Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Wolverine on Mon. 10 June 2024

According to the intel I am receiving it looks like we are really definitely close.

I have spoken to the director of Mauricio’s platform. They are ecstatic and will have a special announcement soon. His platform is purely humanitarian, Nesara/Gesara.
Last night the intel that came in said:  Yesterday I confirmed Paymaster number one to our USA holders. Mon. 10 June he delivers the release codes and keys. 
We are very close guys, and what we are hearing that is might be happening actually midweek, probably Wed. or Thurs. 12, 13 June. 

Mauricio group has a meeting with someone very important, and they said it is actually going to happen this week. They are not going to mention a date,...for read more:


Mon. 10 June 2024 Wolverine

 “Hi guys I received an official announcement from the Pentecostal group that they will be shutting down all operations by Thurs---- 10 June. We are definitely close my friends.”
  • ----

Tues. 4 June Wolverine

 “Get ready everyone as we are about to reach this new World.”

  • The “Bondholder” expects to be paid his commission tomorrow Wed. 5 June. Liquid Thursday 6 June.
  • My friend Mauricio is having event in Mexico starting around June 8th, not that far off to celebrate this incredible blessing and also give people all the info they need for Nesara/Gesara. What does that mean? If he is having an event, it means IMO that he probably got paid or will get probably be paid before he goes to Mexico.  Having an event as big as that means something!
  • I have been told by various sources that certain operations will start in Brazil today Tues 4 June, and hopefully will get this done by tomorrow Wed. 5 June. I am trying to see if that is happening and hopefully received that Green Light from Brazil.
  • Tomorrow Wed. 5 June, I hear that Reno starts.  As you know, high bondholders are getting paid, some have been waiting now for 48 hours for their payment.  Everything is happening and I think this is the week we have been waiting for. 
  • The Pentecostal group sent out a message that they are ready to get things started.  She must be careful as she has been targeted by unscrupulous people, but she has top lawyers to take care of this matter. She sent out an intel that she is basically ready to get this done. Her other leaders sent out an emotional message saying that “The time of waiting is over. ....for read more:

πŸ”₯ Iraqi Dinar πŸ”₯Its , Huge 3 Zeros Going Value Rise πŸ”₯ Iraqi dinar New...

Kuwait connects its “Fiber” network to Iraq, 13 JUNE

  Kuwait connects its “Fiber” network to Iraq

The Kuwaiti telecommunications company Zajil, revealed that its “Fiber” network had been delivered to the borders of the two countries with Iraq.

The advisor to the company’s board of directors, Engineer Walid Saleh Al-Qallaf, told “Al-Sabah”: “The company is currently working on connecting from Kuwait to Al-Faw directly,” indicating “the operation of the Safwan port, which will be followed by the operation of the Al-Faw port, so that Iraq will be a major corridor for passing the network, not only in the Gulf.” But for the countries of East Asia, it will be synonymous with the Egyptian corridor.”

He added, "The Iraqi corridor needs full encouragement and government support to make it successful, as it is necessary and fundamental to the completion of these projects," noting that "Iraq has become the focus of attention of countries and major international companies due to the incidents that took place in the Red Sea and the fear of the cessation of communications through this corridor."

Al-Qallaf stated that “the incidents that took place in the Red Sea are a warning bell to search for a backup corridor for the Suez Canal, as heading towards Iraq was to be a successful corridor for these projects.”  link

Q & A: A conversation with a follower about Redemption Centers from GINGER TELEGRAM CHAT ROOM, 12 JUNE

 πŸ’’A conversation with a follower about Redemption Centers. Q & A - my response follows: 

πŸ”ΉQ: What redemption centers?

I keep hearing redemption centers but no info on them!!

How are we getting called to make appointments when we don't even know who and where they are!!

This extremely frustrating for your followers! 

Please break this down for us!!!

If you can't, then stop discussing it as an option.

(The use of exclamation points is not to be missed, here. 😏) ⬆️

πŸ”ΉA: First, respectfully, don't take that tone with me. Kapeesh? Just don't. 

How long have you been following here? 

A few days? A couple of weeks? How regularly do you check the channel?? BECAUSE I TEACH ON THIS STUFF ON THE REGULAR. I have teaching calls recorded for those new here to catch up on as well. I've got plenty of information that people can avail themselves to if you care to look and actually do some work. (Yes, I understand that *scrolling* can be very tedious for some.) Pardon the sarcasm but I just don't take kindly to a pissy tone. Most people don't, ya know - so you might want to keep that in mind. 😏 

I've posted how to request notification at least 50+ times 🀦 ::::deep sigh:::: 

You don't and won't know where they are until after the RV happens when it's time to set up your appointment. You'll be given a phone number to call to a redemption center closest to you. 

Some top Tier banks will have a private client office (upstairs) away from prying eyes of other clients / other employees which has been set up as a RC where speculators in this event can redeem Zim and exchange their foreign currency with increased anonymity. 

There will also likely, plausibly, be a Redemption Center office area located on some military bases, which is beneficial for heightened security to keep the speculators safe. 

