Monday, April 15, 2024


 Mnt Goat  

 the TRUTH finally coming out in the Iraq news. We don’t have to guess, it’s in all the news channels from Iraq now. Yes, the Iraqi dinar and the future revaluation of it is on the agenda for the April 15th visit of the Iraqi prime minister Al-Sudani to Washington, DC...The next stop is the in-country rate if all goes well that we should expect shortly after Al-Sudani’s return from Washington DC.  We then know the rest of the process and what happens next… We can almost see the finish line as the train is about to come around the bend.

Article Quote:  “Approximately 1,000 ATMs will be installed across all provinces,  districts, and areas of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) by the end of 2024”  

We have been told years ago that the ATMs are  pivotal to the Project to Delete the Zeros... good news!

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