Wednesday, March 6, 2024



Q & A

Question from Leonard:

Hallo Mnt Goat – Wie Geht’s? (just started German lessons for my post-rv trip) I have ‘gifted’ several times but only once did I think to include my name. Please re-explain the difference you see between GCR and CR.
If I recall correctly, you described the GCR as a Global Currency Reset and the CR as a Currency Reset – and that the former is more of a global elitist agenda, while the latter is the one affecting our purchase investment.
I’ve not seen any mention of this for some time, and yes – I’ve read every one of your newsletters – at least since finding you here after you departed (DR??)

Answer from Mnt Goat:

Guten tag. Wie geht es dir? There is no short answer to your question.

I have been saying for almost a decade now there is no such thing as a Global Currency Reset or Currency Reset. Obviously, either you have not been listening or were not a follower of the blog back then. So, I will try to help you and all the other newbies to my blog.

READ MY LIPS – It is all such bullshit made up in the mind of this guy TNT Tony, the infamous idiot intel guru. He is the spreader of this ridiculous, out- of-hand rumor. Yes, it is all just bullshit. These currency manipulators are using TNT Tony to get people to buy all these currencies. Get it? They are manipulating the market. They are manipulating their internet sales. Get it?

The one that really gets my goat is the Zimbabwe ZIM. Boy, oh boy are people going to be in for a huge surprise when they walk into the bank thinking they are going to walk out millionaires in exchanging a worthless, null and voided, piece of collectors paper called the ZIM 100 trillion note.

This all will occur because some idiot TNT Tony told them to go out an buy it as it would be worth millions in the GCR. Yes, he started this rumor too. Folks this so scary I can hardly believe the people on his conference calls when they keep asking about it, as if it is really going to happen. Unbelievable, mind-blowing bullshit. It’s like they are hypnotized….

But my conscious is clear, as I have warned every one of these brain dead TNT followers and you too. But its not just TNT either. This other idiot Bruce from the BIG (stupid) Call, tells his listeners that these voided out pieces of paper are “bonds” and “payable to bearer on demand”. Really? He justifies this nonsense by telling people to look on the currency for these words. He forgets to tell people all currency has this phrase written on it, as currency is actually an I.O.U. It is meant for merchants to be a placeholder to be exchanged later for gold or another precious metal. In the earlier part of our nation it was a convenient way to transact business quickly. Later the holder could take the paper I.O.U. to the bank and get the appropriate amount of gold or precious metal. It kept the merchants from being robbed of their gold.  

But when an I.O.U. is cancelled it is null and void. Such is the case with these 100 trillion ZIM notes in 2016 by the Zimbabwe Central Bank. If you were paying attention, you would have learned that the Central Bank of Zimbabwe gave the citizens a time period to turn them in for cash. They offered about $25 USD for each 100 Trillion note. So, today this Bruce guy from the Big (stupid) Call is telling people they will receive 100 trillion dollars for each 100 trillion ZIM note during this imaginary GCR. Folks this is insane as the total annual budget for the U.S. is only about 4.7 trillion. Do you see the insanity and stupidity? How can this possibly be? The reality is, it is a scam! ☹

But all these idiotic intel gurus don’t do any research on their own as they just repeat rumors over and over again convincing their stupid listeners it is fact. Remember that just because you hear something over and over again does not make it a FACT. It is always just RUMOR until proven to be FACT by diligent research.

Why did the banking cartel need to phase out the Gold Standard?

Finally for the US Dollar, they implemented the final phase of taking away the gold standard so you can no longer demand gold or silver for the US dollar notes (unless it is an older note and states it as a gold or silver certificate).

Even the coins are now watered down with a very tiny percentage of precious metal. Many countries followed the US policy and so most currencies are now just “fiat” currencies backed by nothing but speculation. That is at the heart of the problem today with the global financial issues we are facing. There must be some new global standards developed to value currencies. They are attempting many reforms and I have talked about many of them in the past, but ultimately it will come down to going back to the gold standard and the US will take the lead once again but not until the banking cartel (Federal Reserve and Central Banking System) is no longer making monetary policy for the U.S.  Instead, the crooked banking cartel propose something to ensure the final nail in the US Dollar coffin. They proposed an even worst, mind shattering, nightmare, shady currency called the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). I have to tell you if this ever is fully implemented and tied into the ESG scores you may as well kiss your freedoms and liberties goodbye. Instead, if any country really wants financial freedom they should ban or grossly reform the Central Banking system altogether and regain control of their own money policies.

Why would the banking cartel want the return of the gold standard, since without it they manipulate and control economies at will. All they need is the US Congress to approve it legally. By putting puppet politicians in these positions in the government they have been very successful so far in racking up massive debt for the U.S. nearly 35 Trillion. The interest payment alone on the debt is reaching $750 billion annually. It will soon equal all the funding of the Federal Government including the military, govt payroll, social benefits, etc. Do you see a problem here?

This is not sustainable for any economy. Oh…but these liberal polticians want to talk about sustainability this or sustainability that, anything about sustainability of national debt.  

Do you see now that there is no such thing as a GCR or CR? This is not the solution. Get it? It is all made up bullshit just like the GESARA / NESARA. There are no “White Hats” out there to save you!  

So now the IMF and World Bank are attempting through the Basel financial reforms to back currencies with real assets as part of the asset distribution for a county. A percentage of the valuation must be in gold and other precious metals. But this is not a GCR it is just an attempt to standardize currency valuation methods across all currencies. This way investors can speculate and control risks accordingly. They must stop these wild currency market swings. It is killing countries. Get it?

Iraq’s biggest asset is still oil but still they suppress the dinar not even to the true value of the asset of oil reserves they currently have. Go figure?

The war has been over now for 20 years. Go figure? But oil is slowly becoming just a shrinking revenue generator for Iraq as other assets, especially customs, tariffs and exports have the potential, if regulated correctly, to rival the oil revenues. What then? Will they still suppress the dinar? Will we investors have to wait that long?

Could groups of currencies devalue or revalue? Yes, they can and this is already done quite often, in fact almost daily on FOREX. But there is much, much more to this. There is also currency manipulation going on. What they wanted is huge swings in the rates brought on by speculation post-war events. This is where the real opportunities come because they can then control and manipulate it outside of the secured trading platforms. It becomes very apparent how the deep state used the Iraqi dinar and dollar auctions for this purpose.   

So do you still believe there is going to be ‘GCR” or whatever the hell these idiots are calling it today?

We must all just continue our prayers and as for the Glory of God to come upon Iraq. This way we too as investors can participate in their good fortune. Iraq has come a very long way in such a short period to move ahead now much more aggressively with their monetary reform process. In fact it has moved ahead to stages that we can “see the writing on the wall”. We can see God’s Hand at Work too! The end to this RV saga is nearing. Am I saying the RV is going to happen tomorrow? No, please don’t put words in my mouth. I bring the news from Iraq to you and attempt to help you understand it better, that is all I do. If you want to get on the RV roller coaster and ride it, that is your decision. Personally, I don’t like roller coasters they make me sick! ☹

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