Thursday, May 16, 2024


 Militia Man 

  Article:  "Sudani directed the extraordinary session of the council for next Sunday, the federal budget schedules for the year of 2024"  We have the vote for the  speaker of the House of Representatives on Saturday and then we have a special session about the 2024 budget schedules with the Council of Ministers then they go to the HOR...

I think they're at the stage where they just got to jump and do it.  They have to interlink with the region and...the world so it's going to be a timed event.  I don't have the time, the date for that but I think we're going to see it shortly...

There is an existence of the Chapter VII charter of the United Nations that has not yet been resolved.  It's... still restricting the sovereignty at the international level.  The pressure is on and it looks like the UN is waving that flag to Iraq reminding them that there is that component still. 

Iraq is going to be watching and waiting for their purchasing power...They have revenue streams from all different angles...You got natural resources galore - oil, liquid natural gas, tourism... agriculture...Are they going to be able to support a value of there currency?  Of course they are.  They were $3.22 back when oil was at $35.  What if you added on to that all those things I just mentioned? 

 Article:  "Floating the dinar returns to the forefront will the Central Bank of Iraq resort to it and what the risks?"  The bottom line is Iraq is going to make an exchange rate change.   They've told you about it...A managed float is a mix of a fixed and a float... Are they going to change it to a free float?  Probably not because there's a lot of risks at that stage...Ultimately what is their goal?  Raising the value of the dinar against the dollar.  That's what they're going to be trying to do..

We all know the project to delete the zeros has been on the table now for many years but it was taken off the table, back on the table...The delete the zeros is all about what Creating value.  

1310 to buy widgets is in the hundreds of trillions and their budget is in the hundreds of trillions.  They don't even have that much money printed.  They don't even have it on their M1 etc at this point in time.   They never have.  There's got to be an adjustment...


Article: "Iraqi Council of Ministers approves the 2024 budget schedules

 The next step would be to take those schedules and deliver them to the House of Representatives.  If we see that, that's going to be powerful because everybody's gonna be biting their nails because it could very well suggest something could happen prior to that happening.  It's a nail biter...

Article: "Specialist: Floating the dinar is economic suicide"  

Them bringing up exchange regimes obviously...they're going to do something because why talk about it if it's not going to change.  You don't.

 Non-oil revenues...Iraq has the largest sulfur deposit in the world.  They can tap into that.  It's going to be part of their non-oil revenues.  The amount of natural resources Iraq has is off the charts.  Anything that suggests they can't afford to do what they're going to do and go to a market economy I think is highly mistaken.

God Said It's Time NOW! ~Linn Wick & Dr. Kia Pruitt on The "Simply Linn ...




The Prime Minister receives the Vice President of the World Bank for the Middle East and North Africa



- Baghdad

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received Al-Abaa, Vice President of the World Bank for the Middle East and North Africa.

The Prime Minister's Media Office said in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that "Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received the Vice President of the World Bank for the Middle East and North Africa region."





[via PDK]  

Are you guys ready - are you paying attention and waiting for big announcements or “extraordinary  plans” to be revealed in Iraq on Sunday - according to Sudani?

   Now this has something to do with the budget.  Finishing the 2024 budget. I tell you what - announcing a different rate would sure fix all of those problems including the budget.   We are all praying this means something big... 

 Question:  Could we be in the banks next week?

  MarkZ:  If we get a rate on Sunday - IMO we could be in the banks next week.

Gold is up in Iraq- meaning Iraq’s gold reserves rose significantly. They are preparing to be unplugged from the SWIFT.  To do that they are going to need a new value.

We are looking for a lot of information throughout the day today.  Question: Are we close? 

  MarkZ:   If all goes well today- we should know how close we are. And what we are hoping was initiated yesterday with a lot of funds...I have a good feeling about the next couple of days. I think we are going to see positive things today and tomorrow…to let us know where we are at in the process...

I still continue to hear phenomenal hopes from bankers for the coming days/weeks.

 Question:   Does the VND have a contract rate

 MarkZ:   I wouldn’t call it a contract rate – more like a pre-negotiated fee/whatever for a maximum rate. The reason there is a contract rate on the IQD is the dinar for oil program …allowing them (US Treasury?) to exchange dinar for oil over time instead of all at once.

 There have been a few humdingers from banking sources this week. Mostly banking people who used to tell me I was nuts to believe in the RV - are now training for exchanges. They tell me “all those years and you were right” which does make me feel good.

Zimbabwe Will Lead the Way to Global Wealth! -Dr. Kia Pruitt & Linn Wick...




The National Bank of Iraq receives a strong credit rating from Capital Intelligence



The global credit rating agency, Capital Intelligence, has affirmed its credit rating for the National Bank of Iraq for long-term and short-term foreign currencies (FCRs), maintaining the bank’s basic financial strength rating at (bb) with a stable outlook.


