Thursday, July 25, 2024




To IQD Holders - This development is extremely important to your investment and the anticipation of the IQD on the Forex Market.

 The recent inclusion of the CME CF Internet Computer-Dollar (ICP-USD) and XRP-Dollar (XRP-USD) Reference Rates and Real-Time Indices into the suite of benchmarks offered by the CME Group. 

This development, effective from July 29, marks a significant milestone in the global financial landscape, and it holds particular importance for the Iraqi Dinar (IQD) and the ongoing monetary reforms. This is basically the reason stable coins are so important. 

The establishment of transparent and reliable reference rates and real-time indices for XRP will enhance the overall stability and transparency in cryptocurrency markets. As these markets become more stable and predictable, it reduces the risks associated with volatile price movements. 

This stability is crucial as they explore integrating cryptocurrencies like XRP into their financial system. XRP's pairing with major currencies such as the US Dollar (USD) and now potentially the IQD will significantly increase liquidity and market access.

 For the Iraqi Dinar, this means improved foreign exchange market operations and potentially more favorable exchange rates due to increased demand and trading volume.

 XRP is designed to facilitate faster and more cost-effective cross-border transactions. By aligning IQD with XRP, Iraq can leverage these advantages to improve their international trade and remittance flows.

 This can lead to reduced transaction costs and time, benefiting the broader Iraqi economy. The pairing of XRP with IQD on the Forex Market is expected to bring several positive changes. Here are a few.

 The introduction of XRP-IQD pairs can lead to more stable exchange rates for the Iraqi Dinar. As XRP gains wider acceptance and usage, it can help buffer against extreme volatility often seen in currency markets. The enhanced transparency and stability provided by the new benchmarks can attract foreign investors to the Iraqi Dinar. Increased investor confidence can lead to higher capital inflows, supporting the Dinar’s value and stability. 

This is why there have been meetings taking place over the past few days. I'll cover that below in the next post.

PIMPY: Iraqi Dinar update for 07/23/24 - Another profit talks about the dinar

Central Bank Governor discusses with UN Regional Representative the development of bilateral programmes, 25 JULY

 His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Chairman of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Council, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, received the Regional Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for the Middle East and North Africa, Ms. “Christina Albertin” and her accompanying delegation. 

During the meeting, they discussed strengthening bilateral relations and completing the programs achieved between the two sides, especially with regard to capacity building in following up on criminal proceeds in accordance with international best practices.

The guest delegation praised the efforts made by the Iraqi Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Office in combating cross-border crimes, following up on proceeds, and strengthening the work of the internal, regional and international system.

It is noteworthy that Iraq is hosting the Second Baghdad International Conference on Combating Drugs, under the patronage of the Prime Minister, who made it clear in his speech during the conference that drugs threaten the stability of the region, and Iraq’s vision towards combating them is not limited to the harm targeting its youth, but will be a factor in comprehensive instability in the region if neglected.

Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
July 23, 2024



Tues. 23 July6 2024 Wolverine

 The millions of people in the Precatorios Platform were made liquid on Tues. 23. Private contractors are also being paid. More have been called into Zurich. My Asian contact said that their platform starts on Wed. 24 July. I was told Mon. night, that a certain country in Asia was about to release onTues. 23 July. China as well. 

A committee member in London confirmed that funds will be released Tues. afternoon in Reno and payments on Wed. 24 July.  Reno has liquid funds. They received instructions to pay on  Wed. 24 July. On Thursday D-1-D-2 will be released. The platforms will receive their funds on Wed. 24 July, but they must wait for D1 and D2 to go live on Thursday. Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 provide all the money for the exchange. At this moment there is a start in Brazil, for the beneficiaries of this process.

