Thursday, October 10, 2024



I have to start off with my commentary today with some really good news, actually some WOW! WOW! WOW! news. Let me explain. No the RV has not yet happened, but we can see the path now and very clearly. 

So, finally we get word that Iraq has met all it requirements to join the World Trade Organization (WTO). Please go read the news on this topic under the article titled “THE GOVERNMENT COMPLETES THE FILE TO JOIN “WTO”.

Now the arguments and rumors begin to fly in the dinar intel community from all the gurus and also from my blog readers. Why is this? I have already settled this issue as to whether Iraq needs a currency or not to join the WTO. Why do you still question it?

I will repeat the requirements now once again. The FACT is any country joining the WTO must have a currency. It does not require any country to have a currency that is traded on FOREX. Get it? It is that simple. However, having said this, don’t you think that combined with all the other news we have been reading over the last couple years that Iraq is moving to reinstate their currency back on FOREX and that this announcement only adds to this commitment? Go read the White Paper. Why are they de-dollarizing? Why in hell are they fast-tracking now all these financial reforms with the US Treasury? So, why all the talk on my blog about it then? Don’t you trust what I tell you? Stop speculating! 

Please stop trying to pigeon hole the RV to one or a few events. AndI mean speculating just becasue of this recent WTO announcement. This DOES NOT make the RV imminent. Get it? Folks all these recent activities and events matter and the RV is a “by-product”of all these events not a singular event in itself. Get it? It is like a choo-choo train going down the tracks. It makes it stops to pick up, but it has a final destination. We all know what that is.

Then also think about what my CBI contact told us. What did she say? She said that after the election, if these crazy people are voted out of the government of the US, then there is a VERY HIGH possibility her committee would begin the process of the deleting the zeros and currency swap out in November. Then what did the prophet Kim Clement tells us? He told us it is going to be an “Hypnotic November”. What does he mean? Please go watch the video again if you don’t remember. What the hell do you think I am posting all this stuff on my blog for? Do you think it’s all for my health? Folks I already know all this information. I have already put this together the full picture and I can easily see it. The view is now in sight and the writing is on the wall. So much on the wall that I do not believe anything is going to stop it short of a major disaster.

I get a kick out these ignorant intel gurus, (and you know who you are because I know you are reading my posts today), who speculate and come up with all their fake dates and nonsense. How many times must we hear about this stupid NESARA being implemented, then nothing ever happens? When will these idiots get wise to who is providing their stupid form of intel? But the important part is when will YOU STOP listening to them.

What else is in the news this period of news?

I will only mention one other article that I give a one WOW! to. The title is “THE CENTRAL BANK CONTINUES THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION OF BANKING REFORM PLANS”. In this news we read that the CBI has completed the first phase of the banking reform process. They then go on to tell us what the steps were in this phase. Why is this important. First of all, we can confirm by this article that there is a plan and they are working towards it, and that is their road map. It is all in the White Paper folks. It is the work on the Pillars of Financial Reform. It is exactly what I have been presenting to you in the articles and all the news we witnessed over these last couple years. Here is a recap from the article:

1.drawing up policies, programs and standards and determining the main and sub-goals for the transition to a complete reform by achieving tangible and important results in the field of regulating foreign trade financing and regularity in the global financial system through strict adherence to international compliance standards; (This was the development of the White Paper part, the actual plan)

2.building solid international banking relations with global banks and correspondent banks;

3.introducing the local currencies of countries with significant trade exchange to cash transactions in their local currencies in addition to dealing in the US dollar;

4.Also, activating and strengthening its procedures in the  transition from a cash economy to a digital economy and cooperating with the government in expanding the use of electronic payment tools and spreading the culture of transitioning to a cashless society.

If you care to take the time to read Tuesday’s Edition of the Mnt Goat Newsletter you will also see many of these reforms in my commentary are from the very recent articles. They are mostly all covered in this recent news article I present today. Folks, it all there. Are you reading my Newsletter even? 

