Sunday, October 6, 2024



💢This is a valuable resource, a history lesson which explains the "RV" (revaluation of currencies globally) and instructs new learners on understanding how large sums of funds may be acquired for Humanitarian purposes by obtaining and redeeming Zimbabwe Bond Notes. This basic History lesson will be your foundation to understand coming financial events.

RV History: the late Dr Dan Ecklund, Author

Part 1 of 4

Historical Background

The funding for the medbeds, and for thousands of humanitarian projects all over the world, originates in South America 500 years ago.  And in Mexico.  The Inca and Aztec silver and gold mines were taken by the Spanish Conquistadores.  The precious metals were shipped across the Atlantic to Europe. 

Since most of the banking for Europe was in Venice, that is where much of the silver and gold arrived.  

Marco Polo and his brother were Venetian traders, who had followed the spice trade routes to China.  Asia had three or four things coveted by Europe:  Tea, Silk, Spices, and Porcelain were at the top of the list.  Much of the Inca Silver made its way to China and the Spice Islands (Indonesia) in exchange for these three items.  And much of the wealth of Europe ended up in China and SE Asia.

But, the Asians did not want anything from Europe, so the silver just stayed there.  Much of it was maintained in underground vaults, in Indonesia, Philippines, and other countries.

Eventually, the English figured out how they could get some of their silver back. There was a plant in Afghanistan which was very popular.  The English took that plant and had it grown by their slaves in India, and then sent to China.  The Chinese did not want this plant, as they knew what it would do to their people.  

But the Europeans insisted This was in about 1850, as I recall, and the plant gave its name to the conflict that resulted:  The Opium Wars.  The Europeans refused any regulation of their opium trade, and the Chinese population was decimated by opium addiction.  

With the Chinese nation (the Ching Dynasty) crippled by addiction, Japan settled into northern China.  They sponsored bandits and brigands to assist the Japanese government to take over much of China:  Bandits and theives would steal from the people, the people would cry out to their leaders, but nothing happened.  The Japanese invaders offered to help the people to drive out the bandits, and their help was accepted. 

The bandits moved onward, and the cycle was repeated.  Eventually, the Imperial Ching Dynasty government was pretty much driven out of existence, and in 1911 a Honolulu-trained physician led his movement to take over the Dynasty and establish the Nationalist Chinese Government.

The Elders

The Nationalist Government fought against the Japanese occupiers in the Sino-Japanese War of 1935.  The Japanese took much of the treasure they had stolen from China, and hid it in the vaults mentioned above.  They established a guardian tribe over at least some of the vaults, who continue guarding the vaults to this day.  The vaults full of gold, silver and other treasure extend for miles in several countries.  I have spoken to people who have been allowed to visit them.  You can learn more about the Japanese vaults in the book Gold Warriors. 

When Japan was defeated, the royalty of several Asian nations claimed ownershop of the vaults.  We call them the "Chinese Elders", though many of them were not Chinese.  These Elders devoted their treasure to finance the prosperity and advancement of the world.  But, how would they convert a bunch of ancient gold and silver into modern money?

In 1945, there was a world monetary conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.  A plan was agreed to by the nations to use the US Dollar as the world reserve currency.  All other currencies would be pegged, or based on, their relative value vs the US Dollar.  The Elders agreed to let their funds be  used as collateral for all of the paper money currencies...TO BE CONTINUED

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