Friday, August 30, 2024


 Militia Man  

How do you value a country?  What's it based off of?  Their resources, right? 

 You got to do a collective analysis.  You have to value it.  There's been people as far back as 2003/2004 that worked on a feasibility study on the country of Iraq.  One of those people was in Central Coast California.  

I know that for a fact because I wrote a letter to the gentleman that wrote the feasibility study...We've been watching it ebb and flow ever since...I didn't get involved until about 2010...

The IMF...198 page document that showed $3.22, I went, wow, that's what they potentially could reinstate at?  I'm like wow.   Okay, now it's time for me to pay attention.  That's why I'm here.

The Development Road Project is going forward whether you like it or not. 

 Iraq is going International, they just haven't yet.  They're not on the Forex but are they going to be there?  I think they're going to be there...quite soon.

 Article:  "Al-Mashhadani announces the approval of the majority of deputies to his nomination for the post of Speaker of Parliament

 Now it is waiting for a vote. Let’s see how long that takes...

I do believe the optics of having all three presidents in place when they fully open the doors to the world with their real effective exchange rate, will or would be well accepted globally.  Investors would likely see it as security and stability.

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