Sunday, February 4, 2024


 Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post

Forwarded from Carpathia:

(This was one huge paragraph, so I broke it up into sections for easier reading. – Bonnie)


Hope you guys are doing okay. it is close to 3 pm here in Sydney. I  decided to have a chat because I am getting private messages asking why “we are not seeing anything.” 

When I first started I had no contacts, then luckily enough a person in Twitter, helped introduce me to Judy Byington and Fleming, and then I got in with Salty. That was a long time ago. You guys need to start doing research. I am trying to find info, by talking with people who know people, trying to find out info they know. Most of you are stressed out, living out of cars, and it is sad to see that.  Many wait to see what Wolverine is doing.  

Please start doing research, I am not the military here. I wish I was in charge and I would have started this thing a long time ago.  I want to say something to make you feel at ease: It has started. I have spoken to very big whales: The biggest ones in Spain and South America, and they have told me what they could (as they had NDA), but she did tell me yes.. yes!!.. It has started!!  She basically gave me the green light by what she said. She said, “Don’t worry about it. No need for you to do any more intel. it has started.”

I have talked to lawyers who have direct contact with general paymasters. The funds are in the paymaster’s accounts, just waiting for the funds to be released. D1 is released. D2 is to be released.  I made an error about D3 being empty, but D2 is being emptied now, and is going into paymaster’s account. Hopefully tomorrow or Sunday, I hope to get a call from the paymaster to tell me it is time for me to open the champagne. 

The 7th of the month is to be D day,  When money goes into the Whale’s account, they cannot touch it, but it will be liquid within 48 hours. It is happening!  The RV is started! 

Skye was right.  The borders being closed has nothing to do with this! No more news about borders! They are under control. Pray to God, that in a few days, we can celebrate all together, as one.  

Charlie told me that when we get to the end that those you thought were your friends, would show their true agendas. Big truthers are revealing  themselves as to who they really are.  So that is all I have to say. 

Believe this is happening  It is happening. Some people have received payment but cannot touch the money. They received an official letter from Michael Rubin for notifications. 

Guys relax. Don’t spend your time here on Telegram. There is nothing more for me to do to chase intel. I will wait till they call me so I can open that champagne bottle in the near future.  Take care, Wolverine

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