Wednesday, July 17, 2024

FRANK26….7-17-24…NOT A LOP!!!

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 07/17/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 07/17/2024

Member: Good morning ….Hope everyone has a beautiful day!

Member: Hoping for real good news today! Blessings to all

Member: Anything happening on the RV front?

Member: MarkZ, do you think the RV will happen in waves? First Dinar, then a few months later, VND?

MZ: No, I think they will still all go at the same time. 

Member: All boats will rise with the tide. 

MZ: I like that one. 

Member: Mark, how many contacts do you have in total that are legitimate? 

MZ: That’s always a tough one. They can be the best contacts on the planet. …. But, there is such a disinformation campaign going on it doesn’t matter if they are top level paymasters ect….but everything coming from a Treasury source is suspect because they have to confuse the timing. This disinformation is purposeful. I argue it is hurtful and not needed at this point. 

MZ: I can understand “quiet”. But the disinformation they sow to multiple people is very difficult.…they can give 10 different stories to 10 different people to confuse us and cloud the timing. It makes things miserable. 

Member: Hearing a rumor that triggers will go on Thursday

Member: Things are quiet overnight on the RV side.  I kinda expected it. I still have bond people positioned with hopes …Meetings are going on in Geneva with Iraq and the WTO for their ascension……quiet is not necessarily a negative thing. 

MZ: I continue to hear that the most likely street rate will be $3.86 …I hope its accurate. We won’t know until we get there

MZ: I continue to hear that humanitarian Zim stuff may get released along with some of the original Historic bonds – before the newer bonds get paid. 

MZ: When I say Zim humanitarian stuff… I don’t mean individuals but certain groups …like the indian nations , sovereigns and church groups …that have put together zim groups and aggregated their currency…..They are at a very different level than you or I…Their humanitarian projects have been submitted long ago . 

Member Both Bruce and wolverine believe emails could start today

MZ: That is not impossible…but with the crazy conflicting stories floating around…..I still think the timing will be a surprise. We need discernment and patience right now.

 Member: Dr. Kia Pruitt reported the Bolivar RV'd. I wonder-is this true? 

Member: If it were true….We would be exchanging it right now…IMO. 

Member: anything over $3 for dinar and $1 for dong and I am all in….just do it.

MZ: If it’s over $1 for the dinar …and .25 cents for the don’t- I am in. Stop and think about the potential that is. 

Member: How will those sending out notifications emails to us know our email address?

MZ: Once again….if you joined a group early in this process….or bought currency with banks ect…they may have your email address….BUT…I suggest you subscribe to a Dinar site like Recaps or Chrinicles to get the information emailed from them to you when notifications come out. 

MZ: I have had 2 banks tell me they absolutely will send the information to Dinar Recaps  and issue their instructions to them for their newsletter email list. 

Member: Most dinar sites will also post the info on their sites and Mark, Bruce, TNT, Frank ect…will let everyone know. It will be everywhere. You will not miss it. 

Member: so If I ordered from say “BankNote World” they would send me an email?

MZ: They probably would ….but not for certain.

MZ: In bond news (not historic bonds) “ Real Estate Meltdown strains even the safest office bonds” Many have gone belly up because of the imploding commercial real estate loans . Banks are all taking a hit…..We are watching a $250-$260 Billion dollar implosion on commercial real estate bonds. 

Member: Remember, we have heard the financial system is making big changes

Member: And BRICS is coming out with the new universal gold backed currency called the UNIT soon…..they may force the US to go gold/asset backed as well…or lose trading with all those countries…..Who would want worthless fiat money when they can trade with a currency that has real value?

Member: Also remember that with Nesara, everyone will be paid, debts removed also …IMO that is why so many wealth managers have been put in place in most banks….connect the dots. 

MZ: You bring up a good point. 

Member: Lots will happen the rest of this week….Its going to be big.

Member: thanks to all…..have a great and blessed day. 

