Saturday, July 13, 2024

Evening News with MarkZ. 07/12/2024

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to the weekend

Member: Hear any great news today Mark?

MZ: The biggest news today came from banking, wealth management, redemption folks . I was told they do have to work this weekend. It’s mandatory that they have to work this weekend. It is only part time hours….They do not have to work a full day. That could change? But this is unusual. 

MZ: Normally they set them up as a “call in” But no- this weekend they have to work. I hope it means something lovely. 

Member: Perhaps those being called in to the banks to work part time this weekend; maybe it's for final training before the big show????

Member: Did anyone else see the Fox story reporting on Nesara from Charles Payne…….This was on the 10th. 

MZ: They never mentioned the term Nesara….They talked about a great wealth transfer and the need for debt forgiveness….It was still a great piece…and they mentioned all about the things needed to do to make this happen. 

Member: Two weeks back I saw an article that the Pope was calling for Metal back currency and a Debt Jubilee.

Member: Bingo! Timing is everything.

Member: I thought you said this week that Iraq has the rate already?

MZ: I absolutely believe they have the rate….. I don’t think Iraq is stalling….I think they are waiting for the “go” signal. 

Member: I would love to know who gives the “GO” signal. 

Member: I think the US is stalling.

Member: Iraq only accepts dinar for their oil…something is happening.

Member: Mark, wolverine said this weekend we will receive our notice ….I sure hope this is  true?

MZ: Most of what I am getting is for earlier next week…..BUT, I did just find out that some of my banking/redemption contacts said they have to work this weekend. It’s not “on call” Its mandatory to work… it is possible. 

MZ: “DOW hits all time high in broader market rally”   Reminds me of 1929……a lot. And Forbes just released that thy think the markets are about to have a massive correction. 

MZ: This is a melt up…watch it. Markets do this just before a big correction. 

Member: What is your guy saying Mark?

MZ: My gut is screaming it will be this month…...

Member: Article: The 2024 budget will be returned to the house of representatives …saying its “unconstitutional”? 

MZ: It’s my understanding they sent it back and the official story out if Iraq is they are correcting some minor issues with tables…and the rumor is running that we will see a rate change when they correct the tables. At least that is the rumor running around Iraq…. 

Member: I received an email from Chase bank inviting me to the “Private Side” I only have $25 in my checking account. 

MZ: lol…they are getting prepared for you.

Member: I keep getting JP Morgan wealth management mails

​​Member: I just pray that we're finally at the finish line!!!

Member: Good night all….have a wonderful weekend!


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