Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Parliamentary Finance Committee comments on US decision to stop Iraq’s transactions in Chinese Yuan, 17 JULY

 Individual from the Parliamentary Money Board of trustees, MP Moeen Al-Kadhimi, depicted today, Tuesday, the choice of the US Central bank to stop moves in Chinese yuan as “erratic” against the Iraqi economy.

Al-Kadhimi said in a proclamation to , “The choice to stop moves in the Chinese yuan was given by the US Central bank, guaranteeing that there were doubts about certain exchanges in the Chinese yuan.”

He brought up that “the National Bank of Iraq has contracted with a worldwide organization to assess and screen moves, and this organization is a wellspring of acknowledgment and trust for the US Central bank.”

He brought up that “after a brief period, the National Bank of Iraq will continue moving settlements in Chinese yuan to Iraqi brokers overall,” demonstrating that “these proportions of the US Central bank are viewed as erratic against Iraq and its public economy.”

The National Bank of Iraq quit managing in the Chinese yuan after the US Central bank blamed Iraq for “blowing up settlements.”

During the ongoing time frame, America has attempted to obliterate the Iraqi cash by forcing sanctions on confidential banks and forestalling the dollar under numerous guises, which somehow prompted a serious monetary emergency in neighborhood markets.



  • Tues. 16 July 2024 MarkZ: “Some of the Zim charity platforms may go first – is what I am suddenly hearing. Maybe even before some of the Historic bonds. So I am hearing positive things for those who aggregated Zim for humanitarian reasons.
  •  That being said…..I heard that the initial releases of money are being pushed very hard for humanitarians. That is the priority. But this does not mean there is a delay for us currency holders, just that humanitarian projects are the priority.  I am getting that from bunches of sources. I have also had a number of sources from groups reach out over the last 12-14 hours that if we have projects to submit- be sure to get those dusted off and prepared and ready.”
  • ----


[via PDK]  I am...hearing that we are in the window for the release of the budget and it will be in the Gazette soon.  I am blown away from the information out of Iraq...

I am hearing from multiple sources inside Iraq that they are expecting an RI (Re-Instatement) at any moment.  I had been told very specifically that they expect a rate of $3.86.   I am getting this from so many sources now …all of a sudden…today…that it has become almost overwhelming...I think this is exciting news and am hoping it is accurate...Just buckle up and stay calm.

 I did hear interesting things from a couple banking contacts that things have very much moved over the weekend and that they may be using the Republican convention as a distraction to roll things out.

Iraqi dinar | Change Your Dinar at Any ATM WIndow | Iraqi Dinar News Tod...

To Rein In The Dollar...The Central Bank “Confuses” Dinar Accounts, 17 JULY

 July 16, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer   The exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar rose today, Tuesday, on the main stock exchange in the capital, Baghdad.

 Dollar prices on the Kifah and Harithiya stock exchanges recorded 149,000 dinars for every 100 dollars.

 Prices in exchange shops in Baghdad markets also witnessed an increase, as the selling price reached 150,250 dinars, while the purchasing price reached 148,250 dinars for every 100 dollars.

 In turn, the Central Bank of Iraq announced a new mechanism for travelers to receive foreign currency “dollars,” which will be exclusively through corporate and bank outlets at international airports, stressing that the goal of the new mechanism that will come into effect on July 14 is for the dollar to reach the real traveler.

The bank stated: “It facilitates proper transactions, as well as facilitating travelers’ access to the dollar faster.”

 More Than One Share

It is noteworthy that the Central Bank allowed exchange companies to receive more than one share during the week in order to fully respond to travelers’ requests.

In turn, economists commented on the Central Bank’s decision by saying:

 “The Central Bank’s announcement of stopping remittances using the Chinese currency and using the dollar, in addition to the continuing demand to deal with Iran in the dollar, and

 this matter will lead to great momentum on the dollar.”

While they warned against linking the dollar to Baghdad International Airport, because it will exacerbate the rise of the dollar, and we will witness confusion in the local markets that are suffering from stagnation at the present time.

 They pointed out that the rise in the dollar exchange rates remains dependent on the behavior of the Central Bank and the extent of its responses to it, and the

 recent rise of the dollar came after the decision of the Central Bank of Iraq to transfer the operations of travelers obtaining the dollar exclusively through Baghdad Airport. According to a report,

  “Airports are not prepared to receive this large number of companies;

 There are many companies that sell the dollar, and if they are limited to only 6 offices,

 it will be useless and the citizen will not be able to obtain the dollar, and previous experiences confirm this.

 Where Is The Central Bank Spokesman?

Observers were surprised by the lack of an official spokesman despite his presence in all state ministries.

 This is one of the problems with the Central Bank, which announced the procedures and results of the visits conducted by the governor to Washington.

