Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Parliamentary confirmations that the government will proceed with removing foreign forces from the country, 20 JUNE

 Parliamentary confirmations that the government will proceed with removing foreign forces from the country

Parliamentary confirmations that the government will proceed with removing foreign forces from the countryInformation / Baghdad..
Member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Muhammad Al-Shammari, confirmed on Tuesday that the government is moving forward with ending the presence of all foreign forces, including Turkish forces, from Iraqi territory.
Al-Shammari said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The Prime Minister stressed in more than one forum the removal of foreign forces, led by the Turkish ones, in order to preserve the country’s sovereignty.”
He added, “The presence of these forces constitutes a serious violation of the country’s sovereignty,” noting that “Iraq will move toward activating the issue of removing international coalition forces from Iraq.”
He stressed that “there are assurances from the government to remove foreign forces from Iraq, and it is proceeding with this matter.”



 Article: "Iraq is preparing to establish a project that will change the oil map.. Will it affect energy producers?" Quote: "Iraq's budget for the current year 2024 allocated an amount of up to 4.9 billion dollars to establish a pipeline extending from Basra in the far south of Iraq on the waters of the Gulf, to the city of Haditha, located in the far west of Iraq within the Anbar Governorate"

 Article:  "The European Union mission expresses its readiness to cooperate with the Iraqi banking sector


Article:   "Kuwait connects its “Fiber” network to Iraq"  Quote:  "Iraq will be a major corridor for passing the network, not only in the Gulf.  But for the countries of East Asia, it will be synonymous with the Egyptian corridor...Iraq has become the focus of attention of countries and major international companies due to the incidents that took place in the Red Sea and the fear of the cessation of communications through this corridor."



 Today's Article Quote:   "I do not think there will be an appeal, and even if there is an appeal, the budget will be spent, because it was voted on and its issue was decided legally."  THERE IS NO APPEAL ON THE BUDGET SCHEDULES THAT WERE JUST PASSED BY PARLIAMENT AND IT WAS NOT NECESSARY TO BE SIGNED BY PRES. BECAUSE THE BUDGET WAS ALREADY PASSED...THE MOJ HAS IT NOW AND WILL PUBLISH WHEN READY.


 Question:   "Wonder if the budget made it into the Gazette?"  NO IT WAS NOT IN THE GAZETTE TODAY [Saturday].

 Article: "Rudaw publishes the text of the third strategic plan of the Central Bank of Iraq"  Quote: "Regarding the initiatives that the bank linked to the sub-goals, they include the ability to issue medium or long-term securities, move from the platform to the sending banks in making external transfers, increase gold reserves, offer new issues of high-qualitycurrencyautomate monetary operations, and support financing..."

Article: "Al-Mandalawi after voting on the budget tables: Parliament will follow up on disbursing the specified financial amounts". 

 The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, congratulated the approval of the federal general budget schedules for the current year, stressing that the presidency made great efforts with the Parliamentary Finance Committee to expedite its completion and vote on it during the current legislative term, due to its importance in terms of its direct connection to the lives of citizens and its relevance. The document includes strategic, investment and service projects.”

 Article: "Parliamentary Finance for Nina: We approved the budget schedules as received from the government, except for the governorate allocations."  

Quote:   "The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the schedules of the general budget law will be passed as soon as a quorum is reached in the House of Representatives session scheduled to be held this evening, Monday."


iraqi dinar || iqd Dinar Finally CBI Huge Statement Today 2024 / iraqi d...

Iraq tops list of importers of Turkish grains, pulses, and oils, 20 JUNE

Iraq tops list of importers of Turkish grains, pulses, and oils

Shafaq News/ Iraq ranked first among countries receiving Turkish exports of grains, pulses, oilseeds, and related products during the first five months of this year.

Celal Kadooğlu, Chairman of Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds, and Products Exporters' Association, stated that their exports in the first five months of 2024 increased by 9.2% compared to the same period last year, reaching $1.4 billion.

In a statement, Kadooğlu noted that 51.5% of their exports are to the Middle East and 24.19% to African countries, emphasizing that exports to Iraq, the largest importer of products from the region, surged by 16.2% in the first five months of the year compared to the previous year.


 Militia Man  

 Article:  "Iraq is preparing to establish a project that will change the oil map.. Will it affect energy producers?"  Quote: "Included the project of this new pipeline with an estimated amount of 6.5 billion dinars or $4.9 billion."  Think about what they just said, 6.5 billion Iraqi dinar equates to $4.9 billion...It is like saying the dinar is worth 1.32 to $0.76...That to me will be considered a REER.

All we're looking for now, to some degree, is when are they going show these amendments to be law.  We heard different things about the president having to sign, not sign, we have 15 days time frames and people are debating on when that time frame starts - was it June 3rd or was it the day he received it?  Do we know the exact day he received it?  I don't.   But we know our time is short...Once the amendments are passed into law, we'd like to think that prior to that they're going to expose the new real effective exchange rate and probably mention they've done the project to delete the zeros which get you the nominal effective exchange rate. 


 If they have a real effective exchange rate like al-Sudani said, that the dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar, the parallel market goes away...Obviously the stronger the currency is the cheaper it is for Iraq to do what they need to do.  It's a no-brainer.  It's that simple.

The black market is going to exist if the United States dollar is less than the Iraqi dinar...There's not much demand for the dollar now...They've got it under control.  Is it showtimeI sure hope so.

 I don't care if you've been in this for 20 years.  What we're seeing now is completely different.  It's a progression.  Some people don't like the progression.  They just want it to be over and done. Welcome to the club.


You kind of need the IMF article VIII compliance and that's what we're waiting for which is a real effective exchange rate.  I think these guys are about ready to expose that.  I think al-Sudani...Alaq from the Central Bank of Iraq all of them have this in their eyes to see this come to fruition and very quickly...

Anybody going with Sudani is going against the mafias and going against those that are going to have their dollar auctions dry up.  

They're going..FOR READ MORE:

Anybody going with Sudani is going against the mafias and going against those that are going to have their dollar auctions dry up.  
They're going to have lots of different little things happen to them that are going to be painful.   Anybody that's holding the dollar when they change the exchange rate...those exchange companies, 197 banks that got tagged by the central bank...
they're going to have a painful experience because if you're no...FOR READ MORE:


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