Saturday, April 20, 2024


 Fri. 19 April TNT Tony

Iraq’s Sudani headed back to Iraq Fri. night. Multiple high-order contracts have been signed!

Sources in Iraq say this will be done by Mon. 22 April.
Expect our announcement by Monday. (Probably Sunday) Everything is done and ready to go!

Banks  have been told to be ready!
The release process will start as soon as the delegation arrives in Iraq. I received a message near the end of the call that the process has just started in Iraq.
ZIM 2008 / 2009 – 50 -100 T notes are the notes targeted for redemption.

Bolivar is still in the first basket.
IQD Contract Rate will only be available at a Redemption Centre.
Wed. 17 April MarkZ: The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting before Mon. 22 April.

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