 Tues. 23 July 2024 Wolverine

  • “I am so excited. The Precatorios Platform was made liquid today. We are talking millions of people. Private contractors are also being paid. I also heard that more have been called into Zurich. My Asian contact said that their platform starts on  Wed. 24 July.”
  • “I have been crying a lot and full of happiness. What a day to wake up to. I received a call at 5 am this morning and listened to the yells and screams of joy from leaders in the Precotorious group! It is mindboggling that all this has been released at last. They will be blessed in a few days onto a digital wallet.  It is a Stablecoin, so they do not have to worry as that particular crypto goes down.  There will also be debit cards from wallets.  No bank will have hold on their money from a bank account. It has been absolutely phenomenal on that platform Thanks to Brazil people will enough oxygen to breathe and not worry about the help they need so much.
  • Last night, a certain country in Asia is about to release today. China as well.  They are about to be released as well. Listen to Wolvie he knows !  This is the week we have waited for – FOR all of us!!!!
  • Zurich Source -I was told that there was a big meeting of the London Committee this morning. Everything is in progress. Waiting for the start of activities tomorrow Wed. 24 July.
  • A committee member in London confirmed that funds will be released this afternoon in Reno and payments tomorrow Wed. 24 July.  That is, has the delivery and return of the trigger contracts been completed or is it still pending? Pending.
  • If what Zurich and London say is correct, activation payments will begin tomorrow Wed. 24 July.  Reno has liquid funds.  They received instructions to pay tomorrow morning 1. Farmers-2-Elderly -3 Platforms.
  • On Wednesday, to pay the ‘whales’.
  • On Thursday D-1-D-2 will be released.  The platforms will receive their funds tomorrow, but they must wait for D1 and D2 to go live on Thursday.  Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 provide all the money for the exchange and although the Platforms can receive your funds and send contracts, notices, etc.,
  • God bless you all we have finally arrived. This is the news guys. We have finally arrived. Give a big hug to your family, wife, husband, sons and daughters, we have finally arrived. This is the week we have been waiting for. And at last, Precatorios is released for millions.  We have finally arrived. God Bless you.
  • Five years on this, almost six years, has taken lots of toll on my health, lost my hearing as well, and I need those med beds, and hoping those will be available soon. I will be traveling very soon guys. Very soon. I will leave the channel to Carpathia and that is all from me. Have a beautiful day, love you guys, with all my heart. Wolverine. 
  • “What are Precatorios? Around 2018, a pilot test was carried out in Brazil where funds were delivered to several holders, as part of their negotiations of financial instruments. These funds were blocked without legal justification, to which the beneficiaries responded with a lawsuit. When a ruling was not received within the stipulated time, a legal resource called Precatoria was used, which had a successful result. Because of this, the program was named that way. As within the transaction the humanitarian issue or donations are required, this is where the opportunity to participate in this program arises.
  • At this moment there is a start in Brazil, for the beneficiaries of this process. We must take into account the respective travel times to each representative according to their Region, then to each leader and continuing with the lists, it takes time to organize the logistics, which is why we cannot establish exact dates.
  • The processes was in the final stretch. The main representatives were already in training and organization to give the pass to the nations and in turn the different representatives of each nation are developing tests on the lists depending on their logistics, to have effective deliveries and fast and above all legally, for the support of each recipient.

SANDY INGRAM: Iraq US Security Summit in Washington DC This Week #breakingnews

Iraq, US Agree To Reach Understanding On Concept Of New Phase Of Security Relationship, 25 JULY

 Wednesday 24 July 2024 | Politics Number of readings: 192  Baghdad / NINA / Iraq and the United States of America agreed to reach an understanding on the concept of a new phase of the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training, and traditional security cooperation programs.

The two sides agreed, in a joint statement issued after the second round of talks in Washington, to commit to developing Iraq's security and defense capabilities and their determination to deepen security cooperation across a full range of issues to advance the common interest of both countries in the security and sovereignty of Iraq, and in the stability of the region.

The 2024 Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue builds on the discussions held during the visit of the Iraqi-Sudanese Prime Minister to Washington, DC, in April of this year and the inaugural Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue last summer.

They agreed to establish a bilateral High Military Committee to analyze three factors, the threat from ISIS, operational requirements, and the capability levels of the Iraqi security forces, in addition to continuing consultations on enhancing bilateral cooperation to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS after more than a decade of cooperation between the international coalition and Iraq.

The Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue continued on the basis of the work of the High Military Committee over the past six months and in recognition of the upcoming tenth anniversary of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS military mission in Iraq.

A detailed joint statement on the future of the Global Coalition’s mission and presence in Iraq is scheduled to be issued shortly after the conclusion of the Higher Military Committee.

The two sides affirmed the importance of Iraq’s continued support for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS in Syria and around the world.

In addition, the delegations reached an understanding on the concept of a new phase in the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training, and traditional security cooperation programs.

The delegations also discussed efforts to build the operational capacity of Iraqi security forces through U.S. military assistance and security cooperation programs, including through Foreign Military Sales and Foreign Military Financing.  

The two sides emphasized the importance of continued cooperation to ensure the sustainability of U.S. military equipment used by Iraqi security forces. The delegations emphasized the value of professional military education and technical training programs and decided to enhance both.

In support of Iraq’s sovereignty and security, the delegations emphasized that the advisory mission is in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to support Iraqi security forces in the fight against ISIS and to support and develop Iraqi security forces, including Kurdish security forces.

The Iraqi representatives affirmed their absolute commitment to protect U.S. and Coalition personnel, advisors, convoys, and diplomatic facilities.

