Sunday, August 18, 2024

Minister Of Oil: We Stopped Burning 65% Of The Gas, 18 AUGUST

 August 15, 22:15   Information / Baghdad...  Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani confirmed today, Thursday, the contracting of all gas fields and the cessation of burning 65% of its quantities, while pointing out that

 Iraqi gas is distinguished globally by containing ethane used in petrochemical industries.

 "During this period, the Ministry of Oil was answering all inquiries submitted by these companies, with the aim of facilitating the process of submitting offers and preparing them at the required level."  He pointed out,

 "The expected production rates for the patches are estimated at 700 to 750 thousand barrels per day, in addition to investing 850 mqmq per day of gas, but

it is hoped that the real levels will be higher than the speculative levels," noting,

 "There are fields that are now producing large quantities." From the gas that is used to the national grid that equips the various power stations, the percentage of gas investment has reached more than 65 percent, while the quantities that are currently burned and have not been invested so far do not exceed 35 percent of the total gas quantities.”  He continued,

 "All gas fields have been contracted to invest and employ them through various contracts," pointing out,

 "There are contracts in Dhi Qar Governorate that have been signed and are now being implemented in contract with (the American Baker Hughes Company), where the completion rate has reached more than 65 percent." %, and there are contracts signed with the French company Total to invest gas from five oil fields, which are (Majnoon field, West Qurna 2 field, Luhais field, Tuba field, and Artawi field), and through these contracts, all the gas that is currently being burned will be invested.”  He stressed,

  “The Ministry of Oil plans to completely stop burning gas at the beginning of 2028, and use all the gas produced to generate electric power and other industries,” adding that

 “Iraqi gas is distinguished internationally by a specification that differs from other types of gas, as it contains a high percentage of the ethane compound.” Which can be employed and used in the petrochemical industries.” Ended 25 nوزير-النفط:-أوقفنا-حرق-65-من-الغاز    

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