Sunday, May 5, 2024



MICA is currently giving us a digital framework by regulating current prices on the new digital economy. They are also securing our new digital economy as well as many other facets of the QFS.

It is a Government Intervention on assets across all sectors of the market. Below is a brief summary of the overall picture.

Some of our assets are overinflated while others are way undervalued such as foreign currencies in the eastern half of the world. Regulations will help level the playing field going forward.

Governments can regulate the price of assets such as fiat currencies through buying and selling actions (supply and demand) in international markets.

And, they can create regulations as we are seeing now to control excessive enthusiasm for an asset class that correlates with the cost of doing business.

Price controls keep assets from being pushed up in price through a group of people manipulating its price pressures through speculation.

The overall purpose of regulating the new digital economy will be to allow utility to drive the price through supply and demand bringing our assets into real values across every sector of the market

Esma Europa | Investopedia

© Goldilocks

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