Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 03/06/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 03/06/2024

Member: GM MarkZ & Mods & Family

Member: Anticipation fatigue is real…..and I have it bad

Member:  Any thing positive going on? Markets a hot mess.

Member: Is the chatter still good that we may see something today or tomorrow?

MZ: I feel confident we are extremely close…Maybe today or tomorrow….I’ll take either…..or whenever we get it. I am afraid to let myself get to excited. 

MZ: MilitiaMan had a great recap on the dinar last night.  Around the 14 minute mark he mentions that JP Morgan (Jaime Dimon) made a statement that “Iraq will be the savior of the world economy”  I.   That tells you the importance of what is going on in Iraq right now.   Be sure to go listen to MM and like and share his videos. 

MZ: There is a tremendous amount of effort and hope around this event. 

Member:  I asked my bank in Hawaii if they were basil 3 compliant and I got a call back that they are not required to be compliance. bigger Banks like Chase and other International Banks have to meet it

Member: Does Mr. C entering the codes have anything to do with the RV??

Menber: He is one of the signatories that bring in the gold backed currency for the US….. 

Member: I'm hearing when the Market drops 3 more times...It will trigger the crash and everything will follow.. Yesterday it dropped really Low...

Member: Mark did you hear anything about the rumor that the banks in the Federal reserve is not going to give out any more money after March 11th? 

MZ: It means the Federal Reserve ends their short term loans they put in place when some banks were going under. (Signature Bank, SVC Bank ecct..) So the safty net for smaller banks ends on March 11. . 

Member: Yes. Doesn’t it mean the treasury loans or bailout to banks end on March 11th? 

Member: I wonder when the US dollar is revalued, will the value of gold be correspondingly be lowered in value?

Member: I wonder what are the chances NO IRS TAXES due April 15th?

Member: If there are any white hats….One would think they do not want us to pay billions in taxes that go straight to the bad guys cabal to re-hypothicate the evil ones……So if you are listening White hats……get this done before we have to pay those taxes in a month. 

Member: What is “double dipping” 

MZ: If you exchange some currency …then go buy a bunch more to exchange….that is double dipping. 

Member: That’s why it makes sense to it all at the same time….and let us exchange once. 

Member: this roller coaster should be coming to an end soon!!

Member:  March 6th, 2024:  God is saying to you today,"You are going to receive that miracle You've been praying for.  Only I can do the impossible, I can make a way where there seems to be no way.

Member: Thank you Mark Z! You’re the calming voice of sanity in this insane world.

Member: Happy Birthday to all celebrating today. God bless you all.

Andy Shehctman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today…Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information. 

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