Thursday, June 27, 2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (6/27/24)

Al-Atwani Calls For Reforming The Tax System In Iraq , 27 JUNE

 Al-Atwani Calls For Reforming The Tax System In Iraq

Economy  ,  06/27/2024 Number of readings: 132 Baghdad - Iraq Today:  Chairman of the Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, stressed the need to develop the tax work system and keep up with activities, to contribute to increasing non-oil resources. He also discussed how to provide an environment that helps contribute to increasing income and supplying the general budget with non-oil resources.

 The Media Department of the House of Representatives stated in a press statement, “The Chairman of the Finance Committee, Eng. Atwan Al-Atwani, in the presence of Representative Mustafa Al-Karawi, a member of the committee, received the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) project FFM Strengthening Public Financial Management with the support of the German government and the European Union.

The Chairman of the Committee stressed the need to develop the tax work system and keep pace with activities, to contribute to increasing non-oil resources, given that the state relies heavily on oil resources.

For his part, Mustafa Daoud Salman, the agency's representative, spoke about the importance of sustainable financing and following a specific methodology in the tax system and its implementation mechanism, in addition to taking into account the structural structure of tax work, in terms of providing services in exchange for imposing taxes. How to provide a conducive environment to contribute to increasing income and supplying the general budget with non-oil resources was discussed, in accordance with tax standards followed in the world.   LINK

Wolverine Live Chat,June 26, 2024 FROM GINGER TELEGRAM ROOM, 27 JUNE

 Wolverine Live Chat,June 26, 2024

Audio Recorded and Edited by &

Looks like things have started and/or ready to go. I received great news a couple of hours ago regarding Asia and the Philippines which will be going soon.  All good news from Asia.   I also have great news from my source in Brazil: 

  “ Good information – and the people in Brazil have indicated to you officially, by part of the table,  they were notified that everything is as scheduled and everything reported has already been authorized.”  

Also, some people in Brazil are going around with bibles and thanking God for everything, people are getting very emotional, and people are being told to remain grounded.  So, emotions are high quite down there!

I Should receive intel coming from Reno today and hopefully get the news I have waited for. My associate has spoken to my whale and said we are now closer than ever! He is waiting to get notified and waiting to go to Reno or whatever table he belongs to. 

We will get notified, hopefully, any day right now. 

 We have been told that before the end of the month we will be able to hopefully celebrate. 

We heard from TNT saying that by Sunday we will celebrate, and all is lining up with Iraq. 

All this has been very hard and draining on me   Thank you for all your support. One of the toughest roles I have ever done. I have been involved in many things prior to the internet, but when the internet came through the attacks started. I was confronted with unrelenting things I had never encountered before, and to think I was not even a leader. 

When I embarked on this spiritual journey, I never thought these things would occur as we are here to help humanity, not here just for ourselves, but to help our fellow man.   

Things from all fronts saying it is happening.   My friend called, and it was an incredible emotional call, and he is getting really excited. 

I am sure this news I have given you will lift your spirits, and hopefully in a few hours, I will get some news from Reno, and if it is the news I am waiting for, then we will have an emergency live call and we will get Carpathia to talk with us.  

The Pentecostal group came out and it looks they have actually started to pay out group one. The owner came out with a post saying they are going to start paying the second group by the 4th of July. 

Maybe Bruce got it right this time, as the notifications may come today, so keep an eye on your emails as they may pop up!  Have a beautiful day, Wolverine  (transcribed by Carpathia) 

NOTE FROM CARPATHIA:  Each of you is a beautiful soul, a precious being longing for our long awaited “gift” - the blessing with which we will alleviate the suffering of our family and friends, and those we will meet in our new lives.  Each day we awake with the hope that this will be the day of our calling – the day we break free from the confines of our old way of life to manifest an exquisite new way of living for ourselves, our families and others in need.  For too long, we have had an aching emptiness within us, and yet, we have willed ourselves to carry on through turbulent waves of turmoil and choppy seas. The hardships we have endured have only strengthened our resolve to continue past the bleak days, towards the bright rays of the glowing sunrise awaiting us, its beams of light shining upon the path of plentitude awaiting you. 

Today Wolverine has shown us we are nearer than ever to our wonderful new world of dreams. He has given our spirit the nourishment it seeks – the message that the door to our new adventure will soon be opened for us, and we will enter beyond that door to a place where we will make real all the hopes, aspirations and dreams dear to our hearts. Even now, our souls sense the spirit of wonder that awaits us, and very soon, we will awaken in the Light of our newfound Freedom and bask in the sunshine in a world filled with endless possibilities!  

  Love to you all, Carpathia

Whiskey and Wisdom with MarkZ, MikeB, and Zester. 06/26/2024

Haider Makiya: Iraq Is An “Important Destination” And We Are Witnessing An Improvement In The Investment Climate, 27 JUNE

 Haider Makiya: Iraq Is An “Important Destination” And We Are Witnessing An Improvement In The Investment Climate

The first  06/27/2024  The head of the National Investment Commission, Haider Makkiya, stated that the improvement in the investment climate inside Iraq reflects the government efforts made to strengthen the economic and investment sector, while he stressed that Iraq has become an important investment destination in the region.