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions 



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




History of the Global Financial System by Elizabeth Rodriguez:VIA WOLVERINE, 17 JULY

 Tues. 16 July Wolverine: History of the Global Financial System by Elizabeth Rodriguez:

  • King Solomon accumulated wealth, which was handed over to his successor King David and later to King Philip.
  • Backing a new global financial system was an estimated 2 Million metric tons of GOLD, held by a group of Royal Asian Families, which is also known as the Dragon Family.
  • In the 1930’s, the royal Asian families had seen that some of their gold and silver holdings in Southeast Asia were being plundered by the Japanese and needed to do something about it.
  • In 1938, the Chinese Koumintang government sent seven warships loaded with gold and silver to the US FEDERAL RESERVE for safekeeping. In return, the Chinese were given 60 year gold bonds.
  • A few years later in 1944, the infamous Bretton Woods Conference took place in which the US, France and Britain were given a 50 year mandate to modernize and transform the world for the better.
  • By August 17th, 1945, President Soekarno of Indonesia had been elected “M1” or Monetary Controller of this large cache of assets, granted under United Nations Resolution MISA  81704, Operation Heavy Freedom. These assets are better known as the GLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS and were originally intended to be used for the modernization of the world through several Humanitarian Projects.
  • The Dragon Family are the legitimate Depositors of these accounts.
  • By 1955, it was shown that the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was also created at Bretton Woods, was not living up to its word and was instead serving only the interest of the banking and political elite. It was at this time that a growing alliance began to see that these funds were being used to fuel the COLD War tension and decided to strongly oppose the shady banking  CABAL.
  • By 1963, this alliance pooled their financial resources together to create the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which was signed by John F. Kennedy and President Soekarno and was finished on November 14, 1963.
  • This agreement was to utilize the GLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS for global development and Humanitarian projects (along with a new US Treasury Note, a new supernational/international note backed by gold and would bring an end to the Federal Reserve System and the C.I.A.) Just 8 days later, JFK was assass*nated.
  • On November 22nd 1963 US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assass*nated in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy strongly opposed the military-industrial complex, which included the Federal Reserve and CIA. Kennedy had signed Executive Order 11110 into law on June 4th, 1963 which gave the president the right to issue GOLD-backed currency, and completely without permission from The Federal Reserve.

EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT Vietnam Decree 52 #vnd #decree52

Parliamentary Finance Committee comments on US decision to stop Iraq’s transactions in Chinese Yuan, 17 JULY

 Individual from the Parliamentary Money Board of trustees, MP Moeen Al-Kadhimi, depicted today, Tuesday, the choice of the US Central bank to stop moves in Chinese yuan as “erratic” against the Iraqi economy.

Al-Kadhimi said in a proclamation to , “The choice to stop moves in the Chinese yuan was given by the US Central bank, guaranteeing that there were doubts about certain exchanges in the Chinese yuan.”

He brought up that “the National Bank of Iraq has contracted with a worldwide organization to assess and screen moves, and this organization is a wellspring of acknowledgment and trust for the US Central bank.”

He brought up that “after a brief period, the National Bank of Iraq will continue moving settlements in Chinese yuan to Iraqi brokers overall,” demonstrating that “these proportions of the US Central bank are viewed as erratic against Iraq and its public economy.”

The National Bank of Iraq quit managing in the Chinese yuan after the US Central bank blamed Iraq for “blowing up settlements.”

During the ongoing time frame, America has attempted to obliterate the Iraqi cash by forcing sanctions on confidential banks and forestalling the dollar under numerous guises, which somehow prompted a serious monetary emergency in neighborhood markets.



  • Tues. 16 July 2024 MarkZ: “Some of the Zim charity platforms may go first – is what I am suddenly hearing. Maybe even before some of the Historic bonds. So I am hearing positive things for those who aggregated Zim for humanitarian reasons.
  •  That being said…..I heard that the initial releases of money are being pushed very hard for humanitarians. That is the priority. But this does not mean there is a delay for us currency holders, just that humanitarian projects are the priority.  I am getting that from bunches of sources. I have also had a number of sources from groups reach out over the last 12-14 hours that if we have projects to submit- be sure to get those dusted off and prepared and ready.”
  • ----


[via PDK]  I am...hearing that we are in the window for the release of the budget and it will be in the Gazette soon.  I am blown away from the information out of Iraq...

I am hearing from multiple sources inside Iraq that they are expecting an RI (Re-Instatement) at any moment.  I had been told very specifically that they expect a rate of $3.86.   I am getting this from so many sources now …all of a sudden…today…that it has become almost overwhelming...I think this is exciting news and am hoping it is accurate...Just buckle up and stay calm.

 I did hear interesting things from a couple banking contacts that things have very much moved over the weekend and that they may be using the Republican convention as a distraction to roll things out.

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