Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Texas Snake, [04/14/2024, 8:05:12 p. m.]:

Should be interesting what occurs in DC this coming week with the Premier visiting Biden, rumors aare to watch Tuesday with a publication in the Gazzete whixh is their Wednesday.  We shall see!!!!!

Do I need to correct my spelling or do you get it?

Ok thank you folks for your attendance and participation

Am hearing this is possibly the most positive week we have are will have since this journey began

Salty is who owns this room and provided me this opportunity

You just being a member is reward enough

They ate every bit of it and the crowd was much smaller than usual

Texas Snake, [04/14/2024, 10:24:51 p. m.]:

More intel announcement political speaking could be forthcoming any day this week based upon what occurs in DC so stay alert

Texas Snake, [04/14/2024, 10:37:13 p. m.]:

Was gonna p;ay sone tunes but the file won't open so nite nite

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