Certainly, the above tasks occupied a large part of the efforts at the local and international levels. Within the reform map led by the Central Bank with the cooperation and support of the government and the support of the Prime Minister personally, the focus will be on restructuring government and private banks in a way that does not allow the existence of troubled and unsound banks and starting to implement new policies.   

So, what does a “map” do? A map guides you right? There is a plan (where Iraq wants to go) and then a map on how to get there (the necessary changes).

Then common sense tells us that if we know the plan and the map, we can intelligently try to determine their target. Does this make any sense? Instead of speculating and listening to some weird bullshit from very weird people, we can do this ourselves, just as I am doing for you. But the key is not to forget what they already said to us. The information we read each day builds upon itself not a separate bit of news altogether. Get it? This is the problem many have in seeing the big picture about this investment. They want hype, they desire rumors and they thrive off of any day / every day lies about an imminent RV. In other words they enjoy the daily ride on the RV roller coaster.

There is yet another issue that really “gets my proverbial goat” and that is the stupidity and hype about paying the Kurdistan salaries. I have to tell you now not to watch the payment of these salaries as an event for the RV. No they do not wait to pay the salaries because they hope they can pay in the new rate and thus the new rate is imminent. Some of these really stupid intel gurus will try to convince you that Iraq wants to pay them in the revalued rate and this holdup in salaries is related to the holdup of the new rate. How dumb to even make this connection. Folks use your brain. Even my CBI contact told me this is pure stupidity and insanity to think this way. 

So why is paying the salaries to Kurdistan really important (not this stupid Guru talk)? 

  1. the IMF told Iraq nearly a decade ago that they must pay these salaries on time and routine. (this goes way back to 2011 even under initial IMF Consultations with Iraq)
  2. the GOI must ensure they have the funds to pay them and have at least 4 months worth of these salaries in their reserves, just in case of a emergencies (just like they experienced during Covid) (with $120 billion in reserves they certainly meet this requirement)
  3. They must clean up the corruption associated with these FAKE where some people are getting paid double and even triple over fake names. (We read many articles on this subject matter over the years and Kurdistan got caught red-handed in this corruption scheme. This is also why the finance committee and the CBI just mandated all salaries are to be electronically paid or you don’t get paid.)
  4. They must have a census taken of the disputed Article 140 territory to include salaries for jobs in these government run positions in these districts taken over by Kurdistan. (Just a very recent article on this topic which I decided NOT TO POST or even talk abut as it was not significant even for us to worry about.) 

But let me add these all of these items on the list have an impact on the RV but certainly not as these intel gurus interpret them. I would say out of all of them #1 is the most important for us to watch and this is an Iraqi Constitutional requirement not really an IMF requirement anyhow. Remember they must have their new constitution fully implemented to get their currency reinstated. This has been told to me many times by my CBI contact. 

What can we as investors do right now?

  • Pray and pray that nothing will mess this up….
  • Be very patient….
  • Do not sell you dinar….  
  • No more intel guru talk….
  • No more NESARA / GESARA crazy talk
  • Stop listening to all these idiots as they are only confusing you more and more (especially TNT and “The Big Call” idiots.)
  • Don’t over speculate and set unjustified expectations

I know the path to this reinstatement and I don’t have to speculate or guess.

If you are faithful follower of my blog you then clearly see I have NEVER misled you on the information. How can I say this? It is because I show you evidence and FACTUAL information not some make-believe fairytale bank stories, or lies that four letter agencies are talking to me, because the aren’t and I don’t care what the hell they are saying anyway. None of this ridiculous NESARA or GESARA bullshit either. Get it? Stay away from all this crap. It is an illness that has spread throughout our dinar investment community. It is easy to lie and make up stories but much, much harder to spend the time translating articles and applying them to what is really going on. Yes, we must stay grounded as this RV is coming to a closure and there is not much longer to wait..

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