Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Including A Capital Increase Of 400 Billion Dinars... A Number Of Files On The Table Of The Bank Of Baghdad Authority, 15 MAY

 Including A Capital Increase Of 400 Billion Dinars... A Number Of Files On The Table Of The Bank Of Baghdad Authority

Economy News – Baghdad   The General Authority of the Bank of Baghdad intends to hold a meeting on May 18 to discuss a number of files, including increasing the capital to 400 billion dinars.

The bank’s media stated in a statement, received by “Al-Iqtisad News”, that “the general authority of the bank will hold a meeting on next May 18 to discuss and approve the annual financial statements for the year 2023, distribute profits, and increase the paid-up capital from 300.0 billion Iraqi dinars to 400.0 billion Iraqi dinars in accordance with the provisions of Article 55/second, at a rate of 33.3%, and an agreement with the Jordan Kuwait Bank, in addition to stopping trading in the bank’s shares as of May 14.”

He added, "Net profits grew by 44% on a quarterly basis in the first quarter of 2024, driven by a decrease in provisions for credit losses and an increase in commissions and foreign currency revenues; an increase in net profit on an annual basis by 203%."

He pointed out, "The Bank of Baghdad showed significant growth in net profits after tax in the first quarter of 2024, which rose by 44% on a quarterly basis and 203% on an annual basis, reaching 76.1 billion Iraqi dinars ($58.1 million)."

He stated, “Net commission income increased by 12% on a quarterly basis (+241% on an annual basis) to reach 58.0 billion Iraqi dinars ($44.2 million) in the first quarter of 2024, mainly due to the increase in bank transfer commissions.” and lower commission expenses.

He pointed out, "The bank recorded a net growth in income from foreign currencies of 29% on a quarterly basis (+141% on an annual basis) in the first quarter of 2024, reaching 27.6 billion Iraqi dinars ($21.0 million)," indicating Provisions for expected credit losses decreased from 16.1 billion Iraqi dinars ($12.2 million) in the fourth quarter of 2023 to 2.2 billion Iraqi dinars ($1.7 million) in the first quarter of 2024 due to a decrease in provisions for expected credit losses on cash held by central banks. And provisions for expected credit losses on balances with banks and financial institutions.”

The statement continued: “A 4% decrease on a quarterly basis in total assets in the first quarter of 2024, driven by a decrease in customer deposits, offset by growth in equity; strong growth in financial assets; growth of total outstanding assets on an annual basis by 45%.” In addition to "a decrease in the total assets of the Bank of Baghdad by 4% on a quarterly basis (+45% on an annual basis) to 2.6 trillion Iraqi dinars ($2.0 billion) at the end of the third month of 2024."

He stressed that “the bank is the second largest bank listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange based on its assets and deposits,” noting that “customer deposits decreased by 9% on a quarterly basis (+48% on an annual basis) to reach 2.0 trillion Iraqi dinars ( $1.5 billion) driven by a decrease in corporate current and call accounts, partially offset by an increase in corporate term deposits.”

He noted that “ownership rights grew by 16% on a quarterly basis (+54% on an annual basis) to reach 548.4 billion Iraqi dinars ($361.6 million) at the end of the third month of 2024 due to recording net profits amounting to 76.1 billion Iraqi dinars ($58.1 million). million dollars) in the first quarter of 2024.

The statement added: “The Bank of Baghdad records the highest annual return on average assets and the return on average equity in the first three months of 2024 among the banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange,” stressing that “The Bank of Baghdad almost doubled the percentage of annual return on average assets from 5.7.” % in the first three months of 2023 to 11.3% in the first three months of 2024.

He stated, "The bank doubled the annual return on the average equity ratio from 28.4% in the first three months of 2023 to 59.5% in the first three months of 2024." 115 views   05/14/2024 -

Is Mr. C the triggerman? BY WOLVERINE, 15 MAY


5/13 3:59 p.m. m.]:

 Global Banking Announcement:

This is a follow-up note to the banker who attended a foreign exchange training last week.

He shared that banks are “currently” exchanging their currencies using native currencies.

There will be much faster settlement times using a country's own currencies for exchange.

Currently, this applies to all currencies in the world except the IQD.

This makes sense to me due to the fact that Dee and I were told the IQD would not float. You will be given a revised rate.

This bank will remain anonymous to protect you from being bombarded with phone calls.

The important thing we can learn from this Intel piece is that, for this bank, these new procedures started today.

This does not mean that all banks have started these protocols yet, but it does mean that expectations for them to begin are high.

[5/13 3:59 p.m. m.] +57 320 7191415: TRIGGER!