Delegations discussed the continued urgent need to return displaced persons and detainees currently in northeastern Syria to their countries of origin and to support reintegration efforts into local communities in Iraq. Repatriations represent an important line of effort in the ongoing fight against ISIS./ End



Wed. 24 July 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge
  •  Happy Camper German Bond Holders were being processed in Europe. That fits in with what we are experiencing here! A friend of mine who lives in Germany is very close to what’s happening in Zurich! She told me two weeks ago that everything was being processed and settled, and I asked her how far along they were, how long it would take and she sent me pictures of a boat party which took place on a big lake so apparently she’s not allowed to talk about it, that was answer enough for me.

💢 GINTEL PART 1/2 - 😁 Hello, Happy Campers!! Coded message for all you genius camping enthusiasts 🙌😁💥 late night 7.23.24 

💢 I've long since explained to you that all of the Camp Directors had been funded for the Triple Cabin Extravaganza to commence. We've been waiting all this time for some movement where Campers would enjoy their 💦 White Water Rapids trip 💦. Right about now, they'd better be packing their 👙🏖️. We hope they are gonna get drenched soon! 😁 

💢 Some really fun things are on the itinerary for Happy Campers! One of the Big Chief Camp Directors, called "Admiralias Renocerous The Great" was heard today, saying, "I'm QB1", meaning "The ball 🏈 is finally in his hands" and he's got the go ahead to score, which will make all the Happy Campers at the Triple Cabin Extravaganza cheer with excitement, standing to their feet, roaring with joy. As of tonight, Renocerous Campers aren't drenched 💦, but we're hopeful and expectant that they'll be happily drifting on their 💦 White Water Rapid excursion 💦 in the next few days.  

💢 As you know, Camp Directors in Zurich are happily anticipating positive movement 💦 in the European Base of Operations for the Triple Cabin Extravaganza. They are excitedly announcing for their Happy Campers to suit up 🩳 👙 😎 and prepare for their adventure to begin!! I've heard two friends who have 🏕️ Camping Extravaganza Reservations in Zurich who were told by their Camp Director that they will be at the Campfire and campsite picnic table for very special meetings before the end of July. 

💢 More Triple Cabin Extravaganza News International 💥😁💥 - Happy Campers who hold German Bonds are currently yodeling in German. Happy Campers who hold Yellow Dragon 🐲 Bonds by the box and affectionately called "whales" - will be swimming with said dragons very soon - and they won't be hard to find like the Loc Ness Monster 😛😆😂 Swim 👙 baby, swim! (Whales 🐳 swimming with dragons 🐉 - well, isn't that something?!! 🤯😂🤣) 

💢Ok, I digress ☺️😁😆 There are also many whom we've affectionately called "guppies" in the Triple Cabin Extravaganza who are also expected to go swimming with their German Bonds, yodeling away and swimming with their Dragons. Oh what fun! 💦🩳👙💦 Swim, guppies, swim!! 🙌 

💢 Other world news - Iraq Great Daddy-O Big Chief Camp Directors 👑 are still waiting for USA to announce - "We've Got The Gold" - as in USN before their rate is officially declared, for all the world 🌍 to see. With political maneuvers happening in USA currently, we are hoping this occurs quite soon. The US financial market must be in full compliance to transact funds in gold backed assets. The readiness for this is being prepared now. 😉

💢Back to more happy news for the "Admiralias Renocerous The Great", Quarter Back Extraordinaire 🏈 - his Great Score shall fund adjudicated 🚜 Farmer Claims, The Family of Elders and Triple Cabin Extravaganza platforms. I'm also hearing that CMKX adjudicated funds will be 💦 drenched 💦 at the same time and it all could go very quickly. ➡️ You'll recall that these Happy Camper Landmarks were what I called "Non-negotiables" and unless we saw them and passed them on the Happy Camper Hiking 🥾 Trail, we'd be waiting for our adventure. Welp, Campers, it looks like we're finally here! 😁 It could truly happen in a matter of days. Happy Trails are here, baby!! Pack your gear 🏕️ 🥾 so you don't get behind! Bring your 🩳🏖️👙 so you can swim💦! My best guess is that Quadruple Thrills Campground will be open for the "guppies" and rest of us within days after the Triple Cabin Extravaganza Camping Crew is 💦 through with their Happy 2024 Adventure of a Lifetime. 😁 

💢 Friendly reminder - all German "yodelers" and Yellow "Dragon 🐉" swimming enthusiasts and Zimbabwe trophy 🏆 holders must go to a Redemption Center to redeem your treasures. This includes ALL Happy Camper Historical Bonds. 😁

PM invites Indian companies to invest in Iraq, 20 SEPT

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani called on Indian companies to invest in Iraq today, Thursday. The Prime Minister's Media Office s...