All statements are confusing and confused due to the lack of accuracy and correct official information.”

In this context, the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirms:

 “The exchange rate in the parallel market does not affect the stability of the general level of prices.  While he pointed out that the

 parallel exchange market has begun to affect a narrow economic scope, he pointed out that the

 stability of the dinar’s exchange rate against... The dollar is real and solid.”

 Two Factors, Internal And External

 Saleh said in a statement followed by the Iraq Observer Agency:

 “There is an international factor that imposes controls on what is called banking compliance in financing the demand for dollars from our country’s international bank accounts in foreign currency, and

 there is also an internal factor that benefits from the actions and pressure of the external factor in order to obtain profitable gains.” “Determined or emergency, especially in cash dollar transactions.” 

He points out that:

  “The dominance of the fixed exchange rate system in Iraq, which is based on a base of international reserves, is the highest in the history of Iraq and its monetary policy, as

 the foreign currency covers a percentage of more than 100 percent of the total currency currently exported.”

He continued:    “Through the strength of the official central exchange market, the exchange rate of the dollar to the dinar in the parallel market in our country does not constitute any relative importance in affecting the stability of the general level of prices,

 which have become stable in their components and trends as a result of the influence of the official exchange rate factor that prevails and currently dominates the exchange rate.” Financing “import” foreign trade, amounting to 1,320 dinars per dollar, is responsible for financing 90 percent of Iraq’s foreign trade. He stated,

  “The stability of the official exchange rate leads to stability in the stable external value of the dinar, which is embodied in the state of stability in the relative prices of goods and services, as annual inflation in our country does not exceed only 3 percent, and

 this is what was indicated in the reports of multilateral international financial and economic organizations.”

 The Strength Of Foreign Reserves

Saleh added, “In light of the strength of the foreign reserves supporting the Iraqi dinar, whose value as liquid foreign assets exceeds $100 billion, the official exchange market, as a general trend, will remain dominant in containing any noise with ambiguous information that is affected by the parallel exchange market in short periods, due to political events.” “International or regional emergency.” He stressed,

  “After the decline of the phenomenon of dollarization in internal transactions, especially in contracts, obligations and payments within the country since last year and its legal ban, the parallel exchange market has begun to have its general effects only on a narrow economic scope of prohibited transactions, practiced by informal markets and at a rate of 10 percent of Total supply and demand transactions for the currency.” 

He pointed out,   “The stability of the exchange rate of the dinar to the dollar that the country is witnessing, even in the secondary markets, is a real and well-established stability. Rather,

it is derived from the strength of the influence of the price and quantitative factors of the monetary and financial policies and their integration in imposing overall price stability in the country, and containing the inflationary expectations that it was causing.” Parallel exchange market forces over the past years.”لكبح-جماح-الدولار-البنك-المركزي-يربك/      


Tues. 16 July 2024 Bruce:

  • Sources are talking of this going by Thurs. 18 July.
  • We should be notified to set appointments sometime between now and Thurs. 18 July.
  • Money is moving and Bond Holders are to receive email tomorrow Wed. 17 Julyfor access to their monies on Thurs. 18 July.
  • A strong contact in Iraq is in touch with high people in Erbil – that are saying the budget and rate will be published in  tomorrow’s Gazette Wed. 17 July.
  • Gesara is to be announced.
  • If you are a Zim or Currency Holder you should receive the R&R at the time of your exchange.
  • If you are not a currency holder you should receive your R&R by the end of July.

Iraqi Dinar Set to Skyrocket : Top Officials' Secret Washington Talks Re...



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Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Minister of Trade, Atheer Al-Ghurairi, declared on Monday that discussions to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) had resumed after more than a 16-year break.

A statement issued by the Trade Ministry revealed that Iraqi negotiating teams began their preparatory meetings at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, in preparation for the third meeting that will discuss Iraq’s accession, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

During his participation in the 13th Ministerial Conference of the WTO held last February in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi, Al-Ghurairi affirmed that Iraq fulfilled the conditions necessary to become a member of the WTO following the completion of economic reforms and the enhancement of the investment climate.

The Iraqi Trade Minister indicated that Baghdad finalized issues related to goods and services in accordance with the deadlines set for integration into the international trade system.

The Iraqi government expressed interest in joining the WTO after submitting a request to do so in 2004. Iraq needed to be a member of the multilateral international trade system in order to regain its place as a major player in the global economy.

In addition to debating the future of the global trade movement in light of current challenges, Al-Ghurairi said that the conference sends a strong message to the countries of the world about the value of joining this organization.

The Iraqi official added that Iraq is attempting to expand its commercial and economic connections around the world in order to create new opportunities for collaboration.

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:  Iraw News