Sunday, September 29, 2024




MM: I saw an article today “ The head of the Kurdistan party provincial council stressed on Saturday the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution. “  This is why my phone was blowing up. This may be why Sudani and everyone are getting together today. With article 140 they need the new value of their assets. I think this is huge. 

MZ: That is huge. They need to revalue the assets before the census happens. 

Member: I was told as soon as article 140/HCL passes – then we go. 


MM: Good morning everyone. Iraq has done so much work and we all know Al Sudani was just in New York again at the US assembly. He also had sideline meetings and had his speech and returned home yesterday. 

MM I think he has more meetings today ….but his acheivments in 2024 hve been phenominal.  Including international interconnectivity. This showcases the fact that Iraq is going international..Al Sudani also talks about $83 billion for the investment side of the budget for infrastructure….which tells me he needs the money released publically. And he needs to tell his people where the money is coming from. 

MM: The world is waiting to see the budget…but Item #4782  has not been released yet in the Iraq Gazette…..there is good reason for it. I am optimistic in includes the new REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) 

MM:They already have the new technology for international interconnectivity that we have all heard about that is fast, accurate using blockchain ledger technology. Everybody needs to be on the same page at the same time on this system

MM: When this happens prepare for shocks. . 

MZ: What are your thoughts on Sudani’s speech at the UN?   He talked about them being fully international.

MM: I think the very last part of that speech he says Iraq is taking its rightful place in the international world. It’s interesting that he said that because a year ago this September he was showcased as being the savior of the international financial system. And again in Davos a few months ago where he had the likes of Jaimie Dimon and JPMorgan and the biggest banks in the world there. 

MM: Iraq has all the assets, new technologies like the Ayuscuda system at the borders to collect those non-oil revenues and taxes. I believe there are meetings today with Al Sudani and Al Alaq and the banks. At this stage in the game you have to ask yourselves why? I’m hoping it’s to decide not to use the rate of 1310 anymore…..but something different. 

MZ: So how close are we…. iyo?

MM: With Sudani back now….why couldn’t it happen at any time? To me there is no reason it could not happen at any time.

MZ: I agree. He’s done the victory tours, he has told the world they are restored and fully international. …Time to see the fruit of his labors.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see my phone blowing up this weekend with the news that it has happened. 

MM: I think Sudani is obliged to do this at this point. 

MZ: I agree he has done all the groundwork , done all the stuff, paid all their bills….he is kinda obliged to do it. 

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