Sunday, July 28, 2024

Dinar Revaluation Alert: Intel Guru Wolverine's Big Announcement"Dinar I...

The latest budget developments. Sudani enters ‘manipulation’ line and charges 3 deputies, 28 JULY

  The Prime Minister, Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani, informed the Presidency of the House of Representatives of the investigation in the manipulation of budget tables.

The Secretary-General of the Ajyal Gathering, Mohammed Al-Sayhud, said during his addition to the program {Free speech} broadcast by the Euphrates satellite channel this evening, that: “Three deputies are accused of manipulating the budget tables after the vote and signed by the Presidency of the House of Representatives.”

He added, “The government revealed the issue of manipulating budget tables and the difference of 3 trillion and a half trillion dinars, and the Sudanese informed the House of Representatives of the formation of a committee to investigate the manipulation.”

The Symudis noted that “I am waiting for the report of the commission of inquiry, and legally the confidence will be withdrawn from them if they are proven to manipulate the schedules.”

The Parliamentary Finance Committee had revealed various budget schedules before and after its approval and a difference of 15 trillion dinars.

Committee member Moen Al-Kadhimi {Euphrates News} said that the budget tables that arrived from the Council of Ministers and approved within the dome of the Parliament are the same as the government tables; therefore, the book we received from the Council of Ministers is that the tables that were referred after the vote have a difference and a big difference in some doors amount to 15 trillion dinars.
He added that the spending budget is 211 trillion dinars; but the schedules signed by the presidency of parliament and sent to the Council of Ministers read 226 trillion dinars.
Al-Kadhimi explained that the Prime Minister’s Office sent the schedule signed by the Presidency of Parliament, which included:
– An increase in the amount of the ration card is 5 trillion dinars.
– An increase in oil revenues of 5 trillion dinars.
– Reducing the fee amounts is 5 trillion dinars.
– In addition to financial increases to the Ministry of Electricity and some provinces.



A Lot of Budgetary Review Going on in Iraq. Could be Mid August before Finalized. Still Restructuring Iraqi Banks & Replacing Dirty Players in CBI. US Says get it Done in CBI or WE will Take Control. #PatriotRodSteel



Major Fund movement for Group Leader access today. People just don’t realize or appreciate the magnanimous size of this global undertaking or the vetting and verification process on such massive amounts of bonds & other assets all ahead of us. It’s a tedious process. ROD STEEL



HAPPY 4th of July PATRIOTS❣️ Based on some private exchanges that have just taken place with a US Bank, Things are even more promising for Next Week! 👍#PatriotRodSteel





Greed among UN & Non NATO Countries scrambling for bigger piece of the pie. Banks & Fed Reserve on Standby this wkend. ABC Agencies saying this will be done end of day Monday if not before. Rate $3.91 

Gaza no longer has anything to do with it.

I’m aware of the Plan, but cautioned against exposure, but now that it’s leaking… 😉#PatriotRodSteel 


Okie had some positive news earlier today, thought we would hear some indication of the new rate when the Premier returned to his country from his visit to the US, the banker is assisting his hospitalized wife in CA so very little news from him so I guess we wait for FOREX to open, but again sports fans we appear to be very close, so say your prayers tonight.

This may be a little longer post than usual as the powers that be do not wish to get anyone''s hopes up only to be disappointed when the RV does not come in.  Well I spent 40 years in the investment banking and financial planning industry which allows for a slight advantage in researching certain areas of the acknowledged resources regarding money and securities.  Those areas being the IMF, FOREX, WTO, etc, etc.  

The Prime Minister returned to his country on this past Monday, he turned over to the head of the CBI to announce the pending revaluation of his nations currency.  The CBI provided the new rate to the IMF who in turn provided this rate to the FOREX which by policy has 72 hours from receipt to post for universal recognition which will be sometime between now and Wednesday 4/24/2024 by 7:00 PM.  

Since both the Gazette and the IMF rate schedules are published on Wednesday each week we can assume should there be a revaluation we should receive that news during this window.  Don't get excited or make any serious decisions but please stay calm and watch the next few days as we seem to be this close.  GOD Bless

Texas Snake, [04/22/2024, 10:25:30 p. m.]:

About 10 more minutes then I need to close

Will try to illistrate that tomorrow

Yes he uses a CBI Debit card to purchase items in Beeville and he discovered the exchange rate on a recent purchase equaled $3.90 US for his Dinar value up substantially from before the in country RV

Well folks will come back with anything new GOD Bless 

 Sunday April 14, 2024

Rod Steel : He says
My friend talked to Patriot Rod Steel today and confirmed he talked to some title agents and they received funds.
More Rod details: "I was told paperwork has just been completed and the Admiral will release all Monday. "
Rod continues: "The Iraqi government will release the new 'lower denomination' banknotes this week and then publish the new exchange rate (4+) which will be published in the Official Gazette on Sunday and then move to FOREX next Monday 22 April 1024.
My very close friend reviewed this information with two other contacts. Someone ver y close to the Admiral, who works alongside him daily. And the second gentleman is very close to those on the Bond side who are regularly aware of the details.
Both are also online with Rod's news, which is extremely encouraging. We also know Mark is listening to similar stories.
More from Ginger: I can't give details because I swore to secrecy, but I can say the documents were signed by people we know and others heard good news from the leaders of their groups on the T3 Bond side.
I personally don't know anyone in T3 who has cash to spend so far, but I'm very pleased with all the news we're getting. I am firm and steady, being optimistic.
translate spanish

