Thursday, January 11, 2024


 Redemption Center Protocol, XRP LionNew Ddave XRP Lion – Gotta Know This at Redemption Centre: January 2024 (Must Watch) Trump News | Alternative | Before It’s News (

  • Everyone who has bought foreign currency or Zim Bonds from a certified dealer will receive an email, text or phone call from Wells Fargo that contains a 800 number to call for your exchange/redemption appointment. This 800 number can be sent to others for their use.
  • When you call the 800 number you will be asked questions to confirm your identity.
  • They will then route you to a Regional Call Center closest to your home, or to a location of your choice where you will make your appointment.
  • Arrive at your appointment no sooner than ten min. before. Your appointment will last around 30 min.
  • A Redemption Guide will meet you and help you throughout your appointment as you go through nine stations.
  • Station One Know Your Client: present your ID (two picture IDs are recommended). You will be given a Resonance Scan of your Bio-metric vibrations (that will detect the bad guys). If you don’t pass the scan you cannot exchange or redeem.
  • Station Two Currency Exchange, Zim Bond Redemption: You will hand over your currency and/or bonds to be verified and counted. It is recommended that you keep pictures of all your currency and bonds in case of questions about their validity. It is also recommended that you have the currency and/or bonds separated and accounted for on a cover sheet so there is no question about what you turned over.
  • It is at Station Two where, if you have been given currency or bonds, you will hand over notarized and signed Gift Letters done by whoever gave you the currency or bonds. (If you do not have Gift Letters, you cannot exchange those bonds or currency you were given).
  • Also at Station Two you will do your actual exchange. If you have Dinar, ask them for the Contract or Special Rate, whichever is higher. (I have heard the Dinar Special Rate is anywhere from $11 to $17 as compared to the international rate of just over $4).
  • Station Three Security Protection: Your own biometric vibration is added to your Quantum Access Account and Quantum Card (QAAC).
  • Station Four: You will supply a password and create your own Quantum Access Account and Card.
  • Station Five: You will receive a Quantum Computer and Quantum Phone.
  • Station Six: You will create your QFS Transfer Accounts.
  • Station Seven: You will receive your QAAC ATM card.
  • Station Eight: You can request gold/access backed cash, checks and Proof of Funds Letters.
  • Station Nine Human Initiative Trust: You can present a 15 to 30 second snap shot of your Humanitarian Project and then a 3 to 10 min. Project presentation. You give them a 3-4 page copy of your project and have them sign and date your second copy that you keep. You will need to tell them how much money you need for your project in the first 90 days, including what it will be used for.
  • During your exchange you will be required to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). That agreement will normally last 90 days. That NDA is reported, recorded and stored on your account on the Quantum Financial System. Read the NDA carefully before you sign it. If you violate that NDA your QFS account will be frozen and you will lose all of your money.

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