Sunday, July 28, 2024



 Community Comment "An old 1000 dinar will be worth $3.21 x 1000 dinar = $3,210."

  No it won't.   Not at all.  They'll just look at [your 1000 note] and know this is the old currency and you have to exchange it for the new  currency and if you don't want the new dinars that fine but they're not going to give you a $3.21 rate time this full amount.  They  [will] know the re-denomination has already taken place...They'll give you $3.21.  That's what you get. 

 Article: "International Monetary Authority:  Iraq increases its gold reserves to 148 tons".  

They added another 2.6 tons of gold to their holdings...I remember way back when Iraq had...86 tons and now they have 148.  Iraq is doing everything they can to help strengthen Iraqi dinar.  This is a great sign.


 Article: "Iraqi bank announces investment deposits with returns up to 10% "  that's a really good return...Imagine if 20 years ago you'd have made a deposit and been able to get back 10% back annually while it's just sitting there.  You'd have made a ton of money by now...

You see some of us have millions of Iraq dinars.  Let's just say for the sake of it

somebody like me, I got 5 million, I deposit it.  It's going to give me 10% return on my investment.  I'll take 500,000 Iraqi dinar back annually.  That's a nice little return.  And just let it sit there while I'm waiting...If the exchange rate changes I can always have them return it to me in USD.

 If you'd been holding on to your dinars for at least 10 years you have more than doubled your money.  That's not including any change to the exchange rate, because if the exchange rate changes, then you get that back once you cash out. 

 In other words if you tell the bank I'd like to get it in USD, they go, okay, no problem.  And please transfer that to my American account.  Just something to think about.  I may actually do this.  I'm going to reach out to them and see what it takes and what happens.  If I can get 10% on it annually I'll take it.  Heck I might buy more and deposit more.  Something to think about.

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