These are kept secret for the time being and not to be disclosed (yet), plus there are at least 7000 + RC in just the USA alone - so no, I'm not going to tell my followers the locations, as your comment suggests it's my obligation to do so. Give me a break. 🀦 You can count on major Top Tier 1 & 2 banks having an internal RC private client office area set up for security, and obviously, that will be in every major city, plus other good-sized cities. Those who live in small towns or rural areas may have to drive about 50 to 80 miles to reach a Redemption Center closest to them. 

Please, going forward, when asking questions on this channel, please have some decorum and polite civility. I work tirelessly to support the family here, more hours a day then you could even fathom, on top of working my full-time job. Be kind. Show some respect, please. Avail yourself to the gobs of resources and teaching material I've provided. Everything I typed above, I've said before - in teaching posts and in recorded calls that have been archived for easier access.

Dinar RV News TodayπŸ”₯IMF’s Comprehensive Plan to Boost Iraq’s Economy and...

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar, 12 June

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, June 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody. I’d like to welcome everybody to the big call from wherever you're located. And of course, like to thank the SAT team for keeping up with and monitoring using the Starlink satellite system monitoring our listeners, which at last count we thought were about 25 million. That was in close to 200 or so countries -

So let’s see what the numbers are coming out today -  the main thing is we're welcoming everybody to the big call - Glad you guys could make it - and I'm excited about fact that we're getting out, reaching a lot of people and trying to do the best we can by putting our information to them

So Bob what's our time hack, Bob? It's 10:05, . Okay, good 10:05. Let’s do this -  intel segment is relatively short tonight, things are very quiet and have been for days, and realize we haven't had a call  since Thursday night, so that's five days ago, but I can tell you, we have two sources saying that we expect notifications either  - Well, it was either today or tomorrow, they haven't come in today.

That puts tomorrow in position right now. And the other piece that we got was from a bond  - well banker who's got connections to the bondholders and the bond pay masters - He said bondholders should be receiving their emails tomorrow.

Well, typically, if the bondholders get their emails tomorrow, we should get our emails tomorrow as well. That is theory of the shotgun start. They could be a little bit ahead of us, but overall, I don't believe that's going to be the case. I think they're right there. I think this thing is very close to coming out.

They really don’t want us to know when it's going to come out. But if bondholders get notified tomorrow, we should also get notified tomorrow, and then all we do is set appointments and start our exchanges tomorrow or Thursday.

So not a whole lot of Intel. I know that everybody's curious as to when our start is, obviously, I'm curious about it as well, but when things tend to be this quiet, this quiet out there, usually we could say it's it's ready to go, being quiet for a reason, and we can take advantage of that. It's not much, but we don't need a whole lot we just need a start, and I think this is what we are looking at

Obviously we're very close. Hopefully this thing we get notified tomorrow, we'll see what that looks like, and everything's just moving behind the scenes - . So I can tell you that the so called pickup is going gangbusters right now - There's a lot happening behind the scenes – to remove people  basically been in the way of this  for a long time – they are getting picked up right and left  now.

So without detail on that, I feel like you're getting  what you need to get right now. Obviously we're looking forward to this going so thank you guys for listening tonight. I appreciate it. And before we turn off the recording, let's go ahead and start and pray ourselves out. Okay? Good.

"IQD still at 1/6 of a penny…. Why?" BY MNT GOAT, 12 JUNE


The Iraqi Ministry of Finance revealed, on Monday, that the volume of revenues in the federal budget during four months exceeded 42 trillion dinars, confirming that the oil contribution to the budget remains at about 89%.

(oil revenue down from 95% in last report…😊)

Shafaq News Agency followed the data and tables issued by the Ministry of Finance this month, for the accounts of the months of January, February, March, and April for the current fiscal year, which showed that oil is still the main resource for Iraq’s general budget, as it reached 89%, which indicates that the rentier economy is the basis of the country’s general budget.

The financial tables indicated that the total revenues in the aforementioned four months amounted to 42 trillion and 725 billion and 409 million and 202 thousand and 38 dinars, and that the total expenditures with advances amounted to three trillion and 678 billion and 245 million and 511 thousand dinars.

According to the financial tables, oil revenues amounted to 38 trillion, 3 billion, 728 million, and 183 thousand dinars, which constitute 89% of the general budget, while non-oil revenues amounted to four trillion, 698 billion, 785 million, and 9 thousand dinars.

For his part, economic expert Muhammad al-Hassani told Shafaq News Agency, “Oil prices are subject to global fluctuations,” stressing that “the Iraqi government must take advantage of the financial abundance in the budget by developing the economic and agricultural sectors to reduce dependence on oil.”

He added, “Corruption and bureaucracy overwhelm most aspects of government institutions and prevent any economic development taking place in Iraq,” warning against “not diversifying the Iraqi economy as quickly as possible, which will make the Iraqi state unable to even pay the salaries of its employees in the near future.”

The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed in March 2021 in an interview with Shafaq News Agency, that the reasons for the Iraqi economy remaining rentier are due to the wars and the imposition of the economic blockade on the country during the past era and the political conflicts we are witnessing today, which led to… dispersal of economic resources.

The Iraqi state’s continued reliance on oil as the sole source of the general budget is a source of danger in the global crises that occur from time to time as oil prices are affected by them, which makes the country tend every time to cover the deficit through borrowing from abroad or within, and thus indicates an inability to manage… Effectively using state funds, and the inability to find alternative financing solutions.

(IQD still at 1/6 of a penny…. Why?)