Thursday, July 25, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. 07/25/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark, Mods and everyone in the chat

Member: ​​Today is a great day to have a great day! Let's RV! Ha!

Member: Will we have our” Christmas in July?”

MZ: That is the pressing question

Member: Congress starts summer vacation today and won’t be back until Sept 9th 

Member: When Do Congressional Members don't have immunity? When they're not in session---that’s the rumor

Member: what is up with us marshalls headed to dc and new york officers headed that way

Member: Theres a rumor that there are thousands of US Marshalls out arresting right now.

MZ: Don’t know about thousands….but I have some US Marshall contacts being scrambled to the DC area. Is it because they are short on security after yesterday’s Palestinian protests/uprising?  But I have been told there are many credible threats against the supreme court…..They could be sent there for protection.

MZ: So yes…there is a large scale movements of Marshalls and law enforcement being brought into DC right now. 

Member: I hope they are going there to do mass arrests in DC. The cabal has to go.

MZ: There is a difference I reporting at the IRS…Mostly in systems and who they are allowed to pursue. Or not…..Almost as if they are going through major changes….Isn’t that interesting.

Member: The IRS also needs to go….

MZ: Bond news all over. I get great news from one….then others are getting stonewalled….still needing final contracts. One of then told me they want all contracts out and delivered by August 1st  This doesn’t mean they are punting things….I was told a long time ago that only 30% of bonds need to be paid for us to move forward. Aug 1st is only 7 days away. 

MZ: Bond rumors says we may have massive movement today and tomorrow….. But, I personally believe we should have already had it by now. 

MZ: Still hearing the timeline is set for the US drawdown of troops in Iraq. In other words…Iraqis will now be taking care of Iraq. There will still be troops in Iraq on the bases… safeguard the region….but not to handle the day to day stuff. 

Member: If the Dinar won't RV until the US Troops leave Iraq, which begins in Sept. …still a few weeks away from any real positive news.

​​Member: Maybe the date being set for military to leave Iraq is enough to meet the condition of rv?

Member: I still think the financial crash has to happen. RV will be the savior.

Member: BREAKING, King of Jordan has dissolved Jordanian Parliament and holding new elections in September.

MZ: This is getting interesting. 

Member: Why don’t you give us all the rumors anymore? It’s like you are not even trying?

MZ:  IMO 99% of the rumors out there right now are misinformation……keeps you on the roller coaster. I would rather sit back and watch things unfold then spread that disinformation. It has gotten crazy out there. They are feeding us crap on purpose to cloud the timinig. I don’t want to play that game. But it is clear they are making great progress. 

Member: I keep reminding myself, “Quiet is good.”

Member: Does everything revolve around the Dinar? Or, is there a chance the Dong or another currency could RV prior to the Dinar going?

Member: I heard the dinar is the lynchpin to support everyone else going…….guess time will tell.

Member: Dow is up 200 points right now

MZ: That is the plunge protection team….created in the 80’s to handle that crash. A shadowy group to keep markets from crashing. 

Member: What is the plunge protection team?

Member: Reagan's Secret Weapon: The 1988 Creation of the Plunge Protection Team to Guard Wall Street

Member: Keeps markets from crashing

Member: ​​MarkZ, Do you believe it's East to West and funds have started in the East?

Member: MARK is there anyone in T 1 2 or 3 with real liquid cash for REAL 

Member: Thoughts o this: (From dinar guru)  Guru Jeff  President signed off on...the budget on June 27th.  I want to show you a pattern here...Issue number 4781 published in the Gazette on July 1st 2024...then...they skip issue number 4782 and advance to 4783...published on July  8th.  We believe the Gazette issue number that is missing actually the budget itself.  They just can't publish it in the  Gazette because right now it's being deemed or perceived as an unconstitutional law.   

MZ: The rumor running around is it’s the “budget tables with the new rate “ but I believe this is accurate. 

Member: Watching Grass growing gives you practice to wait for RV theraputic.

​​Member: Mark, thank you for just being there and keep us from going completely lemming. God Bless!



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