Sunday, July 21, 2024

SANDY INGRAM : BREAKING US Okays Iraq Purchase of Electricity from Iran in 120 Degree T...

What Is The Benefit Of Iraq Joining The World Trade Organization? Al-Monitor Sheds Light On The "Secrets", 21 JULY

Money  and business  Economy News - Follow-up  Iraq announced the resumption of negotiations to join the World Trade Organization for the first time since 2008, a step that may benefit the Iraqi economy but will take a long time.

Al-Monitor reported in a report translated by "Al-Eqtisad News" that "the Iraqi negotiating teams began "preparatory meetings" at the headquarters of the World Trade Organization in Geneva, and the Iraqi delegation included officials from ministries in the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, while another meeting will be held at an unspecified date to review Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization."

The World Trade Organization is an intergovernmental organization that aims to promote international trade. It provides a platform for governments to negotiate trade rules and disputes among themselves. Member states make key decisions. The WTO has 164 members who say they are responsible for 98% of world trade.

Iraq first applied to join the WTO in 2004, the year after the U.S. invasion that toppled dictator Saddam Hussein. A “working group” was then set up, but there has been little progress since then. The group last met formally in 2008. An informal meeting was held in 2017, according to the WTO’s website.

The process has gained significant momentum recently. In January, a WTO delegation visited Baghdad “to mobilize political support for the resumption of Iraq’s WTO accession process.” The discussion focused on Iraq’s economic reforms and was led by Saqr bin Abdullah Al-Muqbil, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the WTO and chair of the Iraq Accession Working Group, the organization said in a statement at the time.

A basic requirement for WTO accession is consistent trade policies across the country, including tariff rates and customs procedures. Thus, differences in the tariff structure between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government have been an obstacle to Iraq’s efforts to join the WTO.

The UN team for Iraq said in a statement that Iraq decided to unify the two customs systems in 2019, and the Federal Ministry of Finance finally approved the unified customs tariff framework in February of this year.

Joining the WTO could benefit Iraq. According to a report issued by the Council on Foreign Relations in April 2023, the WTO has been largely successful in expanding free trade.

The Council noted that the dollar value of international trade has quadrupled since the establishment of the World Trade Organization in 1995, and that average tariffs do not exceed 3%.

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, there are also negative aspects to the WTO.

The council noted in the report that "globalization and free trade have their drawbacks. These include the potential for economic inequality and job loss."

The WTO has been particularly criticized for its application of rules toward China.

“The WTO is also struggling to perform its third function – enforcing the rules – particularly with China. Since joining the WTO in 2001, China has violated global trade rules by providing extensive subsidies to its domestic industries and stealing technology and other intellectual property. China has faced few, if any, consequences for its actions,” the council said.

China has a growing presence in Iraq, and there have been significant Chinese investments in Iraqi oil and infrastructure in recent years.

The WTO says it has helped facilitate poverty alleviation in developing economies by promoting trade.

In September 2023, WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala told the Center for Strategic and International Studies: “Over the past generation, market-oriented reforms in places like Eastern Europe, India, and China, together with the open global economy anchored in the GATT/WTO system, have boosted growth and trade and helped lift more than a billion people out of extreme poverty.”

GATT stands for General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the predecessor to the World Trade Organization.

Iraq's trade is dominated by oil. Crude oil accounted for 90% of Iraq's $123 billion in exports in 2022. Iraq imported $67.1 billion that year, with the main imports being refined petroleum, broadcasting equipment, and cars.

These figures gave Iraq a trade surplus of more than $50 billion in 2022, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity.

Iraq may have a long wait before joining the WTO. East Timor joined in February after seven years of negotiations. Comoros joined at the same time — a process that took 17 years, Arabian Gulf Business Insight reported at the time.Views 63 07/20/2024 -



  • Fri. 19 July 2024 Wolverine: New Dinar Rate published Sun. night. Tier4b notification Mon. 22 July. The Pretorious Group has started in Brazil. Pentecostal Group is quiet. Private contractors are still getting paid.  NESARA and GESARA are now entered. The New Iraqi dinar Exchange rates will FINALLY be published directly on the Forex screens on Sunday evening 21 July 2024.
  • ---


  • Wed. 17 July 2024 Wolverine
  •  “Bond Holders are getting paid. Private Contractors are getting paid. Reno said it has started. I was told it was released to the Pentecostal Group. Absolutely it is our week, but it is a process and Tier4b may not have it until next week.”

