Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 05/15/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 05/15/2024

Member: Happy Hump Day 

Member: Good morning, Mark and fellow RV’ers!

​​Member: I cannot believe we are still sitting here waiting for this. Honesty, WTH

Member: Hoping Mark has exciting news today 

MZ: I have one banker tell me today that this still looks to be our month. This is based on what they are hearing and the training. 

MZ: I have a bank story sent to me that I thought was a great one. “I am writing today because my daughter works for a small bank in Kansas. They only have one location but have been in business for many years. My daughter is a loan processor and administrator for the bank. They started training this week on a new system that will be used in the loan department.

MZ: During training yesterday they talked about and showed a screen that the credit analyst would use to  convert foreign currency. This is for people who would be using foreign currency to purchase commercial properties or homes. Of course her ears perked up because she knows what is coming. They have never mentioned making purchases with foreign currency before. You could never do this before in the US- You had to convert foreign currency to US dollars first. 

MZ: She stated that this training for the new system is 2 weeks long. We will see if any other exciting information comes out. Once the training is done she will see if she has access to that back screen to look up currencies and their conversion rates for purchases . More to follow……”

MZ: To me this was very interesting showing that screen . 

Member: If we can purchase a home before the RV using dinar or dong…that is exciting news. 

Member: Wolvie said we are just going to get our emails…no announcements?

MZ: I know they will try to keep it fairly quiet. They won’t be able to. 

Member:  Mark have you been told you will not be making a public announcement and there is no 800 numbers?  But notification by individual emails only? 

MZ: I have not heard that…but it would not surprise me if they went that route for security reasons.  You are still going to find out…You are still going to get notices. But they want to keep out of the public eye as much as possible.

Member: Another intel provider says banking folks are on call for 45 minute stand by to come in to make appointments.

Member: ( From Dinar Guru) Guru Mnt Goat  ...Iraq is always much farther ahead than it seems in these articles, as they can read a bit gloomy at times like there is a ton more of work to be done. But in reality, they are much, much closer to accomplishing most of the goals to the Pillars of Financial Reform as we realize as needed to progress forward into the international arena and play ball with the big guys… Folks, it is coming...we can’t stop it now. It is just a matter of time.

MZ: That is the truth. 

Member: Bond facilitators being paid what’s happening with bond holders???

Member: How are bonds getting paid w/o a rate?

MZ: Bonds have nothing to do with currencies and their rates. They are to separate things 

MZ: Still no confirmations if bond holders are paid. 

Member: What’s your take on the GameStop news? Will the market crash this week???

MZ: They did back room deals to screw the little people. People who held it broke the system. I love it. It was a huge short in the stock market  The biggest short right now is silver. That is why the price of silvr is manipulated…They know silver could break the system. 

MZ: I am excited right now to see banking changes and the move to commodities. We see fiat stumbling. I have great hopes for us little people right now. 

Member: BREAKING - Slovakia's Prime Minister Fico in life-threatening condition after being shot in apparent assassination attempt in Handlova, office says

Member: (Reuters) - West. Union confirmed on Thurs it had resumed its remittance service from the U.S. to Cuba after the system collapsed more than three months earlier,

MZ: There are more pics and videos coming from the streets of Cuba. People are upset that the financial banking system in Cuba has completely collapsed. Bank accounts have been emptied and no cash in the ATM’s .  For some reason this story is ignored by Main Stream Media. The government will now offer the citizens Universal Basic Income.  This is what the globalist want for us all. 

MZ: This is a scary thought… But I still believe we are going to win. . 

Member: Its horrible what they are doing to the Cuban people. Hello Communism

Member: They’ll Need to barter in Cuba hopefully they have gardens and storage food

Member: If the cabal win and force the CBDCs on us…we will all be just like cuba. 

Member: No offense Mark, but I am looking forward to not seeing you every day. Instead, ready for a celebration somewhere. Will this ever go?

Member: Seriously, Mark, I am wondering if the next requirement for the RV will be shaving our heads, so we all look more like the Chinese elders

Member: All we can do is keep waiting. We have no choice.. 

​​Member: American flags across the country will be lowered to half-staff today. May 15 is National Peace Officers Memorial Day.

Member: We appreciate you so much, Mark! Thank you for hanging in there with us all these days to encourage us and keep our hope up!!!!!

Member: hope you all have a blessed day !! it's good to see you and Thank you all !

Member: MAY this month be the best for All RV aspirants.

Andy Schectman joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions,




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


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