Friday, June 14, 2024


Thurs. 13 June Mike Bara

 “A source got a call from a high banking source at a major bank in the south. “You’ve been bugging me about this for ten years. Well, congratulations buddy. Your dream is about to come true.” 

SOURCE: “What do you mean?” 

BANKER: “We just got a letter from headquarters informing us to get ready because ‘The Iraqi Dinar is revaluing extremely soon.’”

Thurs. 13 June 2024 Jentel Short, Jennifer Fallaw-Doering

When can we expect Notifications now? They are monitoring suspicious behavior in Reno, which could be a problem. They are also watching rates move on screens. Best estimate is today, tomorrow, or later if Reno is a problem. 

I see currency flowing from exchange centers into Reno and then sent back to countries of origin. Reno is important. Keep an eye on that.

 They can’t have terrorists interfering with that process. So, it’s still happening. These terrorist attempts are like flies buzzing around the picnic, but they want to make sure there are no wolves hiding in the bushes. Have a great day.

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