Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Iraq pursues his former oil minister via Interpol, 22 AUGUST

 ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Federal Commission for Integrity continues to coordinate with Interpol to arrest former Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar, who is involved in billions of dollars of corruption.

In mid-August August 2023, the Karkh Investigation Court, which specializes in integrity issues, issued a decision to seize the movable and immovable funds of former Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar.

At the time, Iraqi supervisory sources spoke of inflation and extreme wealth in the minister's funds, who, according to the same sources, owns millions of dollars worth of real estate in Iraq and abroad.

Earlier, the head of the transport and communications committee in the Iraqi parliament, Zahra al-Bajari, confirmed that the former minister in the integrity courts has 68 files related to financial and administrative corruption and waste of public money.

At the time, she pointed out that Abdul-Jabbar was involved in damaging public funds within the oil sector worth $ 825 billion.

Al-Bajari said in a press statement on October 18, October, 2022, that the former minister "amended a contract between the Ministry of Oil and two British and Chinese companies related to the Rumaila oil field in a way that causes financial damage to Iraq estimated at more than $ 825 billion over 25 years."

The Iraqi MP said, based on a report of the financial audit, that among the paragraphs affected by the amendment in the contract is a paragraph to reduce oil production and export by 750,000 barrels per day.  link

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