Monday, September 9, 2024

Topic: IRAQ and Troop withdrawal BY GINGER TELEGRAM ROOM, 9 SEPT

 💢Part 2/2 - Wonderful help  from Helicopter Lady, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire. 

Topic: IRAQ and Troop withdrawal - 9.8.24

💢 Helicopter Lady: Hello dear Ginger: The good news is that Reuters has announced that Iraq and the US have come to a preliminary troop withdrawal agreement starting November 2025.

It means that we are finally close to an official announcement.

The date of November 2025 deadline solves 3 problems:

1. Iraq can make an "official announcement"

2. It gives them 15 months to pay the US for all the infrastructure projects that the Americans completed during the oversight period and military occupation


3. It allows the WTO now to proceed with the next step in accrediting Iraq's membership.

There is another reason why this is very good news! Trump wants to make a point that even while our US troops are leaving in a friendly way, it still takes a year to get them (and our equipment) home safely. I think he is building the story so that he can use it as a contrast with how (carelessly) Biden withdrew the troops from Afghanistan willy nilly: in just one week, causing all sorts of upheaval, including getting people killed during the process. 

President Trump wants the Americans to see the difference. Maybe it is timed like this to bring it up during the debate on Tuesday between President Trump and Kamala. I don't see how Kamala can last 1 1/2 hours under Trump's stare. 💥👀💥

💢 Ginger adds: I feel really great about this USA Troop withdrawal announcement and even the timing of it. It's not discouraging to me in the least bit. I don't foresee at all that this will delay the financial reforms and "The Camper Event". 

We heard news many months back, which I brought to you, explaining that the withdrawal of USA military was slated for next year. Plus Al Sudani used kinda forceful words insisting the military depart the region, but this is also kind of a way to "save face", like we don't need you anymore! We are sovereign now! But behind closed doors, at the same time, you can imagine him saying, "Hey, could we get a little help for just a little while longer?" - knowing Iraq is about to go through an incredible transformation - right? 

I explained last Fall that the troops were going to begin a slow, scheduled, safe and intentional departure but they would leave about 1000 military members behind for ongoing safety needs. This is the crew which will help oversee security and stability and training for Iraq during and after their transition period. 

We also told you about a retired Special F0rces Marine, from where we live, who was tasked to return to the sandbox as a contract worker to train other military, new and incoming to the sandbox, on security protocols and procedures for the region, because he was already well-experienced in that department. My gut tells me that he's equipping those final one thousand troops so that the others, those who've been there the longest, get to begin the rotation to come on home. This allows Iraq to "save face", maintain some extra security and safety standards for all those who will be traveling there and exchanging - plus the removal of any remaining bad actors who cause trouble before, during and after Iraq IQD rate change occurs. 

I just want to be clear that Iraq isn't going to need to hold off their RI/RV until the last of the troops withdrawal in November 2025. ➡️ The USA can still get paid, the USA troops can begin a scheduled, calculated and planned departure; and the remaining skeleton crew - bare minimum needed for securing safety during the transition - can all happen before next Fall 2025. 

Hope this helps and brings you as much encouragement as it does for me! This is when you know you "can see the light at the end of the tunnel" and be super thankful that it's not an on-coming train 🚂!  😛😁😆😂

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge, Ambassador for God's Abundance with the New Earth Alliance 

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