Thursday, June 27, 2024



Wednesday June 26, 2024


AL SUDANI (IRAQ PRIME MINISTRY) and his team go to the US treasury and deliver the monetary reforms that Sudani is going to implement for RV and RI of the IQD. 

That is the reason why they are reforming the banking sector, which will increase the value of the Iraqi dinar..


Tues. 25 June 2024 Wolverine

 What I have been told by my Brazil contact:

Payments have started, some are getting paid, and they are all under NDA. 

There is a platform paying by crypto  and they are about to kick off I think it is “oxygen” (extra dollars so they can de-stress). That is what I am hearing. That is definitely 100% happening for them to be paid on that platform. 

Another source says it is going to be this week.

They are adamant, but some say right after Thurs. 4 July.
Many of you cannot wait any longer as you are hanging on by a thread. Let us all pray to God that we will have the green light to move forward with our lives.
I am praying that by tomorrow we will get news from Reno and I will get that miracle call I am waiting for. Take Care, Wolverine.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Trade on FOREX 🔥Today News Guru Intel Value Update Excha...

Nechirvan Barzani sets October 20th as the date of the Kurdistan elections, 27 June

Nechirvan Barzani sets October 20th as the date of the Kurdistan elections

Shafaq News / The President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Nechirvan Barzani, issued today, Wednesday, a regional decree setting October 20, 2024 as the date for the elections for the Kurdistan Parliament.

The spokesman for the presidency of the region, Delshad Chehab, read at a press conference held in Erbil and attended by the correspondent of the Shafaq News Agency, Regional Decree No. 222 of 2024.

The text of the decree stated that, based on the provisions of paragraph II of Article X of the Law on the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq No. 1 of 2005 amended, we drew the as follows:

First: The 20th day of October 2024 sets the date for the general elections for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for its sixth session.

Second: The relevant authorities should cooperate and coordinate with the Independent High Electoral Commission to implement this decree.

Third: This decree is implemented from the date of its issuance, and is published in the Official Gazette.

This is the fifth decree issued by President Nechirvan Barzani to determine the date of the Kurdistan elections for its sixth session, Shehab said.كوردســتانيات/ر-اسة-الاقليم-تحدد-موعدا-جديدا-لانتخابات-برلمان-كوردستان


 Tues. 25 June 2024 MarkZ

I am getting inundated with bank contacts telling me to expect that things have already started …but coming to fruition in banks after the 4th of July. With a rollout in the days immediately following. I believe the 4th is on a Thursday this year… so I was told the roll out around the 6th and 7th. That is the rumor. Remember, we don’t know the timing. I am sure getting a heck of a lot from the banking side that things are now moving quickly and that is what they are preparing them for.


 I did hear from 3 or 4 military sources and Reno and the Treasury…rumors that are all over the place, some saying it’s happening right now, to no – its tomorrow…to Its already started, to all kinds of timing rumors in an concerted effort to cloud timing.  …I think it’s a good things to see them in panic mode trying to cloud timing.

 I am getting inundated with bank contacts telling me to expect that things have already started …but coming to fruition in banks after the 4th of July. With a rollout in the days immediately following. I believe the 4th is on a Thursday this year... so I was told the roll out around the 6th and 7th. That is the rumor. But remember we don’t know the timing…but, I am sure getting a heck of a lot from the banking side that things are now moving quickly and that is what they are preparing them for..

Will Living Standards Collapse? Trump's Former Chief Economist Answers |...

The Sudanese chairs a meeting to follow up the application of networking between border crossings, 27 JUNE

The Sudanese chairs a meeting to follow up the application of networking between border crossings

Baghdad – Mawazine News

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired a meeting to follow up the application of networking between border crossings.

In a brief statement received by Mawazine News, the Prime Minister’ Information Office said, “Al-Sudani chaired a meeting to follow up the application of networking between border crossings, complete the implementation of the customs automation system (Esycuda), and complete the implementation of the customs automation system (Asycuda).”



I wanted to come on today and discuss a conversation I had with my CBI contact on Saturday.
Also I want to share a couple main points today in the progress of the economic reforms in Iraq and their impact.
To sum up what my CBI contact told me was for investors from the west to relax and not follow every little (or big) event as a target to get the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar.

They watch and read what these conference calls say on the effort of informing people and it simply is not all true.
Also we talked about June and so we are well into June already and still no Project to Delete the Zeros.