Sun. 14 July 2024 Wolverine

“It has started. This report came through today (Sun. 14 July): “Zurich, London, Toronto and Reno now confirm activation ends today (Sun. 14 July), with payments held on Monday (15 July). Most platforms will send notification over the weekend and start payments on Tues. (16 July). Reno actually started payments (to Whales) yesterday (Sat. 13 July). Ok. Have a beautiful day.”



MS. RODRIGUEZ: We wait for the green light.  I wish I could go now to the bank to trigger the light, to redeem, but when you look at this globally, there is a time that it is meant to happen.  But the war came with Russia, then things were delayed  - the time has to be properly prepared.   Anytime soon - it can happen, tomorrow or tonight, remember we must never lose our hope and to have faith.  All this is for only the Chosen Ones, as you were chosen for this.   If they know you are a bad person you cannot receive this blessing. 

 The white hats know about the trolls in the room.  All the cabal elite and corrupt people, you will be eliminated if you are not part of the Chosen One. We are going to begin a new one thousand years starting this year of 2024 Jan. The old one thousand years is gone.  This is the new generation we are facing now.  All the corrupt, all the evil, the dark side, they will not succeed.   So many are already gone.  President Trump is one of the chosen to lead the country to lead the USA. My job is global, those with me are Russia and China, and we will all work together for the best of humanity.  All happening now is for all humankind.  We are the chosen.   I want to congratulate all of you! 

WOLVERINE:  Are Medbeds real?


MS. RODRIGUEZ:  The Medbeds were given to us, and the cabal hid it because it will kill the pharmaceutical business.  Who does not want this opportunity?   Pharmaceutical and medical do not like this.  When the new cure appears for the people they will disappear The medbeds are funded by the Rodriquez Trust as well is Nesara and Gesara . This is an incredible invention that is real.  It is already happening in South America now, and other quiet places in the country.  It is 100% real.  It will be coming. The minute the RV comes out the Medbeds come out.


WOLVERINE: I spoke with the medbeds rep in Colombia, and he said the beds are ready. As soon as the RV is ready they will be ready, but they  need more beds, because at this time ther are only 2000 in the country, and they need enough for 30 million people in the country. 

MS. RODRIGUEZ:  I am infinite money.   No ending type of money. I hold this infinite money to fund all the globe - the money is never ending.  When it comes to money for humanity for all cures for the sick, and to help the poor, it will all happen.   

WOLVERINE: Thank you, Elizabeth. Thank you for all this information.  

MS. RODRIGUEZ: The Chosen Ones are chosen to go to Redemption.  You are all chosen to go to the redemption center.   

A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA:  Today, We have received the most encouraging news from our Wolverine and important information from our most honored Guest, Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz. 

We are now on the cusp of our dreams, dreams that we have prayed for with all our hearts for a very long time Not one time have we thought of giving up, and soon my dear friends, we will stand in the arena of Victory, where God will lead each of us on our destined path into a New World where hope and faith rule the day. All the good things we have waited for are just around the corner.  Be proud for never giving up on yourselves and your dreams. 

 Love to you All, Carpathia

SANDY INGRAM: Iraq's PM Reveals Iraq's Future- BRICS vs US Gold Reserves -

Why Were Iraq And Most Arab Countries Not Affected By The Technical Glitch That Hit The World? , 21 July

 Baghdad Today - Follow-up  A global technological outage has caused many sectors around the world to stop working, most notably airports and financial banks, today, Friday, (July 19, 2024), but the matter was different in Iraq and most Arab countries, as well as China and Russia .

In Iraq, the Civil Aviation Authority rushed this morning to clarify that “the country’s airports were not affected by the technical glitch in the global computing systems,” while the Cyber ​​Security Center at the National Security Advisory confirmed today that “Iraqi government institutions were not affected by the global electronic glitch .”

Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco and Egypt announced that their countries were not affected by the global technical failure because they do not use Microsoft in their operations; they were not affected by the outage .

Questions were raised about the reason for the systems stopping in some countries while they did not stop in other countries, especially Iraq and other Arab countries, but by knowing the reason for the technical failure, the reason for that can be reached .

The Microsoft outage was linked to a new update from CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity software company, and caused disruptions across a range of sectors, with stock exchanges, airlines and banks the most affected .

