Monday, May 20, 2024

"Geopolitical Tensions Continue to Shape Global Trade" BY GOLDILOCKS, 20 MAY

 "Geopolitical Tensions Continue to Shape Global Trade"

The BRICS Nations is and will continue to grow. The next economy will be determined by the price of gold, and not, the dollar. Many countries are leaving the dollar and trading in their own local currencies. To join the BRICS Nations, you have to own gold to support your country's currency. And then, you can be trading partners inside the BRICS Nations. 

Saudi Arabia is expected to join this time around. They are expected to join in August of 2024. This shift from the Petro dollar to a Petro Yuan is expected to be a significant shift in monetary flow. It will create a more balanced set of demands on local currencies in a way we have not seen in a long time.

These new demands are forming because of geopolitical tensions, but we would have eventually had to move this direction anyway. A Fiat monetary system just simply is not meant to last forever. We have been in a transitional economy since we moved off of the gold standard in 1973 under President Richard Nixon.

For the last 4 years, new alliances have been formed on the sea and on the land that will determine new trading routes and trading partners. These new bilateral agreements between countries will form new trading relationships and new demands on our local currencies.

This will shift our economies forming new business models that will determine prices on goods and services through supply and demand. Each country will be backed by gold and other commodities to level the playing field and opportunities going forward. 

This is never been a push of the button reset moment. Rather, it has been a gradual evolution into a new way of life determined by an inner desire by each country to experience a level of freedom through conscious choices that bring forth what is best in all of us.

It is a movement of the body, mind, and soul to restore a separation that was never meant to occur. As we return to our natural habitat, our lives will be forever changed by an event that calls on what is highest in us to live in the world as it is. 

The G20 will meet late this year to discuss and work on countries that still need attention in the Global South. The focus of this meeting is to level the playing field in the Emerging Markets. No one is left behind on this global transition. Every effort is being made to include every country in the world on this new digital asset based trading system.


© Goldilocks

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