Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Veitnamese Dong | Good News For VND Holders VND RI Done At $3.60 | VND N...

Turkey to hold ‘quadripartite summit’ involving Iraq on ‘development road’ project, 2 MAY

Turkey to hold ‘quadripartite summit’ involving Iraq on ‘development road’ project

Shafaq News / Turkish media reported on Wednesday that their countries, Iraq, the UAE and Qatar intend to hold a “quad ministerial summit” regarding the “development road” project linking Iraq to Europe through Turkish territory, in which Abu Dhabi and Doha also participate.

In recent statements, Turkish Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdul Qadir Uraloglu said that the upcoming quartet summit between the said countries will be held within the next two months.

On the memorandum of understanding recently signed regarding the same project between the four countries in Baghdad, the Turkish minister said that “this was a bilateral agreement, but with Turkish and Iraqi efforts also included the UAE and Qatar.”

Weekly meetings are taking place between officials of both Turkey and Iraq, Uraloglu added.

Regarding the steps to implement the project, Uraloglu stated that they will open offices in Iraq and Turkey within the framework of the project, in the coming months, noting that with the operation of the development road, the volume of trade will rise from 20 to 30-40 billion dollars.

A few days ago, Turkey, Iraq, Qatar and the UAE signed in Baghdad a four-way memorandum of understanding for cooperation on the “development road” project, in the presence of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shiaa Al-Sudani.اقتصـاد/تركيا-تعتزم-عقد-قمة-رباعية-تضم-العراق-بش-ن-مشروع-طريق-التنمية



[via PDK]

  I have had a number of contractors in the last day or two tell me that they were told to prepare for between $3.60 - $3.90 [for the dinar]…

  Question:  Anything new about the rate of the dong [Vietnam]...?  

 MarkZ:  I am hearing the dong rate could be in the $3+ range now. I hope this is accurate.  When  I first got in this I was hoping for .31 -.36 cents. Then I was consistently told it could be in the low $2 range…which would be spot on for a reinstatement.  Now I am hearing it could be as high as $3.60 or so… That is what is showing on bank screens. I do not know if it’s a place holder rate…but it is showing up a lot.

 Question:  Mark, do you see May 8th rumor that (the WTO entrance) as a hard date that Iraq cannot go past without announcing their new rate

 MarkZ:  I hate to give dates…but there is a good chance it could go before then.  Question: What does your gut say

 My gut is pretty mad we are not done already…but I feel that there is a good chance before the 9th of May. There is a lot expected to happen over the next few days.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Iraqi Dinar Joining World Trade Organizations Today 2024🔥ira...

Baghdad sends the salaries of Erbil employees, 2 MAY

 Baghdad sends the salaries of Erbil employees, 2 MAY

Mawazine News-Baghdad
A source in the Federal Ministry of Finance announced, on Wednesday, that the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees will be sent today or tomorrow after completing the list of names.

The source said in a statement circulated by Kurdish media, that “all procedures have been completed to send the salaries of the region’s employees,” noting that “the salaries are ready and only the minister’s consultation remains,” expecting that “April salaries will be sent today or tomorrow.”

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Nermin Maaf, revealed on Tuesday the reasons for the delay in sending the April salaries to the Kurdistan Regional Government, which is likely that Baghdad will send money by the end of this week.
“The Iraqi Ministry of Finance had comments on the April salary list, so I returned it to the Kurdistan Regional Government, so the salary audit was delayed,” Marouf wrote on her Facebook page and followed by “Baghdad Today.”
“It is likely that the Iraqi Ministry of Finance will deposit April salaries into the bank account of the Ministry of Finance by the end of this week,” she added.


 Nader From The Mid Eas

 The budget have to be approved by the parliament...Sudani cannot make a decision by himself...The budget doesn't have to be approved by's not true.  They have pass by the parliament and parliament have to vote for it. 

 Any changes on that budget the parliament have to agree into it and have to vote for it and have to sign it and send it to Sudani and then the president of Iraq...It is active yes but not completely active.  Any changes have to be approved by the parliament of Iraq.

 People calling me since last Thursday asking me, 'We hearing the exchange rate will change on Monday?'

  ...I didn't see anything about Monday.  I see really good news.  I believe with all this going on they should go for it.  I think they're ready.  I don't know when or why not.  Some people saying Monday...before the end of the month...May... July.  It's all prediction.  I wish it could happen now.  Today...Let's watch it...

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Rate $3.60 on Bank 🔥 News Guru Intel Update Value IQD Ex...


  Clare    Article: ”Imposing a curfew in all Iraqi governorates on November 20 and 21" Quote: " The Iraqi  government decided...t...