  No it will not change it.  When it floats it will change it. 

 FIREFLY: Poor countries with terrible inflation, they drop [zeros] in order to lop.  We are not like that.  We drop to add value.  It's all inflation based.


 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

FIREFLY: My bank guy did say dropping the zeros does not change the value.

  FRANK:  He's right.  Because it's going to be 1 to 1 with the American dollar.  It doesn't affect it inside.  It will effect it outside.  No it will not change it.  When it floats it will change it. 

 FIREFLY: Poor countries with terrible inflation, they drop [zeros] in order to lop.  We are not like that.  We drop to add value.  It's all inflation based.

    FRANK: Yes, you drop to add value inside of your country...They wanted to be at least 1 to 1 with the American dollar in order to add this value to your currency.  That's why he means that dropping the zeros won't add value to your currency...Then your currency will float on the International market and the value of your currency goes up outside your country as well.  Inside, it will go from 1320 to at least 1 American dollar in order to add value which is purchasing power...If it was a lop they would be adding zeros. 

Iraqi Dinar🎉 Green Light Has Been Sent Iraqi Dinar RV Today 2024🔥iraqi d...

US REJECTS VIETNAM'S Request to Lift ‘Non-Market Economy’ Tag, 3 August


" The Biden administration rejected Vietnam’s request to be classified officially as a “market economy,” a setback for the country’s efforts to boost exports to its most important market."

"The trade-dependent Southeast Asian economy has pressed the administration to revise the status since the upgrade in diplomatic ties during a visit by President Joe Biden to Vietnam in September last year."

"The “non-market” economy label mainly works against Vietnam when the US applies anti-dumping complaints. A change would have been a signal of closer ties at a time when the US is seeking to bolster relationships in the region as a counterweight to China. "

"Vietnam, which has signed numerous free trade agreements, is making greater access to the US market a priority. Its total trade — exports and imports — is equivalent to about twice the size of its economy."

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:  MSN



A contact went to the bank (Big 4) today to buy more currency. 

He was told by the manager, who acknowledges the RV, not to bother, because he would be coming back to exchange in "two days."

 Same contact was also told that "this week" the market would drop "2,000 points." 

That's not enough to make an impact. I think he misheard and was told the market would drop TO 2,000 POINTS. Don't forget, Andy Schectman predicted this on my interview with him two weeks ago. (link below).

 He said the US markets could drop to the value of Gold, which is around $2,454 an ounce. 

Also hearing the Crowdstrike hackers got access to the crash protection algorithms, and that when the plunge begins, they won't be able to halt trading. This is how it will be portrayed anyway.

Iraqi Dinar News Today - Iraq's Recent Reforms Are a Green Light for Inv...

Reuters: Iraq still accounts for the largest part of OPEC's excess production, 3 august

 OPEC oil output rose in July on a rebound in Saudi supplies and small increases elsewhere, a Reuters survey showed on Friday, offsetting the impact of ongoing voluntary supply cuts from other members and the wider OPEC+ alliance.

The survey, based on shipping data and information from oil industry sources, showed that OPEC pumped 26.70 million barrels per day last month, up 100,000 bpd from June.

The increase comes despite the OPEC+ alliance, which includes OPEC and allies including Russia, maintaining most production cuts until the end of 2025 to support the market in the face of tepid demand growth, rising interest rates and increased US production.

A meeting of senior OPEC+ ministers on Thursday left oil production policy unchanged, including a plan to start unwinding a tranche of output cuts from October.

The ministers stressed that this increase could be temporarily halted or reversed if necessary.

The survey found that Saudi Arabia provided the biggest boost to supplies last month, by 70,000 barrels per day, as exports rebounded from June when they were lower than expected. Output reached 9 million barrels per day in July, close to the kingdom’s target.

The survey showed that Nigeria recorded the largest decline of 30,000 barrels per day, with exports declining on a monthly basis.

Libya and Iran, two members not required to cut output, along with Iraq, recorded slight increases. The survey found that Iran’s output reached 3.22 million barrels per day, the highest since 2018, according to Reuters surveys.

Iran has boosted its exports in recent years despite continued U.S. sanctions. Iraq’s output has risen as exports have increased month-on-month, oil flow data and a tanker-tracking source showed.