domingo 14 de abril de 2024
Varilla de acero: Él dice. Mi amigo habló con Patriot Rod Steel hoy y confirmó que habló con algunos agentes de títulos y recibieron fondos.
Más detalles de Rod: "Me dijeron que se acaba de completar el papeleo y que el almirante saldrá en libertad todo el lunes". Rod continúa: "El gobierno iraquí publicará los nuevos billetes de 'menor denominación' esta semana y luego publicará el nuevo tipo de cambio (4+) que se publicará en el Boletín Oficial el domingo y luego pasará a FOREX el próximo lunes 22 de abril de 1024.
Mi amigo muy cercano revisó esta información con otros dos contactos. Alguien muy cercano al Almirante, que trabaja a su lado a diario. Y el segundo caballero es muy cercano a aquellos del lado de Bond que regularmente están al tanto de los detalles.
Ambos también están en línea con las noticias de Rod, lo cual es extremadamente alentador. También sabemos que Mark está escuchando historias similares.
Más de Ginger: No puedo dar detalles porque juré guardar el secreto, pero puedo decir que los documentos fueron firmados por personas que conocemos y otros escucharon buenas noticias de los líderes de sus grupos en el lado del Bond T3. Personalmente no conozco a nadie en T3 que tenga efectivo para gastar hasta ahora, pero estoy muy contento con todas las noticias que estamos recibiendo. Soy firme y estable, siendo optimista. Saludos hernán

Latest from Rod Steel ~ 2.10.24

My friend spoke to Patriot Rod Steel today, and he confirmed that he's spoken with some bond people and they have received funds.

More details from Rod:  "I was told the paperwork was just completed and the Admiral is going to release everything on Monday."

Rod continues: "The Iraq Government will reveal the new ‘lower denomination’ notes this week and then release the new Dinar Rate (4+) to be published in the Government Gazette on Sunday and then go on FOREX this coming Monday, the 12th". ROD

My very close friend vetted this information with two other contacts. One who is very close to the Admiral - as in working alongside him on a daily basis. And the second gentleman is extremely close to those on the Bond side who are clued into the details regularly. They both are in alignment with Rod's news also - so that's extremely encouraging. We also know that Mark is hearing similar stories. 

More from Ginger: I cannot give details because I'm sworn to secrecy, but allowed to say that the papers have been signed by people we know AND others have heard happy news from their group leaders on the T3 Bond side. I personally do not know of anyone in T3 who has liquid, spendable funds as of yet, but I'm extremely pleased with all of the news we're getting. I'm grounded and steady - remaining optimistic.  2.10.24

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge

Iraqi dinar ✅ Iraqi dinar Latest News ✅ Iraqi dinar Exchange Rate & Rev...

Within A Week.. More Than One Billion Dollars In Sales From The Central Bank Of Iraq, 28 JULY

  The total sales of hard currency in US dollars by the Central Bank of Iraq during the past week, during which the auction was opened, amounted to more than one billion dollars.

Our correspondent reported that the Central Bank sold during the past week and for the 5 days in which the auction was opened, one billion, 387 million, 237 thousand, and 049 dollars, at a daily rate of 277 million, 447 million, and 410 dollars, an increase over what was recorded in the previous week, which amounted to one billion, 91 million, 173 million, and 642 dollars.

The highest dollar sales were on Tuesday, reaching 283 million, 69 thousand, and 68 dollars, while the lowest sales were on Wednesday, reaching 274 million, 637 thousand, and 912 dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that foreign remittance sales during the past week amounted to 1 billion, 345 million, 937 thousand and 49 dollars, an increase of 96% compared to cash sales, which amounted to 41 million, 300 thousand dollars.   LINK



🇮🇶Iraq🇮🇶 💥The Ministerial Council Calls For Granting National Products A PRICE ADVANTAGE OF UP TO 20% OVER Imported Products. The ministerial Council for Economy called, on Monday, to grant national products a PREFERENTIAL PRICE ADVANTAGE OVER their imported counterparts, BY NO LESS THAN 20% of the imported price, in order to encourage production entities.  He pointed out that "the session was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Planning, Ministers of Finance, Agriculture, Trade and Industry, Labor and Social Affairs, Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Chairman of the Securities Commission, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil, and Advisor to the Prime Minister for Legal Affairs," indicating that "the Council discussed the items on its agenda and took appropriate decisions."  He pointed out that "the Council recommended to the Cabinet to approve the resumption of the principle of granting national products a PREFERENTIAL PRICE ADVANTAGE OVER their imported counterparts, in order to encourage entities to cover their needs from local production at NO LESS THAN 20% of the imported price." (IMO)-Can they also be telling us that the CBI will be adding a 20%(+) inflation increase rate to the previous $3.22 Iraq dinar rate, & REINSTATING the Dinar Rate to $3.86 (+)⁉️🤷🏽‍♂️

Iraqi Dinar News Today - Iraq’s Economic Boom - Enhanced Reserves Reflec...