Accordingly, and according to tracking data from technology companies, the outage only affected computers that use the CrowdStrike cybersecurity system on Microsoft systems, which means that computers running on Microsoft's system, and not using the CrowdStrike cybersecurity system, were not affected by the global glitch .  LINK

Weekend News with MarkZ. 07/20/2024

Weekend News With MarkZ 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ”: We spend the first 45 minutes with the cbd gurus cutting up and answering questions, at around the 45 minutes mark we get into the news of the day.

Member: Good morning Mark Z and Mods. Glad to be here. What do you know today Mark?

MZ: well, on the bond side it seems to be Asian bonds are moving quicker than German bonds …but I hear they are making great progress. I still have a lot of contacts disappearing. There is a lot of pressure on the bond side not to share specifics. 

Meber: if I signed an NDA that would take all my money if I talked…..I would be dead quiet as well…just saying….

MZ: I do have some redemption center/banking folks workng this weekend. I’m not certain why they had to work this weekend. But they are there. 

MZ: Folks in Geneva and the WTO are dead quiet. If they are trying to keep the RV quiet like Kuwait-they may be trying to keep the WTO news quiet until they have taken some of us in…and announced things publically. 

MZ: The HCL law seemed to be going well in Iraq and then suddenly all mention of it disappeared off the news. Along with WTO news that disappeared off the news this week. I think things are better than they appear on that front. 

Member: Hey Mark what do you think about the power outages in the different parts of the US?

MZ: CrowdStrike: What else broke down? Elon Musk is said to have removed crowdstrike from any of their systems and anything Tesla and SpaceX related. 

MZ: I know a lot of people who basically had a half day off yesterday- they couldn’t work. 

MZ: “ Global IT outage grounds flights, disrupts banking and takes media off the air”  Many banks were shut down in Puerto rico…people could not get cash. Lines were 100 people deep. What happens if banks are closed more than one day….people may lose their minds. 

MZ: This is a serious wake up call for people to be prepared and have some cash on hand. Maybe extra food and an extra gas can as well. 

Member: Even the name “CrowdStrike” is a bit ominous. 

MZ: As of noon est yesterday –more than 30,000 flights delayed worldwide.. My understanding is things are not cleaned up yet. With over 2,000 flight cancellations in the US. Mostly Delta, American Airlines and United.  This will cost the Airline industry billions 

MZ: ATM’s And Social Security offices were closed. Courthouses were closed. Member: Outage caused supply chain issues for our laboratory in just 1/2 day. This is an epic, monumental hit to the economy. 

Member: My military bank already put notice out that you have to go into a branch to withdraw, no online 'global' tansactions for this weekend... hmmmm

Member: Yesterday, I was supposed to have X-rays done and due to the Internet issue all systems were down. They then told me Monday they are going to a whole new system.

Member: I work for a certain unnamed but very large oil and gas/chemical company and we had very very many people that had blue screens and multiple network crashes…

Member: we went to the local tax office and they said they were down state wide


Member: FYI, Take this with a grain of salt, but Bruce’s Big Call did a special recording on Fri. on Telegram (he always does recordings on Tues./Thurs.) & said we are getting notifications today or Monday

Member: Have a great Sunday Funday!! Remember where you've been and where you are, and celebrate we are finally in sight of God's blessing!


Member: Have A Fantastic Weekend Everyone, See All Y'all Monday AM…unless




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

 FIREFLY:We're hearing this man on Chanel one on the TV he's saying to us citizens, he's saying joining the WTO will eventually lead to the rising of the dinar value up.  It's all about global trade...In order to compete we will need a real effective exchange rate to produce anything in the global trading market.  

FRANK:  He's right...It's amazing they are talking to you about the real effective exchange rate...because that is the end result of the float...God willing it comes out at $3.22 as an RI.

FIREFLY: Sudani said we have a new currency... 

FRANK:  They're not talking about the 3-zero notes...They're talking about the new currency that's going to match a new exchange rate. 

 FIREFLY:  Any new currency will have to be lower notes...

 FIREFLY: My bank guy just flat out came out and told me, to be honest with you I think it will reinstate to what it was before and then it's going to float like any other international currency...It's more from the rumor mill.  

FRANK:  I know it's going to reinstate.  You know it.  The money exchangers know it, that's why they went ape %$^%.  That's why they're happy! ...This is the 3rd time your bank friend tells you $3.22 and it will float...That is the most logical thing for the CBI to do.

Is the decline in oil prices related to the rise in exchange rates? An "important" clarification from Al-Alaq, 18 SEPT

  The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, announced today, Wednesday, that all transfers are subject to auditing processes, w...