The bank said in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, "This positive rating reflects the strength and solidity of the financial position of the National Bank of Iraq, and enhances the culture of trust among current and new customers and investors. The rating also contributes to supporting the bank's efforts to achieve its development goals in serving the Iraqi national economy." 
According to the statement, the Capital Intelligence Agency based its granting of this rating to the National Bank of Iraq on several factors, the most important of which are: good banking management, a high ratio of capital to assets, including the core capital ratio (CET1), effective flexibility in capital management, and good liquidity supported. With a growing deposit customer base, especially from retail banking, along with good operating profitability driven by improved revenue quality and stability, in addition to high quality of loan assets.
Commenting on this achievement, the authorized director of the National Bank of Iraq, Ayman Abu Dhaim, confirmed that “the positive credit ratings obtained by the National Bank of Iraq reflect its efforts to enhance the soundness and strength of its financial position, including increasing its capital and improving its risk management, indicating that this The rating is a testimony to the bank’s commitment to the highest standards of banking, and contributes to enhancing the confidence of customers and investors.”  
Abu Dhaim pointed out that "the National Bank of Iraq will continue its commitment to providing the best banking services to its customers, in an effort to contribute to supporting the Iraqi national economy and enhancing its position on the global economic map."



 Sandy Ingram  

It is hard to believe Iraq did not have certain banking capabilities until now...We understand why my ex-husband a retired banker with the Federal Reserve Bank and his peers believed the dinar would not revalue.  It appears until Iraq updated its banking system the country could not participate in the global financial platforms...The bankers in the US never explained the reasons for their negative attitude towards the Iraqi dinar.

The IQD was not convertible to other currencies on global markets before the 2003 invasion...Rates, which were $3.21 IQD to 1 US dollar in July 2003 means little if the currency is not exchangeable on global markets...People with education in economics say the Iraqi currency will be readily available for exchange in US banks...The question then becomes - 

 How long will it take US banks to recognize the currency after the initial increase in Iraq?  Oh, you believe it will all happen on the same day

 We would hope so, however this is unlikely... Savvy investors may have to travel for the exchange rate ...If Iraq says the IQD is worth 1 USD to Iraqi dinar will you wait for the United States to say the same thing or will you travel to a bank that says the Iraqi dinar value equals $1? ... We hope the naysayer are right and we can all walk into our banks in the United States and exchange our IQD bank notes for US dollars

 The World Bank is working with the Iraqi Finance Minister to implement banking reform as quickly as possible...things are happening fast.

Shocking documents from Iraq's Federal Board of Supreme Audit have uncovered a massive corruption scheme.  Over 151,000 citizens were involved in the illicit buying  of US currency...[They] obtained dollars at the official state rate for travel purposes but never left the country.  The black market refers to them as "ghost travelers". 

 [We] are thinking the Iraqis sold the dollars for more money than they invested.  As a result of the corruption Iraq's Central Bank employees, private banks, currency exchange companies and tourism firms were all involved.  This is a $600 million corruption scam involving the US dollar... 

When in Washington, DC he [Al-Sudani] met with the chair of the governing board of the JP Morgan Development Finance Institution (DFI), Daniel Zelikow.  Prime Minister Al-Sudani received Mr. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, and his accompanying delegation on Wednesday during his visit...In Davos, Iraqi Prim Minister al-Sudani with Mr. Khaled Haballah, the regional CEO of JPMorgan Chase for the Middle East and North Africa...

 Al-Sudani met with the Iraqi community in Washington DC and other American states on the sidelines of his official visit to the United States.  Al-Sudani conveyed gratitude to the Iraqi communities in the US and throughout the world, emphasizing that Iraq is for all Iraqis and that the country needs the knowledge, experiences, opportunities and initiatives of Iraqis in the U.S. 

 The prime minister indicated the Iraqi government is working on establishing a department for expatriate affairs to be able to communicate effectively with the Iraqi community around the world...

On April 15th President Joe Biden will hold Prime Minister Al-Sudani of Iraq at the White House.  This meeting is a crucial opportunity for the United States and Iraq to discuss common priorities and strengthen their bilateral partnership.

Al-Sudani met with the Iraqi community in Washington DC and other American states on the sidelines of his official visit to the United States.  Al-Sudani conveyed gratitude to the Iraqi communities in the US and throughout the world, emphasizing that Iraq is for all Iraqis and that the country needs the knowledge, experiences, opportunities and initiatives of Iraqis in the U.S. 

 The prime minister indicated the Iraqi government is working on establishing a department for expatriate affairs to be able to communicate effectively with the Iraqi community around the world...

On April 15th President Joe Biden will hold Prime Minister Al-Sudani of Iraq at the White House.  This meeting is a crucial opportunity for the United States and Iraq to discuss common priorities and strengthen their bilateral partnership.