In a Q&A session, he addresses the burning question: Is Mr. C the triggerman?

His answer is a masterclass in financial strategy. Mr. C's role is fundamental, but he has not yet developed

She paints a vivid picture: two bookends, with the top layers (Layers 1, 2, 3 and 4A) forming the first.

These elite groups, armed with their Secure Storage Receipts (SKR), are about to receive what they were promised

The focus then turns to Mike Cottrell, the linchpin of this grand plan. His role is crucial: he bridges the gap between the two bookends.

His action will result in a domino effect: the demise of banking derivatives, the demise of asset-backed currencies, and a financial renaissance.

And then, the second support: Tier 4B, ready to meet your exchange and exchange commitments

The explanation is not just informative

Iraqi Dinar update for 05/15/24 Is Isis back and peeps in my group take ...



  • Redemption Centers are gateways to claim our Gesara (Globally) and Nesara (U.S.) monetary entitlements via the Quantum Financial Access card.
  • Wells Fargo has taken the mantle of mirroring all bank accounts onto this futuristic Quantum Financial System (QFS). This ensures the safety of our money, including 401ks and retirement funds.
  • Bond and Zim Holders will be contacted according to your Zip Code.
  • Redemption Centers operate round-the-clock, prioritizing exchanges based on the gold-backed value of currencies like Zim, Dinar, Dong, and the Dollar. Not all bonds are welcome; only those under a Special Keep Receipt (SKR) for over five years are eligible. Judy Note: It is my opinion that this note about SKRs was not referring to the Zim Bond.
  • The process of bond payments is predicted to span across three years, marking a gradual transition. It’s a game of value and volume. Those with container loads of bonds will be in the fast lane, while someone with a mere three pallets might face a longer wait. Bond payouts can stretch up to 25 years. They are of great value since they’re gold-backed.
  • The American continent enjoys a unique advantage.  The rate of foreign currencies, especially Zim, fluctuates. There’s chatter about a hefty 80% humanitarian project deduction from Zim Bonds.
  • Entering a Redemption Center isn’t a straightforward process, especially if one’s past is tainted with felonies. A felony, typically punishable with a year’s imprisonment, isn’t an automatic disqualification. Yet, the intricacies of Redemption require felons to entrust their representation to an attorney. This legal mediator serves as the bridge between their tainted past and the promise of a new financial future.
  • Indiscriminate investments or donations can lead to the confiscation of funds. At Redemption Centers, individuals are provided a comprehensive 55-page guide listing entities that are permissible for investments and those that are off-limits. This is about ethical choices. Funding endeavors that perpetrate ‘Crimes Against Humanity‘, be it human trafficking, drug trade, or gun-running, can lead to dire consequences.
  • Redemption Centers are equipped with technology that claims to gauge the purity of one’s heart. As outlandish as it sounds, this ‘heart scan’ is the first checkpoint. Those harboring criminal intentions or malice are identified. Their ill-gotten gains aren’t just confiscated but redirected to Humanitarian Projects, ensuring that the wealth benefits the greater good.




It looks like Iraq will be announcing the new non corrupt speaker and finally activating the budget in parliament. We will do a breaking news story if/when that happens this weekend. 

Meanwhile, the elites are getting ready to do one boom event after another. Good thing we’re prepared! 



 Jon Dowling: Tax cuts, aka income tax removal and debt relief, aka debt forgiveness. Sounds like Gesara and Nesara to me! BRICS getting stronger by the day! Iraq is now in the WTO, they just need to make the official announcement.✅

I cant believe this is happening to Gold Silver and Crypto update for 05...



Some very positive news out of China and England re Bond Holders today but as yet I am unable to confirm, 

but with all the reporting about gold backed currencies world wide we are still moving in the right direction.


Texas Snake, [05/14/2024, 12:23:46 a. m.]

Well folks I have never considered myself a Guru nor am I one, I have a number of professional individuals who happen to  be involved with the currency revaluation and they have been kind enough to include me in their information. 

The latest they are being provided is there are now two dates which will trigger our anticipated RV.  

The first is before this month ends and the second is very early into the next  month of June.

  I will be informed as to which date as the bank personal trained to exchange are also the ones scheduling our appointments so the date will be designated when appointment capabilities become available to us.

  While limited to exact details I am comfortable with and hopefully you can appreciate just how close we are.  GOD Bless

It is she is planting flowers everywhere

Yes WF is a major participant

Well folks as soon as any additional info becomes availabe to me I will advise thanks for your participation comments and GOD Bless

The expected path of the Iraqi economy, 30 SEPT

  Yasser Metwally The expectations of economists and those interested in economic affairs, including me, are based on the indicators that ...