Friday, August 30, 2024




Tuesday we didn’t have rates on the bank screen and now we have grey scale on RC screen and can only see bank screen rates and all this will change over the weekend  but for right now grey screen cannot be read but the bank screen can – remember the QFS had to be fully implemented and at 8pm tonight based on the gold backed currencies is now fully implemented and ready to go. 

  And not only the RC but ALL the banks globally are fully integrated. A point about rates – someone is saying the rates are going to be the same at banks as RC  but that is not True – at the RC the Dinar will be 3 x higher and the Dong 2 x as high and Bruce knows them but cannot mention them tonight.   

You must call the number to make your appointment and the toll free number will be like in the three central zones.  By calling the 800 number and you’ll get an AI generated response to you – if we call on a day say Monday /Labour Day – you might just get an AI system and they all the zip codes and Bruce think Canada might be able to use that number  - HSBC and RBC merged into Scotia and that a great back up bank to HSBC and HSBC is global and also Bank Santander  - in South America – and Truist Bank now merged with SunTrust  - and if you are in the US dial the number and you’ll get a RC close to your postcode – even out west you shouldn’t have to drive more than 80 miles or a lot less.   

Timing  - we’ve got information pointing to us getting notified.   On Sunday after Forex comes back up and we’ll see ALL new rates on all currencies but the people at the RC and banks any workers should see all new rates and we should see them Tuesday.   My belief is we could notified on Monday and set our appointment for Tuesday.  Be Prepared.   

What else   - Jeannie always prompts me on R&R  latest on debt relief mortgages and CC eliminated and starting 4  -5 - 6th September  Wed/Thurs/Fri and may take to the 15th to complete.

So give it time to happen and might take awhile to get it all done and we might get that Nesara announcement and R&R that is suppose to kick in the first week of September, sometime in the first week – it might not be in all but might take sometime to reach everyone. 

  If your exchanging your R&R is already in your QFS account  - so if you are exchanges and you should have and be able to see that balance in your QFS account and go through your exchange and get it all done and you’ll be loaded up with a amount ontop of the R&R.   Then you can see that and move what you think you’ll need for 30 – 90 days  - don’t worry you’lll be able to move plenty of money.   Bruce talking about a billion into your master account – but whatever you have set up with LLC’s Bruce plans on setting up individual accounts.   

What going on right now – there are global arrests taking place but we need to get further along and a certain percentage to go forward and I can tell you we don’t have that far to go before they release everything to us and we can easily make that by the weekend.   The Forex closes down tomorrow for 48 hours and back up Sunday with brand new rates.  We have 15 rates on the screen and the IQD isn’t on right now but Bruces guess is it will by Sunday and traded as such Internationally.   And we’ll see that reflected at our appointments so Monday is in play for the emails and numbers.   

And Tuesday we might get to speak with a human – we don’t have to wait for higher rates for certain people that have Dong  but the rates are very good at RC’s and the Bolivar Very Good. 

I can tell you the Zim is on par and no restrictions on how many you exchange.   Just use the RC’s and if you hold Zim you will be a free Qphone.   So hope you have written some notes down and those appointments should be 30 – 40 mins  - so make those presentations concise.

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