What else is in the news?
If you read the article titled “FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE IRAQI STATE’S NON-OIL REVENUES RECORD AN INCREASE OF 11%” in todays news, you can clearly see that in another article and others but especially in the one titled “PARLIAMENTARY EFFORT TO QUESTION THE CENTRAL BANK: COSTS IRAQ TRILLIONS AND THREATENS THE ECONOMY” that the member of the Legal Committee, Raed Al-Maliki in his 5 points of accusations about the performance of the CBI are not correct.
Go read his 5 points in the article. We can all clearly see the progress that has been made in each of these areas. We read the news on these and great strides have been made on each. We know better than to talk like this. Articles like this one are not fare and obstruct all the progress made by the Al-Sudani government. Oh…could these be Iranian supporters and want things to stay status quo?
Raed Al-Maliki also does not understand is that the GOI must work hand-in-hand with the CBI. So, if progress is slow, it is the fault of both entities. Instead, he should go do his homework and talk about the successes for a change instead all the negativity and false claims. Maybe he also could come up with viable solutions instead of just negativity. He could have written this article a couple years ago and it would be true but not now.
I want to bring one more short article to you today and explain it in more detail. It is titled “A REPRESENTATIVE ACCUSES AMERICA OF OBSTRUCTING IRAQ’S ECONOMIC OPENNESS TO THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD”.
Yesterday, Wednesday, Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Economics Committee, Yasser Al-Husseini, accused the United States of America of obstructing Iraq’s economic openness to the countries of the world.
What does he mean? Is he talking about the reinstatement? Yes, he is but that’s not the entire story.
How can the United States expect Iraq to grow and get out of the “rentier” economy if it stands against Iraq’s economic openness to the countries of the world.
I quote – “indicating that America has contributed greatly to preventing international companies from coming to Iraq.” I believe this means the lack of investment money that could flow with the reinstatement of the dinar.
Also, why would any company want to come to Iraq and set up shop if they have to take a higher risk with their capital not knowing if the economy could crash any day due to a terrorist attack? I don’t believe that an attack could cause a crash but it is the “perception”. Get it? Speculation is based on perception.
As we read in my Newsletters many weeks ago, we read that the “spigot” had been opened by many of the international organizations now in favor of Iraq and told us it was now SECURE and STABLE.
Two key concepts. Folks, this was a signal for foreign investors to come pouring in. Remember this newsletter? Go back and read it.
This pre-dated mid-June. And so what was supposed to happen in mid-June?
So, you see we have a situation in that the international community is supporting Iraq and the CBI in its monetary and economic reforms to rebuild Iraq and turn it into the economic giant that is its ultimate destiny, but the powers in the US government does want it to happen unless they can get a huge slice of the pie.
Call it Blackmail if you want. But this pie can’t be even be baked unless the US cooperates in the overall plan to rebuild with Iraq. Get it? A plan that they agreed to. Again what comes first the Chicken or the Egg?
So, we can all now see the blatant disorganization and mess of the Biden administration as it deals with the world and now, we see it in Iraq. Now we have a clearer understanding as to why the dinar has not yet been reinstated preceded by the Project to Delete the Zeros.
After watching the 6/27 debate on live TV, we can clearly see the lack of mental ability to lead and make sound foreign policy. Who is setting policy then? Oh… could it be Obama with the microphone in his ear. Oh… isn’t its Obama’s plan they are now following for Iraq? This is why Iraq cannot move ahead at the pace it needs to move, at this point in time.
He added and I quote – “America stands as a stumbling block in the way of the growth of the Iraqi economy,” noting that “what Iraq has reached is due to American interference in internal affairs.”
Yasser Al-Husseini continued and I quote from the article to prove my point even more, “America does not want Iraq to be at the forefront of economically developed countries.” We read a similar report from the CIA years ago on Iraq and it too said Iraq would be a detriment to peace in the region if it were allowed to progress. So go figure?
In reading what I just old you from my CBI contact and also what is backed up by the articles, there is no rumors or bullshit in what I am telling you today. I have been telling you this for years now that it was the Obama as they sabotaged the Dr Shabibi plan to reinstate and now it is the Biden administration, through Obama that is holding back the next step in the currency reform as part of the overall strategy in “Pillars of Financial Reform”.
It should be crystal clear to everyone now why I have been saying this all along. Unless the Biden and the warped Obama careless policies towards Iraq are dealt with and overturned, or he is gone, or their influence is gone, we are most likely not going to see the reinstatement.
Don’t go off sad yet! 😊 But be careful as things could change on a dime and probably will change very soon. Those audio tapes requested by the house majority investigating the carelessness of the secured documents by Joe Biden will be turned over. We will all see what the democrats are hiding and it won’t be pretty. This will cause yet another avalanche towards the efforts to eliminate the Biden. Then as we roll into the few months ahead of the election, we may very well see the prophecy by Timothy Dixon play out to some extent. Watch video of the prophecy below. Folks, if it is true that all the good this transfer of wealth can accomplish, don’t you think the dark elements running wild in our society today could be influencing the minds of many of these dark, demonic politicians. It can hold back this blessing. Of course, and they don’t want it to happen for these reasons of bringing this coming period of prosperity and abundance.
In summary of the news today, I want to say that I hope all my readers can now understand why we can’t separate politics from the RV. Why I keep combining politics in my Newsletters and decided at a point to break it out and include an entire section on it. No, not just Iraqi politics but especially the US politics and the globalists and how they are influencing the forward progress of Iraq. Folks there are no secret plans to RV. Unless you can back up news from Iraq with FACTS writing down in articles or new media announcements it is only just rumors and did not occur as far as I am concerned. I have used this approach and it is sound approach to getting down to the TRUTH about this RV. Like it or not, it is the TRUTH! 😊