Saturday, August 3, 2024


  Militia Man  

We don't put our head in the sand but the bottom line is everything we're seeing for the last two years should have everybody excited...

 Article quote: "Prime Minister advisor for financial affairs Dr Muhammad believes in the midst of the changes in the international commercial and financial space Iraq has moved to important organization levels in the transition to a market economy...which allows foreign banks to operate in Iraq and allows the transfer of capital and currency."  

 That statement right there to me is massive.

Think about it.  You've been stealing from the country for 20 years.  It's kind of hard to ween yourself off theft and corruption.  That's what Iraq's been going through.  They're getting better and better and better as you can see...We all know there's some entities in Iraq that own media and they throw it out there to throw people off... [Their name] probably starts with the letter "M" and we can go from there.

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