Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sources: US requests CBI to merge dollar-banned banks and close distressed banks, 31 JULY

 Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) is facing new demands from the United States regarding the dollar-banned and distressed banks, sources revealed on Tuesday.

According to sources, both the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve have instructed the Central Bank of Iraq to merge banks that are prohibited from dealing in dollars and to close certain distressed banks.

The sources noted that the Central Bank of Iraq is expected to implement swift actions in this regard. “This move aims to stabilize the banking sector and improve the exchange rate.”

“In response to Washington’s demands, the Central Bank has enlisted an international consultancy to devise a comprehensive plan, which will encompass the merging and closure of banks.” The sources said.

The consultancy, recommended by US authorities, is reported to have functions similar to those of K2, though its name and additional details have not been disclosed.


 Reno News

 Admiral Bob – This is fresh news from today, July 29, 2024 - his #2 person, she is yoked to him like I’m yoked to Jesus, who has been working beside him since 2005, still has not gotten her 1% yet. 

I asked my dear friend, who is connected with this inner circle group – With her being with him so long, one would think she would receive liquidity right off the bat, too. Isn’t that right? He replied,“Yes”. Sotakethisforwhatit’sworth,thatshehasnotreceivedher1% yet.

Reno Rumors

 When someone says, “The Admiral’s group has gone through” (claiming they got their 1% - they are suggesting that people have been getting paid with liquidity, and it has been a slow roll out. This is recent intel coming from other people.)

The latest rumor says that the original admiral’s group has “gone through,” says one intel provider – but I have serious concerns about this claim. If the #2 person to the Admiral in Reno has NOT received her 1% - as of this morning – then how does it make sense for entire groups in Tier 3 to already have full liquidity?

 I am just really curious, and I’m wondering, that some people might be misinterpreting the allowance (a stipend for travel) versus the actual 1% liquidity. I talked to you all in earlier Chronicles about this, in 11 and 12. Because the people are going to receive a stipend to travel, in case they need to locate to Reno or other parts of the world. 

I’ve got friends going to Zurich in Europe. They’re going to need some money to travel. I don’t know if some people say yeah, I got some money, and they’re letting their friends know in code, and the receiver is misinterpreting it, thinking the allowance is the 1% when it’s not. I’m just giving you something to consider. Because I’m not seeing enough actionable proof of solid liquidity in the bigger groups yet, so my friend and I, those that are really connected, we are just

wondering if more needs to be done on the Admiral’s side. Like maybe the CMKX, the farm claims, the adjudicated funds. We’re just wondering if more of that needs to kind of solidly whoosh through. And it’s all going to be quick, because it’s electronic. Just sharing that to pace yourself, so you have a good understanding. I just want to be truthful with what I’m seeing from my vantage point. 

And I don’t claim to know it all. I absolutely don’t claim to know everything, I do not have a crystal ball, but I have Jesus. And I have a good, good feeling when things don’t pass the smell test, and I try to ask about that. So, I think these are hopeful and solid, and things are very encouraging. But, the pace has to work through this process. I’ll talk more about that

Iraqi DinaršŸŽ‰After 19 Years HCL Near To Approved Today 2024šŸ”„iraqi dinar n...

Iraq Oil Exports Up in June, 31 June

 Iraq’s Service of Oil has declared settled oil trade volumes for June, however has again not revealed the worth of oil sends out for the month.

This pursues a rising direction of postponed or missing oil trade information from the Service.

Crude oil exports in total: 102,314 barrels
102,011,928 barrels were exported from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq, while 302,620 barrels were exported to Jordan.
Normal day to day unrefined petroleum trades: 3.410 milllion barrels pre day, somewhat up on to the 3.359 million bpd in May.



  The bad guys in Iraq, whoever they may be, they just don't want the monetary reform.  They don't want it to happen. 

 You know that.  That's the reason why we don't have the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar.  Because of the corruption that is occurring inside of the the government of Iraq.  But  Sudani is in good control...He sure is. 


 It's getting serious there's no doubt about it...The monetary reform of Iraq has blossomed. 

 Article:  "15 trillion dinars raises controversy in the budget PARLIAMENT TRIED TO ADD 15 TRILLION DINARS TO THE BUDGET SO THEY CAN STEAL IT... BUT SUDANI STOPPED IT!


 The HCL is the...mechanism the bad guys in Iraq are using to delay the monetary reform.  They used the budget but they got caught on that.  They changed the numbers.  

 It is an RI, a reinstatement...those that...insist this is an RV you're ignorant.  This is not an RV...This is a reinstatement.

A lot of people get confused.  It's like stepping in quicksand.  You see, the lifting of the zeros from the exchange rate is a little different from the lifting of the three zeros from the currency, fiat, physical.


The direction that the monetary reform is going is in the direction to add value and introduce new lower denoms and to change the exchange rate and then to float.  That's the step we're in. 

 We're not in a step where we need to pass laws.  We're not in a step where we need permission from anybody over there, over here, over there - United Nations Security Council, the Untied States Treasury, nobody.  We're at the point where Neil Armstrong is just about to put that right foot on the moon.

Is Chase...Wells Fargo, or any bank going to exchange your dinars into dollars

 Ain't no bank going to exchange your dinars into dollars.  Ain't no bank got that kind of money.  Chase will introduce you to JP Morgan...JP Morgan is going to take your dinars and they're going to send them to the US Treasury.  They're going to give you the equivalent of what you should receive in American dollars into your account.

Question: "If the rate is $3.22 and you go to the bank and exchange a 25,000 note in American dollars how much will that be?"  $3.22 times 25,000 friend.

Iraqi DinaršŸŽ‰ RV Update Of Iraqi Dinar By MNT Goat Today 2024šŸ”„iraqi dinar...

Government Advisor: Adoption of budget schedules does not affect financial obligations, 31 July

 The monetary guide to the Head of the state, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, affirmed today, Tuesday, that the spending plan plans have turned into a reality, and giving directions is a procedural matter that doesn’t influence monetary commitments.

Salih said, in a meeting followed , that “the legitimate reason for the ongoing monetary year 2024 is a matter that has been enacted and endorsed essentially, in light of the arrangements of the government general financial plan for the years 2023, 2025, 2024 gave by Regulation No. 13 of 2023, which was distributed on June 26, 2023 in the Authority Paper.”

He stated, “This was achieved in the fiscal year 2024,” noting that “what is stipulated in Article Two / 77 of the law includes the executive authority submitting the financial schedules for the two fiscal years 2024, 2025 to enable the House of Representatives to approve them sequentially.”

“The three-year federal general budget was implemented for the first time in the country, which was based on one of the articles included in the provisions of the Federal Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019, as amended, which permitted the implementation of a three-year general budget-based financial plan.”

Weekend Chat with MarkZ 21-9-2024