Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 💢 Incredible Bank story shared by Liberty Loungers Extraordinaire 9.24.24

💢Tinka (German): Dearest Ginger 🫶 A dear soul from Switzerland whom I got to know through your chat sent me this text! I asked her if she had sent it to you and she said no and asked me to send it to you!. It's so great, what wonderful people come together through this great channel 🙏🏻😻

💢 Anonymous GLL Friend: Hello! My friend, from whom I got my dinars, has traveled to America. Today he wrote that he was curious (about The Camper Event) and went to the Bank of America to try to learn more. He writes: ⬇️

💢 German Traveler: This morning I had the idea to just pop into Bank of America during my business trip to the USA and ask a few questions about T4B. So I grabbed my friend and we went to the nearest branch.

There we were greeted by a friendly employee who introduced himself. We explained our request and after a short conversation, he disappeared unexpectedly. After about ten minutes, two gentlemen in suits appeared and politely asked us to follow them up to the eighth floor to the bank's executive floor.

Once upstairs, we found ourselves in an elegant conference room. The atmosphere was professional. And then, the unexpected surprise: a dynamic woman entered and greeted us in German! Eric and I looked at each other in amazement, finally we were able to talk shop in our mother tongue. 🙂

Over the next two hours, we had an intense conversation about T4B and many other topics. It turned out that the Americans had long since prepared all the systems and were just waiting for the final go-ahead. What was particularly interesting was that BRICS is no longer a hot topic in the US banking world. The banks are ready for the coming changes and expect many millionaires to be created overnight.

My conclusion: anyone who invests in foreign currencies should consider themselves lucky to be part of this process. In addition, I now have a direct point of contact at the bank and the reassuring feeling that I can count on their support at all times.

This day brought unexpected twists and turns and valuable insights, and all because of a simple question! Sometimes curiosity pays off.

💢Ginger adds: The city is unknown at present, but Tinka thought to ask these contacts and awaiting their reply. It's also unknown how long this German fellow and his colleague are staying in the USA. Regardless, it's exciting to learn how readily received they were and how prepared the banks, many of which will also be acting as Redemption Centers, are - and motivated to support us in these exciting times.

~ Ginger's Liberty Lounge 

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