Friday, October 18, 2024



Now, you can connect the dots with another article with the announcement about the formal workplace article. 


 This article gives us yet more information on the direction of the Iraqi economy in the private sector. 

Seems now the attention of the news has moved away from the banking sector and to the economy as a whole. Didn’t we hear all this news for a decade or more about goals of moving to a capitalistic economy and the private sector?

 So, in the article the Prime Minister’s Advisor stressed that and I quote “thanks to these initiatives, Iraq will be able to revitalize the private sector and make it a major partner in economic development and achieve maximum benefit from its strategic geographical location.”

  Oh yes, “strategic geographical location”. Do you see it now?

 We were told decades ago about this goal for Iraq. 

The goal is to make it an economic giant, a financial powerhouse. The centralized location for Iraq is ideal for this purpose. 

One has to ask if the 2003 war was for this transition for Iraq to happen all along and turn the country over to capitalistic system away from the Saddam Hussien socialistic society all along. Ye, the globalists financial barrens wanted this country and now they have it. But this could be a VERY GOOD thing for us investors too, so don’t cut this idea short. 

I want to add that just remember in the back of your minds that those politicians who orchestrated this transition for the globalists (by the 2003 war with Iraq) used the lives of your sons and daughters and countless tax dollars to do it.

 They also already exchanged their dinars and made their payoffs for doing it. Just saying so you know the truth and put this entire 20 past years for Iraq into perspective. 

So, today as you can see most of the news is all about the revitalization of the Iraq economy and away from the banking reforms. Why is this?

 Does this mean these financial reforms are all accomplished? Probably not but are they sufficient enough now to provide the funding for these economic projects.

 Have they reached some sort of benchmark in the electronic digital banking reformation? Probably as we read the articles it seems they have made so much progress.

 Also remember all this liquidity in the banks from the stashes and hordes of currency now being deposited that we read in Tuesday’s news. And remember the “cash centers” ?

  Please connect the dots and see the oncoming storm of prosperity coming to Iraq.

Remember that we investors partake in this wealth when it comes to Iraq, but only when it comes as a byproduct of all these reforms. Yes, when they finally move to FOREX. 

No, the RV has not yet happened, and it is stupid and silly to say it has. However, the plan and thus the execution of the process for the plan is moving forward nicely.

 The choo-choo is moving fast down the tracks. Yes, it has to make various stops along the journey but the important part it is still moving forward, and it seems as a more rapid pace as we near the end of this year. Choo-choo! 

Remember also the article from Tuesday when the Finance Minister Taif Sami Mohammed stressed the need “to adhere to timetables to achieve economic reforms”. 

Yes, Iraq is on a timetable, and I don’t think they are going to mess this one up under Al-Sudani as they have in the past.

 There are many Iranian factions that would like to embroil Iraq in the Israel fight against terrorists and not see these reforms take place. 

This is why Iraq, under Al-Sudani is being very cautious to stay out of this conflict.

The U.S. elections are very close and many of these stupid self-proclaimed intel gurus are telling you that now we may have to wait until after the elections to see the RV. They even are now migrating towards the end of the year and early 2025 to see the RV.

 Oh…gee whiz isn’t this what Mnt Goat has been telling you now for a long time?

 I showed you proof and even gave testimony from my contact in the CBI that the planned target dates evolve around the U.S. elections. There are ramifications to this decision to which I can not tell you at this time, but I will as time passes. If you truly have been following my Newsletter and listening to what I have presented, then you should be able to see it already, but that is if you paid attention.

Soon I will fill you in as I am allowed all those not a tuned. Just trust me that there is much more going on behind the scenes than we hear from the news media. Most of the news media is crooked and one-sided so you will not hear all the news or even the TRUTH in most cases. Yes, its called propaganda.

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