Thursday, July 25, 2024

Iraq, US Agree To Reach Understanding On Concept Of New Phase Of Security Relationship, 25 JULY

 Wednesday 24 July 2024 | Politics Number of readings: 192  Baghdad / NINA / Iraq and the United States of America agreed to reach an understanding on the concept of a new phase of the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training, and traditional security cooperation programs.

The two sides agreed, in a joint statement issued after the second round of talks in Washington, to commit to developing Iraq's security and defense capabilities and their determination to deepen security cooperation across a full range of issues to advance the common interest of both countries in the security and sovereignty of Iraq, and in the stability of the region.

The 2024 Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue builds on the discussions held during the visit of the Iraqi-Sudanese Prime Minister to Washington, DC, in April of this year and the inaugural Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue last summer.

They agreed to establish a bilateral High Military Committee to analyze three factors, the threat from ISIS, operational requirements, and the capability levels of the Iraqi security forces, in addition to continuing consultations on enhancing bilateral cooperation to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS after more than a decade of cooperation between the international coalition and Iraq.

The Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue continued on the basis of the work of the High Military Committee over the past six months and in recognition of the upcoming tenth anniversary of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS military mission in Iraq.

A detailed joint statement on the future of the Global Coalition’s mission and presence in Iraq is scheduled to be issued shortly after the conclusion of the Higher Military Committee.

The two sides affirmed the importance of Iraq’s continued support for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS in Syria and around the world.

In addition, the delegations reached an understanding on the concept of a new phase in the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training, and traditional security cooperation programs.

The delegations also discussed efforts to build the operational capacity of Iraqi security forces through U.S. military assistance and security cooperation programs, including through Foreign Military Sales and Foreign Military Financing.  

The two sides emphasized the importance of continued cooperation to ensure the sustainability of U.S. military equipment used by Iraqi security forces. The delegations emphasized the value of professional military education and technical training programs and decided to enhance both.

In support of Iraq’s sovereignty and security, the delegations emphasized that the advisory mission is in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to support Iraqi security forces in the fight against ISIS and to support and develop Iraqi security forces, including Kurdish security forces.

The Iraqi representatives affirmed their absolute commitment to protect U.S. and Coalition personnel, advisors, convoys, and diplomatic facilities.

Delegations discussed the continued urgent need to return displaced persons and detainees currently in northeastern Syria to their countries of origin and to support reintegration efforts into local communities in Iraq. Repatriations represent an important line of effort in the ongoing fight against ISIS./ End

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