Friday, August 30, 2024



Hello everyone. So, today is Thursday and I needed to confirm a few issues with my CBI contact in Iraq before publishing this Newsletter. This will be the only Newsletter this week. Sorry!

Yes, today’s news is mostly about what my CBI contact told me is happening in Iraq. There are no newer lower denominations in the ATMs or elsewhere. This can not and will not happen until the rate changes closer to a dollar. However, there are lower denominations being loaded in the ATMs and they are the 250, 500 and 1000 notes.

So, where these intel gurus in the USA get their information from, I do not know. Just lie this idiot TNT Tony told us he had a contact in the US Treasury tell him it was going to R for the last 10 years. Did it? This is the same US department that is now occupying an entire floor in the CBI telling us they are there to clean up the corruption with the dollar. Oh….. does this seem strange to you. I think this TNT idiot has been caught in a “Super Fantastic” lie. Yes, I have been telling all you stupid TNT followers he has been lying to you all along. He is a “scam artists” and a VERY good one. What will it take to make you believe me? Stay away from this guy and many others.

How many times already have they gotten you excited over the last 20 years? How many times are they going to tell you their bullshit!. ☹ This is FACT. Also, I was told once again the process will begin with “EDUCATION” followed by “ACTION”. Get it? Yes, we have seen some of it already but there is more to come. Also, I should not have to remind my Mnt Goat blog readers of the necessity of the parallel market to get very close, if not matching, tp the official CBI rate. We are watching for this and it has not yet reached its goals. Has it? NO it has not! So, have we seen this yet? What is all this stupid rumors and ignorant hype from all the intel gurus about the lower denominations again and the RV happening?  Yes, again. How many already did they try to lie to us? I mean mostly this idiot TNT Tony and his tiny, little, mentally deranged groupies. Where does this idiot get his intel from OR does he just make it all up? Stop it please! ☹


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