Wednesday, May 15, 2024



  • Redemption Centers are gateways to claim our Gesara (Globally) and Nesara (U.S.) monetary entitlements via the Quantum Financial Access card.
  • Wells Fargo has taken the mantle of mirroring all bank accounts onto this futuristic Quantum Financial System (QFS). This ensures the safety of our money, including 401ks and retirement funds.
  • Bond and Zim Holders will be contacted according to your Zip Code.
  • Redemption Centers operate round-the-clock, prioritizing exchanges based on the gold-backed value of currencies like Zim, Dinar, Dong, and the Dollar. Not all bonds are welcome; only those under a Special Keep Receipt (SKR) for over five years are eligible. Judy Note: It is my opinion that this note about SKRs was not referring to the Zim Bond.
  • The process of bond payments is predicted to span across three years, marking a gradual transition. It’s a game of value and volume. Those with container loads of bonds will be in the fast lane, while someone with a mere three pallets might face a longer wait. Bond payouts can stretch up to 25 years. They are of great value since they’re gold-backed.
  • The American continent enjoys a unique advantage.  The rate of foreign currencies, especially Zim, fluctuates. There’s chatter about a hefty 80% humanitarian project deduction from Zim Bonds.
  • Entering a Redemption Center isn’t a straightforward process, especially if one’s past is tainted with felonies. A felony, typically punishable with a year’s imprisonment, isn’t an automatic disqualification. Yet, the intricacies of Redemption require felons to entrust their representation to an attorney. This legal mediator serves as the bridge between their tainted past and the promise of a new financial future.
  • Indiscriminate investments or donations can lead to the confiscation of funds. At Redemption Centers, individuals are provided a comprehensive 55-page guide listing entities that are permissible for investments and those that are off-limits. This is about ethical choices. Funding endeavors that perpetrate ‘Crimes Against Humanity‘, be it human trafficking, drug trade, or gun-running, can lead to dire consequences.
  • Redemption Centers are equipped with technology that claims to gauge the purity of one’s heart. As outlandish as it sounds, this ‘heart scan’ is the first checkpoint. Those harboring criminal intentions or malice are identified. Their ill-gotten gains aren’t just confiscated but redirected to Humanitarian Projects, ensuring that the wealth benefits the greater good.

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