In this regard, I was told that the effort to roll out the new ATMs should be an indication of the progress with the project and not to worry as the committee is working closely with the banks to track the ATMs, their locations and to have sufficient supplies of the lower denominations available to load the machines when they distribute them to the banks when ready.

But the majority of the government run banks DO NOT yet even have the newer notes as the CBI just does not hand out FREE money to people, especially worthless notes (at this time).
In order for the banks to receive the notes they will have to exchange the 3 zero notes for them.
This exchange will happen when and only when the CBI is ready to begin the process of the swap out.
This has NOT yet begun.
This effort has to be a well calibrated and coordinated event.
I was also reminded once again that June marks a pivotal point as the CBI is moving now into a third phase of their strategic plan.
It is a calibrated plan not some random happening of events where the CBI is in a panic mode or reactionary mode all the time.
I was told that the dollar prices are coming down as predicted after the EID holiday.
Soon they will be in line with the reform plan which is within limits to the “official CBI rate”.
This new phase of the plan will run from June 2024 to 2026.
I then asked how the rate of the dinar would be determined in the future and if there is another system to be used to determine the rate of the dinar based on all of its newer resources and economic changes.
I was then told that “you know and I know that the rate of the dinar is now being artificially suppressed” and that it is the “global order” that is holding the CBI back.
I was told that Iraq is in a much better situation now prior to the 1990 embargo and so why not have an international rate again with at least a rate equivalent to the late 1980’s prior to the invasion.
Also, it was pointed out that all the UN sanctions are now lifted from Iraq and so why has the US Treasury not also yet lifted their sanctions too on the dinar?
She said she would leave this game up to the board of directors at the Central Bank as she is just part of a team doing her job.
She said that her committee was directed to be ready in June and did plan in June to begin the project to delete the zeros but the Central Bank not yet received the assurances needed in writing from the US Treasury that they would support us fully all the way through the process.
To me this meant to conduct the project to delete the zeros, swap out the notes and then onward to the reinstatement of the dinar.
This was just a confirmation that they are still closely following this part of the plan anyway.
Based on this information from my Saturday call to Iraq, I will summarize it for you.
We are still waiting for the US to give assurances.
But I will tell you that I was told last month that for us to see the RV, there was only two phases and that they were completing the 2nd phase in June.
So, let’s talk about this strategic plan of the CBI for the economic and financial reform.
In the recent news, and I quote from the article – “Samir Al-Nusairi, advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, confirmed that the Central Bank’s third strategy has drawn up a road map and programs with clear goals and initiatives for a period of three years in a special, complex, and risk-filled economic and financial situation”
This Central Bank’s third strategy is for the years (2024-2026), which began in June.
They say this new part of the overall strategy has drawn up a road map and programs with clear objectives and initiatives for a period of three years (but really its’ only two and half years).
I am almost certain the CBI will come out with a further explanation and details of the phase 3 in the coming days.
So, months ago we learned from the World Trade Organization (WTO) that Iraq had fulfilled all its obligations under the process for full accession.
They then told us it was held up because they needed the Investment Law from Iraq, meaning they need the law passed in parliament, so we all thought at the time.
But new information in today’s news tells us this is not the case.
What they really need is the existing Investment Law to be amended and they tell us today what was wrong in the old version.
What the WTO needs is for the Iraqi Investment Law to be in line with the WTO Investment Law.
I will quote from today’s article”
“It is noteworthy that the Parliamentary Investment Committee justified its effort to amend some investment laws in order to attract foreign investments and capital because some paragraphs of the laws related to investment conflict with sustainable development in Iraq, including the Investment Law, the Companies Law, and others.”
It means that for the Iraqi Investment Law their law was not in line with the “sustainable development” goals of the global order.
Iraq is telling us that the law is good for Iraq and is in line to attract foreign investors and the much needed capital to rebuild the economy and cities.
But the WTO under the UN says the “woke” policies of the far leftist are more important.
Remember that the WTO is part of the United Nations (UN).
This is why Iraq can’t yet fully be part of the WTO.
They have not yet toted the line of these global policies.
We must now buckle down and pray and pray like never before for the success of Al-Sudani and his agreements with Washington are implemented.


  Pimpy    I want the same thing you do.  Trust me,  I would love nothing better to wake up in the morning and find out that the zeros are s...