Sunday, September 29, 2024

Kurdistan Finance announces the results of its delegation's recent visit to Baghdad, 29 SEPT

 The Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced the results of its delegation's visit to the capital, Baghdad, regarding the issue of financing the salaries of employees in the region.

A statement by the ministry said, "During the past few days, a delegation from the Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan Regional Government visited the capital, Baghdad, and met with the federal Ministry of Finance on the issue of financing employees' salaries," noting that "the two sides reached a number of understandings."

The statement pointed out that "the Kurdistan Ministry of Finance has submitted the list of employees' salaries for the months of August and September, as requested by the Federal Ministry of Finance last time."

He added, "In order to cover the deficit in August salaries, which is estimated at 243 billion dinars, the Federal Ministry of Finance decided to disburse the suspended payments from February to August, and it is scheduled to begin distributing salaries at the beginning of next week with the arrival of supplementary funding from Baghdad."  link

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