Friday, June 7, 2024


Nader From The Mid East  

The UN agreement, 2003 when they invaded the country, now they said the last day is next year 2025.  They been talking about the end of the war and this is one of them.  That is very good news. 

 We talk about sovereignty, that's one of them.  It's good for Iraq.  It's going to make Iraq stronger and happier...Sudani what he's talking about the coalition gonna leave in's official.


'Nader you said it was going to happen in June.'  No I didn't say in June happen. 

 I said June they're a possibility for them to work on the dinar because each time they worked on him it's between June and August...They created a new white paper.  They're going to start working on the exchange rate and I think from here to the 8th of July.   We'll see what's going to happen.

Iraq wanted to de-dollarize.  They start de-dollarizing in January but it didn't work for them too much. 

 The government didn't expect that to happen even by telling them that the dinar are stronger...use the dinar instead of the dollar for the benefits of the country.  They tried everything.  Now, they said that plan didn't work so they come out to the new white paper...They realized they cannot do nothing without changing the exchange rate.

They're going to have to go down in the exchange rate for the de-dollarization...They're going to have to change their exchange rate...Between now and 8th of July we should have an answer...

 what they going to do?  Are they going to change the exchange rate...keep it the same...go up...go down

 I think they're going to have to go down on the exchange rate a lot for them to take off the dollar from the street.

Iraqi Dinar | Wow Gazette Exchange Rate Budget Done Finally | IraqI Go...

It Includes 4 Stages.. The Ministry Of Interior Determines The Impact Of Digital Transformation On Citizens, 7 JUNE

 It Includes 4 Stages.. The Ministry Of Interior Determines The Impact Of Digital Transformation On Citizens

money and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The Ministry of Interior announced today, Thursday, that managing the digital transformation file includes 4 stages, while indicating that digital transformation has reduced the burden on citizens and removed the similarity of names to controls.

Director of the Information Systems Directorate in the Ministry, Thamer Al-Amiri, said: “Managing the digital transformation file in the Ministry of Interior includes several stages, building the ministry’s own systems and managing strategic projects, including the passport project and the visa project, as well as the electronic gates at airports as well as the digital data center.”

He explained, "These projects led to reducing the burden on the citizen and removing the similarity of names in the detention centers, as a special system was launched to investigate and measure the efficiency of implementing arrest warrants at the state level."

He added, "We contributed to tracking the crime, by quickly sharing information between the security services and providing communications to facilitate the tracking of terrorism, as well as the presence of cameras and the preparation of special studies in this regard." 120 views  Added 06/06/2024 -


 Mnt Goat  

 This month I believe is going to be a critical month for us investors... 


  Quote:  "... the issuance of new cash denominations, large or small, will not affect the dinar exchange rate."   If the CBI drops the zeros (project to delete the zeros) the rate of the dinar will remain the same in-country of Iraq.   It only changes when the reinstatement back to FOREX occurs...the value is already in the dinar... only the rate, right now, does not reflect the true rate... 

Why...on May 27th did the CBI make this announcement about the issuance   of newer lower denominations?   Could they be heading into June for the redenomination of the three zero notes?

 Article quote:  “The budget is not affected by the rise or decline in dollar exchange rates, because Iraq will receive the dollar from the export of oil, and on the contrary, revenues increase as dollar prices increase globally,”

  The rate of the dollar to the dinar will NEVER be in the budget...NOT GOINGTO HAPPEN! ...The budget is dependent on the price of oil.

Iraqi Dinar | Good News For Investors Hold Your Dinar | Iraqi Dinar News...

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Plasschaert's Replacement Raises Controversy.. Who Is He?, 7 JUNE

 Plasschaert's Replacement Raises Controversy.. Who Is He?

Political |  06/06/2024  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Arab reports revealed today, Thursday, that the United Nations has nominated the permanent representative of the Sultanate of Oman, Mohammed bin Awad, to fill the position of head of the UN mission in Iraq.

This comes after the UN Security Council unanimously approved ending the United Nations political mission in Iraq, and ending the duties of the head of the mission in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert.

A report by the Emirati network Eram, followed by Mawazine News, said, “There are some unnamed political parties that had reservations about the candidate, Muhammad bin Awad, and demanded that the United Nations bring in a foreign, non-Arab person for this position,” without disclosing the reasons for the rejection .

The Iraqi government had asked the Council, in a letter dated May 8, to end the mission of the United Nations Mission in Iraq at the latest by the end of 2025.

According to this request, the UN Security Council voted unanimously, last Friday, to end the United Nations mission in Iraq, which was established In 2003, which aimed to coordinate humanitarian efforts and post-war reconstruction efforts.

According to the resolution, the United Nations extended the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) for 19 months until December 31, 2025, and then developed a “transition and liquidation plan” in consultation with the Iraqi government to transfer its tasks and withdraw employees and assets.

WALKINGSTICK: Iraqi bank friend Aki - highest level banking meeting update, 7 JUNE


 [Iraqi bank friend Aki - highest level banking meeting update] 

 Sudani is putting contracts in place to be implement inside of Iraq.  Sudani has been doing this with thousands of contracts. 

"In the coming days" is what they told us that these contracts will be fulfilled in IQDs for most of the budget's projects...Those contracts will be fulfilled for their value but paid in IQD's only.


[Information from Iraq bank owner #1 friend] 

  Ever since Sudani came back from Washington DC the government of Iraq...has been in the process of making...videos, commercials, advertising.  Sudani has been doing this on behalf of the executive level of all the private banks...These videos will soon be released and shown on Iraqi television  and the big screens. 

 Sudani and the GOI are making these videos with the executive branch of each bank to teach the Iraqi citizens about the new national currency...and the process of the new exchange rate..

 There will be a primary video, a spearhead video.  The videos will be with the head of the private banks, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, the whole of the board members, the government of Iraq, Sudani himself, the Minister of Planning, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Oil.   It will encompass all of the GOI of Sudani because the GOI encompasses the entire executive branch...These videos will explain to the Iraqi citizens the process of the monetary reform and where it is at that moment...


EXCERPTS FROM MARKZ & MILITIAMAN CC ARTICLE 140 / HCL MM: I saw an article today “ The head of the Kurdistan party provincial council st...