Monday, September 9, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Potential Lifting of Ban on Iraqi Banks Within Six Months, 10 SEPT

 Potential Lifting of Ban on Iraqi Banks Within Six Months

As of September 9, 2024, a significant development in Iraq's financial sector is anticipated, with the possibility of lifting the ban on 14 Iraqi banks that were previously prohibited from conducting US dollar (USD) transactions.  The ban was initially imposed due to concerns over illicit activities, including money laundering and the potential redirection of US currency to sanctioned individuals or jurisdictions. However, recent assessments suggest that the banks' compliance mechanisms and regulatory oversight have improved, paving the way for a potential reversal of sanctions. 

The Impact of the US Dollar Ban on Iraq

The imposition of the ban in recent years has had a significant economic impact on Iraq, affecting the Iraqi dinar's stability and leading to a tightening of wire transfer controls between the US Treasury and the Central Bank of Iraq. This, in turn, caused a decline in the value of the Iraqi currency.   The USD plays a crucial role in the Iraqi economy, and the ban's effects were felt across various sectors, particularly in trade and investment.

Iraq's Strides Towards Economic Stability

The financial advisor to Iraq's Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, has highlighted the role of the central bank's decisions in reducing inflation rates and enhancing the value of the national currency.  Salih emphasized that sustainable economic growth, driven by high productivity, good employment, real investment, and innovation, is essential for the currency's strength. Moreover, technology and innovation are seen as key factors in improving productivity and economic growth, which can, in turn, enhance the currency's value.

Reforms and the Future of Iraqi Banking

Despite ongoing challenges, including corruption within the banking sector. Iraq's financial system has shown signs of resilience and improvement. The potential lifting of the ban on Iraqi banks is a testament to the Iraqi government's efforts to reform and stabilize its economy. However, the effectiveness of these policies in confronting real economic challenges and the ability of the Iraqi economy to achieve sustainable growth remain subjects of ongoing debate and scrutiny.


The anticipated lifting of the ban on Iraqi banks within six months signifies a positive step forward in Iraq's economic recovery and financial stability. This development reflects the progress made in addressing previous concerns over illicit financial activities and underscores the importance of continued reforms and improvements in the banking sector.

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