The National Investment Commission organized a conference attended by Al-Sabah yesterday, Wednesday, under the title of mediation “New Horizons” to facilitate business and retain investors in Iraq.

Makiya explained, in his speech, that the conference aims to introduce the importance of Iraq’s accession to the international settlement agreement resulting from mediation (the Singapore Agreement), as the accession document was signed last April in New York City in coordination with the Iraqi representation at the United Nations in conjunction with the visit of the Prime Minister. To Washington.

He added that the agreement contributes to achieving sustainable development goals and encouraging the increasing use of international mediation as an effective means of settling cross-border disputes with the aim of maintaining commercial relations between the parties involved in the investment process.

For his part, the representative of Prime Minister Nasser Al-Asadi stressed the importance of the agreement that keeps disputes away from complex judicial procedures at a time when we are witnessing important achievements on the economic level through the projects implemented and being completed.

Al-Asadi explained that the agreement is an important instrument to enhance trade and provide a special framework to enhance investments and aims to find a consensual formula without imposing a decision on the opponents.

As for the European Union Ambassador, Thomas Seiber, he said: We seek to grow and develop the economy, and we welcome the initiative of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, and we find that the signing of the agreement is important and enhances Iraqi economic capabilities. He explained that we are working with the government to create a safe climate to attract investments that achieve sustainable development, pointing out the importance of strengthening Iraqi international relations and that adopting international agreements in Iraq encourages the global economic community to enter Iraq.

The United Nations Resident Representative in Iraq, Oba Lats, explained the importance of the agreement, which comes from the fact that it is concerned with investment and resolving disputes in a quick and uncomplicated time and is low-cost by adopting mediation in a way that suits the interests of investors.

Coffee with MarkZ and Jester. 06/27/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Zester. 06/27/2024


Member: News is sounding pretty good, but as always, staying grounded

Member: News is always good…It’s the action that is lacking

​​Member: I hope everyone has a spectacular day. Change is coming...

Member: Mark, Tony says rate of $28.50? True of false?

MZ: I Hope Tony is right. That rumor has been around a very long time that the first 10million could be $28.50. I’m not looking for it…but hope he is right.

Member: Was the new rate posted in the Iraqi Gazette yesterday?

MZ: My Iraqi contacts say there was not a rate in the Gazette yesterday. They expected to see a rate posted there yesterday but there was not one according to 3 sources on the ground there. They still expect to see the rate in the month of June and we have a few days left. 

MZ: the chatter is screaming “now” and I continue to hear from bankers to watch for it between July 4th to the 8th. Some outliers say maybe the 12th through the 14th. 

MZ: Iraq has been very clear that they are moving toward that direction. I can’t imagine they would keep all that security stationed at ATMs around the country for long. I look for something to happen sooner rather than later. 

Member: The HCL law has not passed. We may still be waiting awhile.

MZ: HCL is about as ready as they can get it. I think they are prepared and just waiting on the US.. That is what I heard from Treasury sources. That they are waiting for the “go” to support their rate change. But I think we are stinking close. 

Member: I don’t understand why does Iraq need our permission to go if they are sovereign?

Membr: So we are still looking for HCL law, A new rate, A new financial system with new gold/asset backed currencies worldwide……that’s a lot of things we have no proof of yet. …..

Member: Unless Iraq is just going alone….then we just need the new rate and HCL can go at the same time. 

Member: If Iraq goes alone…I still think the rest of the world will follow shortly afterward. 

Member: what are your thoughts about truthers saying it's not time for the rv yet because there is no mechanism in place to put the funds into since the qfs block chain isn't done yet?

Member: I don’t think we even know if the QFS is even real or another Dinarland story?

Member: I guess we are all feeling frustrated hearing the same thing month after month. at the end of the month they say mid month then end then mid until months and years go by.

Member: The end of the Roller Coaster Ride is the most exhilarating! Hang-on and have fun - no matter what!

Member: Please everyone pray and stay positive keep our energies high, we are almost there and it has been a long journey for everyone.

Zester joins the stream today . Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions 




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Hi everyone, I haven’t done a post about the RV in so long because it’s been wash, rinse, repeat forever.. I hear all the chatter that everybody hears but until I know that the codes have been entered all the chatter is the same that it’s always been and it’s no use reporting on that.

 A friend of mine said you’ve been quiet for so long people have  forgotten about you ha ha.  What can I tell you because I know many are losing hope as this drags on. 

1.  based on Iraq’s progress things are definitely on track to being done. 

2.  based on the global situation, it’s heightened to a level that we are seeing the destruction of the old guard. 

3.  there is so much mis-direction. Mis-‘information at a very fast pace that it’s very confusing. 

4. they will never ever tell us what they are going to do, when they’re going to do it, or how they’re going to do it. 

5. All we can do is sit back and wait for this to happen and live your life until it does. 

6. This is the most important, don’t stop living your life till this happens. Continue living your life. 

7. I see a culmination of this sometime this summer and it could go now or it could be later, no one and I mean no one will know when.

8. We are definitely in the end time of all of this.


Weekend Chat with MarkZ 21-9-2024