The survey also said that OPEC exceeded the target assumed for the nine countries covered by the supply reduction agreements by about 240 thousand barrels per day, and that Iraq still represents the largest part of the excess production.

The Reuters survey aims to track supply to the market and is based on shipping data provided by external sources, flows data from the London Stock Exchange Group, information from firms that track flows, such as Petro-Logistics and Kpler, and information provided by sources at oil companies, OPEC and consultants.  link


 ðŸ’¥ðŸ’¥ðŸ’¥Live Saturday 💥💥💥

          Just Mayhem with Mel


💥Welcome Everybody 💥

💥welcome to our US listeners and all Countries from around the world💥

💥Latest RV news….💥

💥💥 August 13 , US Foreign Asset CONTROL OFFICE💥💥 To release the Moscow Exchange clearing house  that the Safe Keeping Assets (SKR) to be licensed going forward thru Oct 12💥💥

💥Base ever on Fundamentals / staying grounded💥

💥See Articles linked, Goldilocks 💥

💥Iraq joins Management Operations   that modernizes hospitals ( Med Beds ?)💥

💥A Project had been underway that Commissioned Removal of Corruption  moving forward / Have arrested 8 corrupted defendants/ seized 1,244 land transactions/ moving forward 💥

💥Both inside and outside Iraq the BIGGEST RECOVERY in a Century 💥

💥💥Iraq signed agreement with BP …to have OIL back their Currency 💥💥HUGH AGREEMENT moving them forward into what we are waiting for for💥💥💥HUGH💥💥💥

💥US Calling out the UN to step up their purposes/ to Promote PEACE AND SECURITY in the WORLD💥

💥Aug 1 Meeting with OPEC , was their 555 meeting/ 12 Countries joined, some being: Algeria, UAE, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Nigeria, Q8, IRAQ, and of course Saudi Arabia who is chairman of OPEC💥💥meeting to stabilize Markets and return INVESTMENTS thereto 💥💥

💥Asian Pacific Countries come together for Recovery, as is Singapore Development BANK : correlation to BRICS Bank….💥💥

💥India and Vietnam teaming up partnership with Blockchain cross/ off border payments…..💥💥

💥Aug 5…Starting a passport program in Singapore….💥

💥Anyone post the last Frank 26 , it was taken down 💥💥

💥Aug 15, Digital Stellar to launch in Indonesia….💥

💥Watch our Sizzling Sunday tomorrow 💥interesting things popping up up💥

💥Watching CERN, 3GorgeDam, etc.

Join in for more detailed information on pop up mentions / Monday Madness with Mel coming up 💥

💥Aug 4 Watch New Moon….more black outs? We shall see💥

💥In US state of KY  the 45 State to join the States in removing taxes on the purchase of Gold / Silver/ to Enact the tax exemption💥

💥7 Countries: some include, Russia/ US, Germany/ to release Business..

In correlation to the 7 Countries/ 7 Kingdoms / we have been waiting to reappear 💥

💥Indonesia heavily involved with QFS/ and Turkey…. Have skipped 5G and went straight from 4G to 6G…See links…💥

💥6G is of the wireless technology 💥See Article links on 6G💥

💥Government Funds : See links, use discernment: Funds that are seized are reappear back into the RV… see Article links…..💥

💥Good video with SGANON file 78 💥  going back to Gold Standard..💥

💥Aug 7 Ripple case with SEC releases…💥

💥Aug 12, the Olympic Drama 💥

💥Goldilocks Article mentions ISO’s in correlation to my History of Currencies/ thereto in a recent Mayhem with Mel ….💥Hit a marker💥

💥💥💥See you on Sizzling Sunday💥💥Watch Monday Madness, will discuss the XRP going off line(off ledger) …..will provide links then ….💥

💥💥💥Stay HAPPY, stay safe, stay calm and grounded…Stay Peaceful. Talk soon …..💥💥💥

💥💥💥Live Saturday with Mayhem 

     with Mel 💥💥💥by td USA

PIMPY: "What does Iraq need to do right now to reinstate their old rate of $3.22?, 18 SEPT

   Pimpy     Question: " What does Iraq need to do right now to reinstate their old rate of $3.22 ?"   Professor Boskin [of econom...