Friday, March 8, 2024

Iraq seeks to achieve economic integration among the countries of the region, 8 MARCH

   Iraq seeks to achieve economic integration among the countries of the region

The Minister of Transport, Razzaq Muhaibas Al-Saadawi, confirmed today, Thursday, that Iraq seeks to achieve economic integration between the countries of the region.

The Ministry stated in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News Agency, “The Minister of Transport headed a high-level government delegation to the United Arab Emirates to discuss the field experience in applying governance and digital systems to the process of transporting goods by the transit system.”

She added, "The Minister held a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure of the United Arab Emirates, Suhail Al Mazrouei, the Minister of State for Foreign Trade, Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, and Captain Mohammed Juma Al Shamsi - Managing Director and CEO of Abu Dhabi Ports Group, to discuss partnership, mutual cooperation, and areas of common interest." In the transportation sector.

She continued, "Al-Saadawi discussed with Emirati officials the field experience in applying governance and digital systems to the process of transporting goods via the transit system, and the merits of the Development Road Project and its economic importance to Iraq, the region, and the world."

Al-Saadawi reviewed, according to the statement, “the strategic projects undertaken by the Ministry of Transport, especially the development road project,” explaining that “the transport sector file tops the list of priorities of our Iraqi government,” as it constitutes a measure of the progress and renaissance of nations and societies, which has necessitated us to find plans. Strategy, policies and projects that allow the development of this vital sector, most notably the development road project, which will constitute a qualitative transition in the economic and commercial reality, and will transform Iraq into a major station for trade between Asia and Europe.”

He expressed, “The Ministry seeks, through the development path, to achieve economic integration between the countries of the region, by facilitating the movement of goods and services, and in a way that provides a favorable environment to achieve higher levels of productive and economic integration,” indicating that “the development path, with its various projects, will be a stone.” “The corner for a sustainable economy, through which we aspire to build a regional partnership that contributes to the success of this strategic project for the region and the world, by taking advantage of the distinguished geographical location of our country, which connects the Asian continent with the European continent.”

He noted that "the field experiences in working on this development road project put us in front of many challenges, which Iraq has come a long way in overcoming and meeting the requirements of this project."

He concluded his speech by saying, “We hope to advance the wheel of work, coordination and cooperation between the two brotherly countries towards achieving sustainable development and responding to the growing social, economic and environmental requirements.”

In turn, the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure said, according to the statement, “Our meetings with our brothers in the Republic of Iraq have always resulted in a strong desire to advance relations between the two sides to more distinguished levels. Our meeting represents an advanced step in strengthening the leadership of our two countries on the regional and global arenas, and reaching “The transport and logistics services sector will reach the highest levels of competitiveness and attractiveness, by enhancing the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices, which contributes to achieving progress and prosperity for the two brotherly peoples.”

While the UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade stressed, “The leadership of the UAE attaches great importance to activating work with our brothers in the Republic of Iraq and enhancing economic openness between the two countries and cooperation in areas of joint work. There is no doubt that today’s meeting is of special importance, as more investment opportunities and ways to enhance Economic relations and increasing the volume of trade exchange between the UAE and Iraq   link

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